‹ Prequel: Dangerously Close
Status: Active!


The Meeting

"For crying out loud, would you two stop being bloody cowards and walk," I groaned as I tugged helplessly on Blaise and Daphne's arms. "You two agreed for a reason."

Ever since I had asked Blaise and Daphne about attending the meeting at Hogsmeade, they had been eager and behaved well by keeping their mouths shut on their activity. But the closer the weekend neared, they had become more hesitant.

"But what if your brother doesn't want us there," Daphne asked with hands on her hips.

"It's not like he likes Slytherins," Blaise snorted.

I scoffed. "First of all, he has to because I'm one," I recalled, pointing a finger at my chest for emphasis. "Second, I'll make him agree. I could bloody care less about what he thinks."

The two exchanged glances and let out a small sigh as they were dragged into the Hog's Head. I put my hand up as a gesture for them to wait outside as I opened the door and entered. So far the only people inside were the Trio. I sighed in relief and walked up to Harry.

"Hi, Rose," he greeted. "So, this is really happening."

I rolled my eyes. "You sound like you're not ecstatic about it yet I'm one hundred percent positive you've been subconsciously planning lessons and thinking about ways to teach the kids."

He shrugged, trying not to crack a smile. "I've given it thought - but most of what I was doing was just lu-"

Ron threw his hands up in the air and let out a moan. "For God's sake, not the luck think again," he cried.

I laughed. "Harry, it wasn't luck. You're incredibly bright! You'll be fine!"

Hermione gave my brother a pat on the back before turning to me. "So, did you manage to find anyone who would want to come? I managed to convince a couple of people, they seem pretty interested..."

I nodded gleefully. "I did, in fact. I got two people. Doesn't seem like a lot, but it's work!"

As if on cue, Blaise peeked his head into the pub. "We're coming in now, it's fucking freezing out there."

As they entered, the trio's eyes widened. "You brought Slytherins," Ron hissed in bewilderement.

I put my hands on my hips defensively. "First of all, I'm a Slytherin so by saying that you're complaining about my being here too." Ronald huffed at that comment and crossed his arms. Harry tried to listen but I could make out him gazing intensely at the two from behind me. "Second, they're not bad - as bad, no offense - and I'll have my eye on them."

"How do you know they won't rat us out," Harry grumbled.

Blaise exhaled deeply. "Mate, she just said she'll have her eye on us. Plus, I'm positive Granger here has got something figured out." He sent a wink her direction which disturbed the girl a bit. Ron's envy was evident through his scarlet ears and narrowed eyes.

"I can't believe you made friends with a Slytherin," Ron mumbled tartly. "Not one, but two."

I glared at him. "We are merely acquaintances, they know and have been warned they don't have my full trust yet, but I don't think they're that bad. They want to stand against Umbridge just like everyone else coming. That's what this group was about - and we want this to be for Hogwarts - not just three Houses."

Hermione bit her lip and frowned. "She has a point."

Harry sighed. "Fine. They can stay."

I beamed brightly and attacked him in a hug. "Yay!"

Daphne smiled. "I promise we'll be so bloody amazing you won't regret it!"

Harry awkwardly (and rather falsely) smiled before grumpily turning to face the door.

"That didn't go as bad as I thought it would," Blaise chuckled as I led them to take a seat. "I was more than sure he would attack us."

"I thought Weasley was when you flirted with Granger," Daphne giggled.

I gasped and then beamed in glee. "You didn't say 'Weasel!' That is a huge accomplishment for me to witness, wow."

Daphne looked a little puzzled but Zabini was laughing at both of us.

I grinned. "Just for that, this calls for drinks! On me!"

Daphne cheered and began small talk with Blaise as I walked up to the man. He seemed a little astonished at the fact there were six people in his pub - he scrubbed at some glasses with a rusty rag. His eyes became slits as I made my way towards him.

"Two butterbeers and a firewhiskey."

He grumbled. "Firewhiskey?"

I put my hands on my hips. "I'm 17, thank you very much."

The man didn't reply. He just continued to wash the glasses and then pour the liquid into them. After handing me the steins, I gave him three sickles and skipped back to my friends.

"Well, well, Potter's getting the good stuff isn't she," Blaise commented as he took his glass from my hands.

I grinned and took a swig from mine, gulping down the flaming taste. The alcohol burned my throat in a good way. "You can never go wrong with firewhiskey, Zabini."

Ron leaned in and pat my shoulder. "Blimey, Rose, you seriously got that? Can I have a sip?"

I shook my head and smirked. "No can do, mister."

He turned to Hermione and beamed. "'Mione, do you think that bloke would sell me firewhiskey?"

