Not So Normal Teenage Life

Yes, I am a Vampire

I looked at the clock "I'm going to be late." I grabbed a pack of gum and shoved it into my jacket pocket and walked out of my room into the living room. "mom," I yelled "I'm leaving now". I grabbed my house keys and turned to open the door when my little brother Ryan ran down the stairs. "Where you going Ally" he said running in between me and the door. his brown hair was a mess and he had chocolate on his chubby 10 year old cheeks. "I'm going out, Ryan" I said pushing him out of the way. "Nuh-Uh. Mom said your still grounded." Ryan said in his annoying 'I told you so' voice. I rolled my eyes I didn't have time for this. My mom walked into the living room "you are not going any where, Al" her voice was nice and sweet like it almost always was. She had blonde hair and beautiful purple eyes that showed she was trying really hard to keep this family in tact. I sighed when my older brother Kevin, and dad walked in. I wasn't going anywhere tonight, THEY WOULDN'T EVEN LET ME OUT TO HUNT. "Ally, you know the rules. Bite family, and there is going to be punishment. Your going to be seventeen soon you should know better than to have bitten uncle Albert." My dad spoke, he was not yelling, yet, which was nice. If I argued though Kevin and my dad would go off on me, and Honestly I didn't want to deal with that. I did not say anything back I just walked back into my room, plopped onto my bed and fell asleep.

My alarm woke me up late. I didn't have time to eat breakfast I had to be at school in ten minutes. Ryan faked being sick so it was just me and Kevin in the car together. I looked out the car window. "Mom and Dad are thinking of ungrounding you tonight. but you didn't hear it from me." Kevin said glancing at me. That meant that they were going to let me out again so i could go restock on blood. It had been two weeks since I had someones blood, I needed it soon. "Good their pushing the limits of how long i can go without blood." I said with more attitude than I expected. Kevin nodded "I know they know your a vampire, we all are... well other than mom of course." I nodded also agreeing with him. My mom was human that's how me and my brothers can go out into sunlight and are vampires, its because we are half vampires and half human. See most vampires also cant eat human food after they go full vampire, another good thing about being half human.

Kevin and I got out of the car when we got to school. Kevin was a year older than me and was a senior. His girlfriend walked up to him, pushed him up against the car and they started kissing. I rolled my eyes in disgust and walked off to find my friends, oh yeah, and boyfriend that I don't kiss. I found all of them in a huddle in the court yard and just about all at once they asked me why I was not at the party last night. I sighed "I wanted to go but I am grounded and my stupid little brother ruined it for me by blabbing about how i was grounded and stuff. I really wish i could sew his mouth shut." My boyfriend grabbed my hand "man, that's to bad. 'cause I meet this girl-" I elbowed him in the gut "Jez I'm just kidding. Anyways It was totally lame. The best thing about it was when Ashley fell into the punch and got her slutty outfit all stained red, started crying, and her boyfriend ran off cause he was so embarrassed. Nick got it all on his phone, said he was gonna post it on the school website." He said. I knew he was joking about the girl so I let that slide and started talking about Ashley and everything that happened at the party that I missed.

After school I meet Kevin by his car where he made me sit in the back so his girlfriend could sit in the front with him. I stared out my window most of the way home when Kevin's girlfriend (who I soon found out went by Jessica) asked me if I was also a vampire like Kevin. I narrowed my eyes at him a little so that he could notice but Jessica couldn't then just acted like I didn't hear her ask me anything. Kevin looked at me through the mirror "are you going to answer Jessica, Ally?". I looked at him then Jessica "sorry I didn't hear you. what did you ask?". She turned to be showing me her short dark purple dyed hair, and brown eyes. "Are you a vampire like Kevin is?" She sounded like a nice person she looked it also. "Oh, yeah. I am. vampires go full vamp. when they turn sixteen" I explained. "But your like twelve." Never mind I take back what i said about her being nice. I didn't like her. "I am not twelve. I'm almost seventeen" I spat. "Ally." Kevin said shooting me a 'You better shut your mouth' look. I rolled my eyes and looked out the window.

We got back home from school, the car ride felt like it was never going to end. I went into my room and my mom and dad followed. "Ally. We need to talk" my dad said sitting on my bed. "what ever I did I didn't do it swear, Ive been at school all day long." I sat on my pillow on my bed as my mom just stood there. my dad shook his head, that was a good sign. "Look, you have been grounded for two weeks and since your birthday is coming up me and your mother decided to ungrounded you. But here's the thing. Ryan is pretty sick and cant do very much so you are going to have to help him out." My mouth dropped open. "But I actually have a life" I said with out thinking. "It will only be for about two or three days" my mom reassured me. That made me feel better. That meant I could still go to parties and hunt when I wanted to. My dad stood from my bed and tossed my phone onto it. "Still no parties for a week" My mom said walking out of my room. At least I could now hunt and had my phone back
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First chapter. Give me your thoughts so I know if I should continue