Status: Thanks to the people who read or have read it. I owe you guys (:. Also seen on TrickyCookieKid - Deviantart & DecaydanceGurl - Live Journal

I'm Half Doomed & You're Semi-Sweet

A vampire & hunter are friends, their friendship a classed secret. What could possibly go wrong? The secret doesnt stop the troubles they face and dangers created through it
  1. Introduction:
    An Intro - Blood For Venom, Life For Death, Friendship For Enemy.
  2. Child Years
    Age 7: Patrick is oblivious to the world around him. However there is a child that catches his attention
  3. Teenage Years
    Age 16: The secret unravels
  4. The Present
    Age 21: Patrick is a now an official vampire hunter, what could possibly interfere
  5. Encounter
    Patrick not only has to deal with the destruction of the aftermath of his party, he also must deal with his friend who he now knows is the creature he was sworn to kill
  6. Fear