Hermione's eyes widened and she swatted his arm. "Ronald!"

He rolled his eyes and rubbed his shoulder. "Fine, guess not."

I giggled and let the trio go back to their conversation, but silence fell when the door opened and people began swarming in. First came Neville, followed by Lavender Brown and Dean Thomas. Luna Lovegood skipped in with such grace you would have thought she stumbled in here on coincidence. The twins came in with Lee, holding bags of Zonko's merchandise. Ginny and Michael Corner walked in behind them, followed by a few other Ravenclaws. One of them happened to be Cho Chang and a friend who seemed the least bit pleased. Some Hufflepuffs joined in - she recognized Ernie Macmillan, Hannah Abbott, and Susan Bones, but two others she had no idea.

Harry seemed shocked at the result of people here, much like the bartender. "A couple of people?"

I could feel the two Slytherins next to me sink in their seats in silence. I turned my head to them and frowned. "Just ignore them."

"They're all staring at us," Daphne almost spat.

Blaise scratched the back of his neck and took a quick look around. "It's too late to leave now anyways."

"You see? That's the spirit - sort of! Just shove off any nasty glares or comments, remember what we're here for," I commented with a lace of encouragement.

Fred and George slumped in the seat next to me with Lee. "Hi, Rose," the three of them chirped in glee.

"Well, well, looks like our snakey snake has brought some friends," George realized, raising a brow.

"Seems unlike of Rosalie to make friends with Slytherins, Georgey," Fred agreed.

I scoffed. "You two are unbelievable. They're not bad people."

"We never said anything," the two exclaimed in defense.

Daphne waved at the three of them, but Blaise still seemed a little uncomfortable with a greeting. He stood there sipping his butterbeer blankly.

"And who might this lovely girl be," Lee asked with a wink her direction. Daphne awkwardly giggled. "Erm, Daphne Greengrass."

"Nice to meet you, flower," Fred cooed.

"You three are gross! Stop flirting with her."

They laughed and watched as Harry went to order butterbeers for everyone. Fred looked around for a moment and leaned in. "Have you seen Rayne?"

I scanned the small pub and all the faces. Rayne's face wasn't visible anywhere. I pouted. "She said she was coming?"

The door opened and Rayne came bustling in. "I'm sorry I'm late," she announced. "But I brought someone that I think is overdue!"

Ruby walked in to the room with a big smile. "Hello, my bitches! I am back!"

The Gryffindors there and two of the Hufflepuffs jumped up immediately to greet Ruby. I beamed and ran up to her, pushing through the people to give her a hug.

"Ruby, where the fuck have you been," I asked.

"My mum didn't want me to come back," she explained as her face fell. "The stuff with Voldemort...she didn't think it was safe to be here."

Her look practically screamed, "My mother didn't believe you guys so she didn't want me to come back to lunatics against the Ministry."

I sighed. "You wouldn't be the only one."

She nodded but then her eyes finally looked down and took in the Slytherin beanie on my head and the badge pinned to my robe. "What's with the Slytherin pride?"

I frowned. "It's a long story - but to cut to the point, I'm in Slytherin now..?"

Her face fell and she pulled me into a hug. "No, my love! You can't leave Gryffindors!"

"I didn't want to," I protested.

Rayne came up behind us and gave us pats on the back. "There, there, you two. Now go sit down so we can get this meeting done!"

I laughed and let go of Ruby, returning to my two friends. They seemed a little more relaxed now that most of the attention had drawn away from them and onto Ruby, then to Hermione and Harry.

"Um, hi," Hermione spoke, her voice high-pitched with nerves. "You all know why we're all here... we need a teacher, someone who knows about Defense Against the Dark Arts - not the rubbish that Umbridge is teaching us," she blabbed.

Ron cleared his throat and she looked down at him, gaining a little more confidence. "We need a real teacher. Someone who's had experience. Plus, we need to know the spells and not just theory."

"You want to pass your O.W.L's too," a Ravenclaw boy asked with a brow raised.

She nodded. "I do, but I also want to actually learn how to defend myself."

"Why do we need to know this stuff," a Hufflepuff boy questioned.

"Because Lord V-Voldemort's back."

The reaction was expected. Everyone began muttering. Eyes widened in shock and astonishment.

"Who says," the same Hufflepuff boy said.

"Harry," Hermione squeaked.

"Okay, my point is where's the proof?"

"What's your name anyways," Ron spat.

"Zacharias Smith. Back to my question, how do we know he's telling the truth and this isn't another story for attention and glory to the Chosen One?"

