I'm Just the Boy Who's Had Too Many Chances


“Ma?" Frank called up the stairs.

“What’s up, honey?”

“Could you come down here? I need to talk to you.”

“One minute!”

Frank led Gerard to the couch and they sat down next to each other, still holding hands.

“Are you nervous?" Frank asked.

Gerard shrugged. “A little.”

“Why? You already know Mom loves you like another son.”

“Yeah, but It’ll be weird having someone else know I’m gay.”

“You think she’s gonna judge you or something?”

“No. It’s just... I’m new to the whole thing, okay? Cut me some slack.”

“Aw. Newly outed gays are so cute.”

“Oh, shut up," Gerard said.

“Frank, are you okay?" Linda asked worriedly as she practically skipped down the stairs.

Frank smiled slyly at Gerard. “I’m fine, but Gerard has something he wants to tell you.”

“Okay," Linda replied, a little confused. She sat in the chair across the coffee table from where Gerard and Frank were seated on the sofa. Frank had made sure that his and Gerard’s linked hands were hidden behind one of Linda’s numerous throw pillows.

“I’m all ears, Gerard.”

Gerard took a deep breath, and Frank squeezed his hand reassuringly.

“Well, Linda, this is really hard for me to say, but since you’re like a surrogate mother to me, here goes. I’m gay.”

“Gerard, that’s fantastic. I’m glad that you felt close enough to share that with me.”

“Oh, there’s more where that came from," He teased.

“Go on.”

Gerard took another deep breath, and Frank took pity on him and took over the conversation, for which Gerard was incredibly thankful.

“There’s something else we need to tell you.”


Frank pulled his and Gerard’s hands out from behind the pillow. Linda smiled.

“I knew it! I told you! Did I not tell you, Frankie?”

Frank rolled his eyes. “Yes, Mom, you told me.”

She sighed happily. “I’m so glad you two are finally together. You make such a cute couple.”

Gerard blushed, and Frank rolled his eyes.

“Here’s the thing, Ma. Gerard’s parents are a tad bit homophobic." He looked at Gerard for permission to tell the whole story, and Gerard nodded. “They basically gave him an ultimatum of either be straight or you’re no longer a part of this family.”

Linda gasped in horror. “Oh, my god. I’m so sorry, Gerard. Who would do that to their own son?”

“My parents aren’t bad parents," Gerard threw in. He felt it was almost a law that he had to defend them, “They’re good parents and good people, they just reject things they don’t understand. I still love them.”

“Of course you do.”

“So, Mom, we kinda have to keep our relationship a secret from Gerard’s family. You won’t have a problem with that, will you?" He asked, hopeful.

“Of course not. You’re both family to me, and you should be happy and love whoever you want, regardless of their gender.”

Frank sighed in relief. “Thanks, Mom.”

“Thank you so much, Linda.”

“Oh, it’s not a problem, sweetie.”

“On that note," Frank said, standing and pulling Gerard up with him, “We’re going up to my room.”

“Ah, ah, ah," Linda said, stopping Frank dead in his tracks, “Before you two scuttle off to live happily ever after, there are some things we need to discuss.”

Frank groaned, and he and Gerard sat back down. “Shoot.”

“First, I’d still like you see you both. I know you already spent too much time together, and I can’t imagine how much worse it’ll be now. I don’t want you two hanging out in the attic every waking moment.”

“Can do.”

“And no matter who it is, Gerard or otherwise, your love life will not supersede your academics. When you graduate, you can make Gerard the most important thing in your life, but until you have your diploma, your schooling will be the most important thing in your life.”


“Don’t take that tone with me, Frankie. And lastly, and I know you don’t wanna hear this, but deal with it. I understand that you’re both young, and teens are teens. I understand how it is to be 18 and filled with raging hormones and to have urges.”

Gerard giggled, and Frank groaned again. “Please don’t use the word ‘urges’!”

“I’m going to be very blunt right now. I would appreciate if there was no sex in my house.”

“Please, God, kill me now," Frank said, throwing his head back and shutting his eyes.

“Especially not when I’m home.”

“Really, Mom? You really think we’re gonna fuck with you two floors away?”

Linda held up her hands defensively. “Just covering the subject.”

“Are you done? Please tell me you’re done.”

“I’m done. You two are free to leave.”

Frank almost ran up the two flights of stairs to his attic.
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I'm gonna give you two chapters today to make up for being an ass and not posting in like, months.