‹ Prequel: Dangerously Close
Status: Active!


The Reunion

I opened my mouth to speak, but his lips collided with my own, passionately kissing me. His chapped lips were only on mine for a few seconds, before he pulled away, his hands cupping my cheeks. They dropped to his sides as he grabbed his books, standing up as he left.

“I had to do that at least once.”


”Avada Kedavra,” the cruel voice of Wormtail exclaimed.

Before I could process the events, a bright flash of green light flew from the approaching figure in the mist, heading in lightning speed our way. The widened eyes of Cedric Diggory met my own dark and fearful ones as the light hit him flat across the chest and he flew back, his lifeless body falling to the ground - pale, and dead.

“Cedric,” I cried louder this time, my voice a screech.

A door lie in the end of a dark hall, it seemed to stretch on forever. I was in tears as I tried to run to the door, but I could never reach it. Halfway through the seemingly never-ending sprint to escape, a black fog appeared in front of me, and Voldemort’s cackling face drifted down from it as I screamed. His wand pointed to me, muttering the words…


My eyes snapped open, realizing where I was. I was panting, gasping for air as my rigid body remained sweating. My heart was hammering rapidly against my chest, almost matching my irregular breathing patterns. My knuckles had gone pale from how hard I was gripping the sheets. But worse, my eyes were dry - I could tell I had spilled tears.

I grabbed my wand from the bedside, thanking the Gods I was of age now. “Lumos.”

A small light emerged from the tip of my wand, giving a brightness to the dark room that relieved me. I turned my head to see my brother opening his eyes, eyeing his glasses. He was breathing heavily as well, slow beads of moisture dripping from his forehead.

“Are you okay,” I whispered, not really sure whether to even speak to him.

He nodded slowly, propping himself up as he exhaled deeply. His chest heaved up and down as he looked around. “Just a dream.”

I nodded as well, letting the awkward tension once again fill us. There had been too much of it since we left Hogwarts. “I wish it would end,” I commented lowly.

Before he could reply, the doorknob twitched, and a light illuminated from the keyhole, as if something was turning it to unlock it. I knew instantly it wasn’t Aunt Petunia or Uncle Vernon, not even Dudley. They were out receiving an award for their stupid “well-kept lawn.”

Instincts kicked in as I reached for my wand. My grip was a bit unstable as my whole arm shook uncontrollably, but luckily Harry had done the same thing and was more steady than my state.

I threw my weak legs over the mattress, letting my feet touch the floor as I stood up nervously, walking to the door. The lock opened completely and the door slammed open, making me jump back. I kept my wand pointed, but lowered it in shock as I took in the figures before me.

Four people were peeking into the doorway, all their eyes landing on me and my brother. One of them was a woman, her hair a bright and brilliant purple like I’d never seen before. Her eyes were a beautiful color, a bit of makeup visible. She was older, definitely, but was only about two inches taller than me which surprised me. Her attire was mainly leather, making her appear very grunge. She wore a proud smile as she held out her lit up wand.

Next to her was another unfamiliar person. He was dark-skinned, wearing purple robes that covered his feet. A matching hat was planted on the top of his shiny and bald head. His eyes were kind yet serious. This man was definitely older, as well.

But the two people I knew made my eyes lighten up. Mad-Eye Moody (the real one), and none other than Remus Lupin.

I beamed happily and tackled the werewolf into a big hug. It was the first time I had smiled possibly all summer, and I could tell even from behind me Harry’s expression had gone happy.

“Lupin, oh my god, what are you guys doing here,” I asked, full of relief and amazement.

“We’re here to rescue you,” the colorful-haired girl said with a grin.

“Are you serious,” Harry asked in a beaming tone. I could feel his eagerness radiating off of him.

The woman nodded, but my attention diverted to Lupin who narrowed his eyes as he inspected me. He shook his head, his irises softening as he realized my condition.

“What happened to you, Rosalie?”

I looked down to the floor, biting my lip. “I, erm, rather not talk about that.”

He sighed, nodding. "Sirius is going to ask when he sees you, you know."