I glared at the boy from behind his back, speaking up. "Because he witnessed him at the flesh last year - he murdered Cedric -"

Everyone turned to face me now in silence as I spoke. Zacharias scoffed. "That's not proof. Cedric died - we don't know how. How do we know you really did face him, that Voldemort was the one to kill him in the third task -"

"Dumbledore believes Harry, and he told you all," Ron defended.

Everyone around us was intensely staring at the developing scene.

"He believes what Harry said, and all he said was You-Know-Who killed him," he replied sourly. "There's no evidence. Maybe if Potter told us more about the situation."

Mine and Harry's face fell as everyone began agreeing. I suddenly understood why everyone was here. Harry turned to mutter something to his friends and I stood up in an instant, walking (almost storming) up to them.

"Harry, I know a majority of them to hear about Voldemort but -"

"If you're here because you just want to hear me talk about Voldemort or how Diggory got killed, you might as well just leave right now."

Cho's face fell and her friend tugged on her arm as if pleading to leave. However, she stayed put.

"Is it true you can produce a Patronus," Luna asked.

Harry looked up at her and nodded.

"A full one? A stag I've been told?"

Hermione piped in. "He can, I've seen it myself. He learned in his third year."

Dean smiled in amazement. "Bloody hell, Harry! I didn't know you could do that!"

Neville beamed. "Ooh, ooh! And in his first year he took the Sorcerer's Stone from You-Know-Who and destroyed it!"

Everyone was mumbling in excitement and awe at the things he was talking about. "I heard him and Rosalie slayed a basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets!"

"He fought off about a hundred dementors to save Rosalie and Sirius in his third year," Ron added.

"And look at last year," Cho joined in. "He was brave enough to compete through all the tasks and pass through them when he had to get through his older sister and three other seventh years."

Harry seemed to flush when Cho said that, but he shook it off. "It's not like that - I mean, a majority of the time, it was just luck."

"Harry, it wasn't. There are things that you know that a majority of adult wizards and witches don't know. You've done all these things."

"He's just being modest," Hermione assured.

Zacharias let out a snicker. "We all turn up and now he's saying he can't do any of it."

"That is not what he said," I snarled.

"Would you like us to clean out your ears for you," George asked, pulling a long metal instrument from his bag.

"Any part of your body will do, we're not that picky," Fred said.

The Hufflepuff flushed and I shot a glare at him. "It's your choice to believe whether or not we did fight Voldemort off. But if you don't, it's best you leave now before you and I have an issue."

"And why would I listen to a Slytherin such as yourself," he snapped.

I glared at him, taking steps forward when Harry grabbed my arm and pulled me back. What shocked me is when Blaise spoke up.

"Just because she's a Slytherin doesn't mean a damn thing," he exclaimed. "Wasn't she in Gryffindor just last year, Smith?"

Daphne nodded. "Her House shouldn't and doesn't mean a bloody thing."

Everyone began talking in agreement, eyeing us all. I smiled at them in thanks and they shot me thumbs up. Harry sighed, a little less tense. He released his grasp on my wrist and I merely ignored Zacharias.

"Moving on," Hermione spoke hastily. "The point isn't Voldemort, or Cedric, or House or whatever we were talking about. We all agreed to take classes from Harry, right?"

The students nodded.

"Where can we meet," I asked. "Does anyone have any suggestions?"

"We could use the Library," someone chirped.

"I don't think Madam Pince would be too chuffed with us throwing jinxes and hexes back and forth around her library," Harry spoke.

"An unused classroom," Susan Bones offered.

"Maybe," Hermione considered. "We'll have to figure that out. When we do, we'll figure out a way for everyone to know. But a time?"

"I don't think we'll need to do it more than once a week," I mumbled.

Angelina Johnson spoke from the back. "We have to make sure it doesn't interfere with Quidditch practice!"

Cho nodded. "Yeah, I don't want to cancel Quidditch practicing for meetings -"

"We'll figure out a time that suits everyone," Hermione assured. "We'll send a message to everyone once everything is figured out."

She rummaged in her bag and pulled out parchment and quill and hesitated.

"Erm, I - I think we should all write our names down on this paper. That way we know who was here." After a pause, she continued. "Also, I think we ought to not talk about what we're doing. If you sign, agree to not tell Umbridge or anyone else."

I nodded. "That sounds like a good idea."

Ernie MacMillan's mood dropped. "I-I, er, well, we're prefects," he burst. "I mean, if someone found it and gave it to Umbridge..."

"Do you think I'd leave it lying around," Hermione questioned testily.

"No, no," he exclaimed. "I just - yeah, I'll sign it."

After Ernie no one objected. After the trio signed their names and I did too, Fred, George, and Lee cheerfully skipped up and took the parchment, scribbling their names. The paper traveled around the room. Cho's friend looked reproached but signed either way. The last person to was Zacharias, no surprise. Hermione took the parchment and slipped it in her bag. The room had a new tension now.

