Status: Time goes one way and one way only

Trapped in a Dream or a Nightmare

Trapped in a Dream or a Nightmare part 7 the ocean problem

The ocean kept rowing and rowing but nothing seemed to work. the rain came down like the clouds were crying. all of a sudden a giant monster formed into water came towards the ship. The monster felt cold and dark as he came closer and closer. the monster ripped the ship in half. the monster took the man and swallowed him whole. Edward's head was floating on the water. The water was flooding up fast. soon the entire world was filled with water. The water grew higher and higher and higher. the waves went up higher than ever before. Soon Edward could breathe. Edward's face was blue as a blueberry. he never felt this miserable in his life at all, not even if he fixed the roof. His head grew 10 times the size of his body. He couldn't take the pain anymore. His head exploded. Edward woke very very slowly. his head still had a slight ache. the ground was as fuzzy as a bear and the sky was as dark as the emptiness of love. Edward waved his finger into a fist then walk on the fuzzy ground. soon the sky
change into a new image. he say his living room bigger than him. the books on the shelf were like New York city buildings, the apples were like the moon and the stairs were like long roads. Edward explored and admired the big room.