Me and Harry's gaze snapped up as we looked like lost and excited puppies. "Sirius," Harry exclaimed. "He's with you?"

The dark man nodded. "Yes, he is."

Lupin clapped his hands. "Ah, manners! This is Kingsley Shacklebolt, and she over there is Nymphadora Tonks."

She glared at him, her hair changing to a bright orange, resembling a flame. "Don't call me Nymphadora."

Moody slammed his stick on the ground, making a loud noise. I flinched, but no one else moved. "Are we movin' or not," he grumbled in his grizzly voice. I had to cringe at the sound, remembering the last time I heard his voice it was actually Crouch's Death Eater son.

"Alastor is right, we have to get going! You'll meet everyone back at headquarters. A surprising amount of people volunteered to come and get you two."

I furrowed my brows. “Headquarters? People? Volunteer? What’s going on,” I asked as we began treading outside 4 Privet Drive. I was befuddled by the events but at the same time didn’t feel like questioning it if it meant escaping this hellhole for the rest of the summer.

“You’ll see soon. Don’t get too eager, now,” Kingsley said, his voice a bit jokingly.

Each one of us was handed a broomstick. I eyed it down, exhaling deeply. I hadn’t ridden a broomstick since my fifth year, and it disappointed me to a great extent. I suddenly felt nostalgic as I remembered playing for the Quidditch team.

“Surely you all know how to ride a broomstick, you are Quidditch stars,” Lupin recalled, mounting his.

I eyed it, then turned to Harry who was already hovering above the sidewalk. He gave me a what-are-you-waiting-for look and I nodded weakly, throwing my legs across the broom and getting a firm grip on the handle.

“I apologize in advance if I fall sideways, I’m not in the best state,” I mumbled.

“You’ll do fine,” Tonks assured.

I was starting to really like her.

In moments we were flying above the ground and soaring away from Little Whinging. The cool breeze slapping our faces felt somewhat comforting as I looked all around the grand surroundings of London. The town was beautifully lit up and alive. It left me at ease.

“I forgot how great it felt to be up in the sky,” I commented, my voice slightly rising. I prevented from yelling as my throat still prickled from my lack of speaking lately.

The group smiled, dodging a bridge swiftly as they continued their expedition. After a bit, we landed on a long and stretched road. The place was fenced, lined with dark red brick houses all lined up together into one building. Each one stretched out further, numbered 1, 2, and so forth. But oddly, 12 was missing.

“Where are we,” Harry asked. “I thought we were going to some headquarters.”

I rubbed my forearms, nodding in agreement. It would be a lie if I said I wasn’t expecting some sort of underground laboratory that could only be entered through some kind of Portkey. Not apartments with Muggles. It seemed a bit unsafe and unsettling.

Mad-Eye tapped his stick three times on the pavement. I thought there was no absolute reason, until I heard a sound of brick sliding. I looked to the houses and gaped as they widened out, revealing a new apartment. Doors and windows formed in, making a home that wasn’t there before.

“Welcome to 12 Grimmauld Place,” he grumbled before shuffling inside, his wooden peg clanking on the ground with every step. Everyone followed behind him, leading themselves down a narrow hallway.

The room was decorated with a green wallpaper, similar to that of the Slytherin house. There was a dark wood trim running down the sides, giving the house an ornate and sophisticated appearance. More doors and a tall staircase followed in the same fancy wooden design. I felt like I was inside of a mansion - the home was far much larger than I had ever imagined from outside.

I walked to an open door, hearing voices controversing. The one in the end was wide open, and it seemed to be where the sounds were coming from. I edged closer it to and the corners of my lips turned in a sudden joy as I could make out the long hair of my godfather.

I could barely see him as the room quieted down - as in that very instant Molly Weasley appeared, closing the door behind her. I gave her a big smile, letting her engulf me and my brother into a warming and motherly hug.

“Oh, my dears,” she gushed, squeezing us tight.

“Mrs. Weasley, it’s so good to see you,” I whole-heartedly sighed, pulling away from her.

