Status: Something new I'm trying out. I'll try to update as quick as possible, but my inspiration is unpredictable lately.

Product #606

Vixen’s not your typical teenager, but then again, neither is Jeremy, Sebastian, or Damian. They all have a secret. All the boys are werewolves, some more powerful than others – but Vixen? Well, she’s something entirely different. There is no name for a girl who is a superhuman; someone who has a better brain, better strength, better speed, and just about anything better your normal human can do. There is no name for a girl who has almost every unmated werewolf believing her to be their mate but at the same time never picking up a smell to confirm or deny. There is no name for the girl with the blunt attitude who came out of nowhere with her brother, captivating everyone’s attention. Hell, Vixen isn’t even her real name!
She doesn't have a name, but her parents who genetically modified her have always called her Product #606, but that was before she ran away from their lab with the help of her older brother.
It’s just Vixen and Xander dealing with the crazy life of high school, teenagers and unmated werewolves. There is no name for a book like this. But it only seems fit to call it “Product #606.”