In twos and threes the group took leave. Soon, the room was cleared from everyone except Rayne, Ruby, the two Slytherins, the trio, and me.

I walked up to the two Slytherins and smiled. "It means a lot that you're willing to do all of this."

"I prefer standing for Hogwarts," Blaise mumbled casually as he picked something from his nails.

"Yeah, plus, I could actually pass my class like this," Daphne chirped.

From behind me, I heard someone clear their throats. I turned to see Harry standing there, scratching the back of his head awkwardly.

"Erm, I just wanted to say, I appreciate that you guys are willing to do this," he said. "I - I still don't really trust you, I have to be honest, but it's better that we're all taking a stand."

Blaise grinned. "Oh, Potter, you can't doubt every Slytherin. I told your sister the day she joined, not all Slytherins are evil and malicious."

I nodded. "I'm giving them the chance, so I'm glad you'll put in an effort too," I appreciated, patting my brother's shoulder.

He gave a very small smile before returning to his friends.

Rayne skipped over our way and slung an arm around me. Ruby followed and did the same. "So, Zabini, Greengrass, trying to steal my best friend?"

Blaise chuckled and raised a brow. "You sound like you're challenging us."

"Well we might just have to make that happen, mate," Ruby said with a smirk.

"I'm sure you four will get along just fine," I commented.

They giggled and grabbed their things, skipping out. I smoothened out my sweater and pulled off my beanie. "So, shall we go?"

They nodded and we began treading outside of the Hog's Head and out into the lively streets of Hogsmeade. As we walked we talked and laughed together.

"Oh shit, Draco's coming," Blaise warned.

"Quick, put your hands up in the air," I hissed, pulling out my wand as I pointed my wand at Blaise's neck. Daphe glanced between Draco and Blaise, pretending to look shocked and angry at me.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Zabini," I spat as Draco got closer. "I forgot you ruled the streets of Hogsmeade?"

Malfoy snickered. "What do we have here, Blaise? What did you to catch Potter's attention now?"

I scoffed. "This doesn't involve you, Malfoy."

"They're my friends and I just so happened to be looking for them, Potter," he spat. "Unlike you, where's your pathetic little friends?"

"Where's your pathetic posse," I questioned, shoving my wand back in my pocket.

"Waiting for Daphne and Blaise," he snapped matter-of-factly. "You best watch and not mess with none of us - my father will hear about it."

"I'm so scared," I sarcastically said.

He glared and turned his eyes to the two Slytherins who were just staring at the scene at this point. "Come on. We don't need to be hanging around her."

They nodded and followed behind him, mumbling an apology. I watched them walk away and let out a scoff. Malfoy was pathetic. However, I silently praised Merlin that he hadn't arrived earlier and that Blaise had warned us. If he had heard about the group, we would have been ratted out.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione joined me after a few seconds.

"Rosalie, did you know that Ginny's dating Michael Corner?"

I gasped. "WHAT? She...huh? And she didn't tell me, that sly devil."

"They got together at the end of last Year," Hermione composed. "They met at the Yule Ball according to Ginny."

"Which one was Michael," he asked.

"Dark-skinned Ravenclaw."

"Didn't like him," Ron grumbled.

"Big surprise," I mumbled under my breath.

"You're taking this badly, exactly why Ginny didn't tell you," Hermione exclaimed. "Don't get all sharp about it!"

Ron continued chuntering under his breath when a thought came to him. "But I thought she fancied Harry!"

I laughed. "Oh, Ron! That was the past. I mean, she gave up on him months ago. She used to not be able to say a word in front of him and look at her now!"

"I - I thought it was just a twelve year-old thing?"

Hermione and I let out large sighs and continued walking when I spotted Honeydukes. I dragged the three of them in there against their own will, using the excuse "I need some more candies!"

Hermione decided to ignore Ron going off at Michael Corner and turned to Harry. "One thing came good out of today, you know."

"What do you mean," he asked quickly.

"Well, Cho couldn't take her eyes off of you."

His face turned red as beet and I scowled. He was burning brighter than the sun even in the cold sensation around them.

I grabbed a Chocolate Wand and a bag of peppermint toads before taking them to the counter. "Have fun with your dates, I'll marry the sweets and live here the rest of my life."

They chuckled and I paid the woman up front before taking a bag and grabbing my things. We walked outside of Hogsmeade and I looked around in glee. I couldn't stop thinking about the Hog's Head - my insides bubbled at the thought of finally rebelling against Umbridge.

I don't think I had ever appreciated a day in the village as much as today.
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Oops I pretty much double updated aye that's a first