She gave me a sympathetic smile. “Oh, I do hope you’re alright darling. Now I know this is a bit peaky, but you’ll have to wait for dinner until after the meeting is finished.”

Harry opened his mouth to say something, but Mrs. Weasley interjected, patting his shoulder. “Uh uh uh, just head straight upstairs, first door on the left, alright?”

I nodded slowly, not willing to argue further. I began my ascend up the stairs onto the top floor, walking over to the door. My brother beat me to it as he turned the door knob, opening it. Me and him walked inside at the same time, only be attacked in a hug a millisecond later.

“Harry,” Hermione breathed, her arms tight around his neck. Ron pulled me into a warm hug which I gladly returned, feeling instantly better and welcomed as my best friends surrounded me. Positions switched and I embraced Hermione tightly, biting my lip as I tried to hold back my unnecessary tears.

“I’ve looked it up you know, they simply can’t expel you, Harry,” the curly-haired girl stated, her tone full of worry and relief at the same time.

Ron eyed me up and down, shaking his head. “Bloody hell, Rosalie. What happened to you?”

I sat down on the bed, heaving out a deep breath I didn’t realize I was holding. “Just - slight depression. I rather not talk about it,” I murmured. Harry’s eyes met mine and they softened. Hermione’s filled with worry but I gave her a warm yet small smile.

Immediately, a loud Pop! sounded and two ginger twins sat at my side. I jumped in fright, but instantly threw my arms around the two new figures as I realized who they were.

“Oh my god, you assholes,” I breathed, letting out a slight chuckle as I held Fred and George closely.

As I pulled away, I noticed one of them about to speak up as they observed me. I put a hand up. “If you’re going to ask me about why I look like trash, I can’t talk about that right now. But it’s great to see you guys.”

“We’ve missed you two blokes,” George spoke first.

“We thought we heard your dulcet tones and just wanted to pop in and check,” Fred continued.

“Harry, you seem quite tense. Don’t bottle up your anger like that, mate. Let it all out. There might be a couple of people fifty miles away who won’t hear you.”

I couldn’t help but roll my bloodshot eyes at them. I hadn’t realized since now how much I had missed their joking around.

“We’ve been cleaning out the house since no one lives here anymore, they plan on using it for headquarters for the Order of the Phoenix,” Hermione explained.

“What’s the Order of the Phoenix,” the raven-haired boy asked.

“An organization of people against You-Know-Who,” Ron answered as if we should have already known.

I sighed, nodding. “Of course. I can vaguely remember when I was little my parents talking about it before…”

“Blimey, Rosalie,” Fred exclaimed. “How do you remember things from when you were little?”

I scoffed, instantly regretting it as I coughed from the dryness in my throat. “How do I have visions,” I remarked, recovering from my random gag-attack.

“You know the Prophet has been saying a lot of mean things about you, Harry,” George claimed. “Rita Skeeter’s been calling you an ‘attention-seeking liar’ and going off about Dumbledore as well. Saying things about You-Know-Who not being back.”

“He’s right, they have. And they haven’t mentioned the dementor attack either. I think they’re waiting for the right moment to strike, probably after the hearing.”

“They weren’t at the graveyard, so Rita Skeeter could stop making her stupid articles. We should have told the world about her little Animagus secret.”

“I don’t even want to hear about that bitch Skeeter,” I interjected. “I could care less what she says. I don’t even want to talk about the graveyard.”

Everyone around me let out a sigh, and the place fell silent.

“Okay, once you four are done meddling, do you want to hear something a little more interesting?”
♠ ♠ ♠
I tried to make this update special and long because the Order and the friends and reunion and just UGH ♥
Thank you to my lovely commenters the lioness, EmperorKuzco, and misfitchild (don't worry, I get caught up with school too)! You guys are the best and make me want to keep updating!
Next chapter coming soon. Guys you will not believe it but...
When Rose gets to Hogwarts, shit is going down.
And I mean it.
You have NO idea what I have in store for you guys and I seriously hope you'll enjoy the crazy, twisted plans I have!
Love you all! x