I Do

He gave me the Range Rover

Tatum’s POV
I wake up, shower, put my makeup on and put my hair in lose curls. I pull on a pair of skinny jeans and a long sleeve navy blue and white striped sweater and a pair of riding boots. And then it hits me when I see the ring. It’s a beautiful wedding set, absolutely beautiful and looks like something that Patrick would buy. At least that’s what we want people to think. I slip the ring on and make my way to the kitchen.
I see a not.
“Tatum, I left the keys for the Rover for you, consider it yours. I know you have work today but I was hoping we could go to dinner tonight when you get off. Have a good day and be careful out there. It was online this morning. Patrick.”
I jingle the keys in my hand and I can’t even feel excited. A Range Rover was my dream car but yet under these circumstances, I can’t find myself to be over joyed.
On the way to the Ice Box my phone goes off but I answer it.
“Tatum it’s Mike. Patrick’s Manager.”
“Oh hi Mike.”
“Hey so we got the story wrote up. You two have been secretly dating for about a year and decided you didn’t want to deal with all the drama of the public and a wedding so you eloped. His teammates will obviously know the truth but they shouldn’t be a problem.”
“How are you doing?” He ask me, did he even care about me though?
“I’m fine. Just on my way to work.” I tell him.
“Ok well drive safe.” He says before hanging up. I get to work and hope that at least one thing in my life will continue to be normal.
“So you’re married?” Lacy asked with her arms crossed and I frown, looking around, I decide I have to tell her. I grab her arm and take her to the walk in. “What is going on Tatum?”
“It happened two nights ago. I got drunk. He got Drunk. We got married. We are telling people we have been dating for a year and we eloped. Since you are my best friend… I kind of need you to go along with it.”
“So wait… Are you staying with him?”
“Well I have to for now.” I tell her and she looks pissed.
“What why?”
“Because it looks really bad if we get a divorced right away.” I tell her and she nods.
“Well I guess you can look at the pros…. You and I are going to more Blackhawks games.” She says with a laugh and pulls me into a hug. “It’s going to be ok Tatum. I promise.” She whispers and I nod. Something familiar finally setting in.
“I’m just scared.”
“Is he nice?”
“Well yeah, so far. I mean he wants to go to dinner tonight when I get off.”
“Well that’s good!”
“And he gave me the Range Rover.” I say with a small smile, trying to see the brighter side of things.
“Well shit Tatum! It isn’t all bad!” She says with a laugh and then we get back out in the bar.
“What can I get for you?” I ask a couple of girls at the end of the bar.
“Three Margaritas.” They say and I nod. I quickly get the ritas and take them back over to the girls. “Hey are you by any chance Tatum Towers?” The brunette ask, getting a bit excited and I nod.
“Uhm yeah that’s me.” I answer, a little skeptical.
“No way! The wife of Patrick Kane works at a bar!” She says and the three of them lays at me. They actually laugh at me.
“How pathetic. He could have done so much better than some bar hand bimbo.” The blonde says and I don’t know what to do. I turn my back to them and walk into the back. I grab my phone and call Patrick.
“Hey Tatum what’s up?”
“I don’t want to work anymore.” I sob into the phone. Maybe it’s because of everything that’s going on, but it really just set me off. I didn’t want to deal with all of this.
“Tate what’s going on?” He ask, sounding worried.
“These girls, they came in and started talking trash about me because I work here and I’m your wife. Patrick I know it’s stupid but I can’t deal with it right now.” I tell him.
“Tatum screw them. Quite and come home. You don’t need to work.” He says and I nod even though I know he can’t see me. “You can do school full time if you want or something else.”
“Ok… Ok I’ll come home.” I say and hang up. I take my apron off and grab my purse. As I walk by the girls they look at me.
“Were you going? Off already?” They laugh.
“I quite. My husband said I shouldn’t waste my time serving bitches.” I bite back, surprising even myself before walking out the door. Lacy gives me a thumbs up.
I walk into the house and Patrick walks up to me and I surprise myself yet again by hugging him and letting out a loud sigh.
“It’s kind of like a relief.”
“Yeah I didn’t want you working in a bar anyways.” He says with a small laugh.
“Why?” I question.
“Because I didn’t want my wife working in a bar. Not only because it looks bad but it’s dangerous. I’m a guy and I’ve spent my fair share of time in bars.” He says and I nod.
“Hey about dinner… Can we eat in?”
“Uh yeah sure… we can order something.” He suggest and I nod.
“That and a bottle of wine sounds perfect.”
“I can do that.” He says with a smile and heads into the kitchen where I find we have a wine cabinet. “Take your pick beautiful.”
“Oh… That one.” I say with a smile and he pulls it from the shelf.
“So tomorrow I have a game. I want you to come. You can bring a friend if you want. You’ll have a box with some of the other wives and girlfriends.” He tells me and I know it’s important that we keep appearances up.
“Ok but I think there are some things we need to go over.”
“Like what?” He ask, sitting back against the arm of the couch.
“Well If I’m going to be in a box with other wives and girlfriends they are going to want to know things, like how we met, how you asked me to marry you… all that sappy crap.” I tell him and he laughs. It’s obvious that the wine was loosening me up a little.
“Ok well we met about a year ago…”
“We need a date we started dating.”
“Fine uhm… August 23rd. We got engaged this summer but then we decided we wanted to elope because we just did. I asked you to marry one day when we were in bed and I woke up and looked at you and said, ‘I know I want to spend forever with you. Will you marry me?’ How does that sound?” He ask and I look at him sadly. I could picture waking up to him and him loving me so much that he would say that. But he doesn’t. “What’s wrong Tate?” He asked, using the new nickname.
“Nothing. Uhm, all that sounds perfect.”