Status: Time goes one way and one way only

Trapped in a Dream or a Nightmare

Trapped in a dream or a Nightmare part 1 the wish i wanted

have you heard about time. when did it start or when dose it stop. lets go on a long journey through one mans dream that becomes a nightmare. once a pona time there was a boy name Edward blackhead. People call him blackhead because it represents his old father ,lost in a new world. Edward was a young child who wearing a vertical striped suit with a bow on he's neck and he was wearing a long top hat. he had a long and freaky guardian who takes Edward's money makes Edward do his chores that the guardian was supposed to do and bully Edward all day. Edward handled it pretty well, until he actually thought. Edward was worrying about how we only have one time, one way. we could never relive the good moments or fast forward past the bad stuff he would want to skip. One day he could handle being in school anymore. Saying phrases like "Calm down ,it will be just fine." The selfish teacher said "are you even listening Edward?" Edward had enough of this crap. Edward got a shiny knife out of his pocket, worrying if he was stab himself. He put the blade in the teacher's chest. blood sprayed everywhere like water but red. The teacher died as her skull rotted. the day was cut short because of Edward's grim choice. When Edward went home ,his guardian was waiting for him. he had long chores for him to do. Edward was so mad, he cut his guardian's head off. he was bleeding like a chicken. He ran all the way to his room and went straight to bed. he went under his blanket and cried like he's eye's were raining. He wished he was never in this place of time. wanting go to a place were he would never start or stop stuff. he slowly stopped crying and then dreamed