
Chapter One

TG: I think I'll have another drink
TT: Roxy, no
TG: Just a sip, it helps me sleep
TT: Roxy, stop it. Your typing is hard enough to read without the alcohol
TG: Oh dirky it's just a martini!
TT: Roxy.......roxy? You're drinking aren't you?
TG: no, i's just alittel tierd rn
TT: Roxy go to sleep
TG: no I thnki imma takl 2 janeyyyyyyyy
TT: Roxy
TG: Wat
TT: Go to bed
TG: Kk

Roxy didn't go to bed though. She went on pesterchum and saw Jane was online.

TG: janeyyyyyyyyyyu
GG: Roxy are you drunk?
TG: No jst a little tpisy
GG: Roxy go to sleep, okay?
TG: No not chokay u and dirkyyy keep tryna make me g2bed nd i dont liek it
GG: Roxy I'm leaving
TG: noooooooooooooooo dont leave plz
GG: Bye Roxy
TG: Lets talk buot jakeyyy oh ur gone byr jane

Roxy sat on her bed. She had changed out of her clothes and into more comfortable sleeping clothes. She reached for the glass of water on her nightstand.
"Maybe I should try to sober up for them," she said to herself. She took a sip of water, "Maybe they like the drunk Roxy" but she knew that wasn't true. Her friends wanted her to stop drinking. Roxy put down the water and picked up the martini glass. She'll sober up in the morning, but for now......
Roxy took a sip of the martini and later passed out. Shit that stuff is strong.
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So yeah I'm bad at writing......... I hope you like it ^.^