I'm Just the Boy Who's Had Too Many Chances


“Why is this bed so fucking comfortable?" Gerard groaned into the pillow. Frank laughed beside him.

“I know. It’s like sleeping on a cloud, right? Now get up; it’s time for school.”

“I don’t wanna go to school!” Gerard lifted his head from when his face was smashed into the pillow. “Let’s ditch.”

Frank scoffed. “Are you serious? You? Wanna skip school?”

Gerard nodded, and grabbed Frank’s hand, pulling him next to him. “Are you saying you’d rather go to school, spend hours in boring classes surrounded by assholes than lay in bed with me all day?” He leaned forward and teasingly kissed Frank’s lips.

“You know, for someone who was afraid to French me 8 hours ago, you got really brave,” Frank teased, climbing on top of Gerard and fitting their bodies together.

“You’re like a fucking drug, Frank,” Gerard said, setting one hand on his face and pulling him in for another heated kiss. “I just want more and more. So much that I’m willing to skip school.”

“Won’t you get yelled at?” Frank whispered against Gerard’s lips.

“What would you say if I told you I don’t care?”

“I’d say that we’re spending way too much time together. I’m starting to rub off on you.”

“I don’t care.”

“Is that gonna be your new motto?”

“Sure. Why not? Are you gonna skip with me?”

Frank leaned down and kissed the tip of Gerard’s nose. “I don’t know. Mom won’t be very happy.”

Gerard pouted.

“We’ll skip tomorrow. Now get dressed,” He added, rolling off Gerard and rummaging through his drawers.

Gerard grudgingly got up and gathered his clothes for school. He walked down the stairs to the second-floor bathroom to change and brush his teeth.

Part of him felt foolish for deliberately leaving the room to change. Frank would’ve stripped down right in front of Gerard. He pretty much had before. But every inch of Frank was gorgeous. Gerard still saw himself as the chubby eighth grader that couldn’t get a date to save his life. He’d lost a lot of weight the summer before freshman year, but he still had the self-esteem and the confidence he had when he was 13. Last night, he and Frank had resolved Gerard’s kissing issues, but now came an issue that scared Gerard even more; the fear of Frank seeing him shirtless or even naked. Gerard shuddered at the thought of being unclothed around Frank.

To make Gerard's nervousness even worse, when he made his way back upstairs to get his shoes, Frank was in only his boxers, stepping into a pair of jeans. He zipped and buttoned them before looking up and noticing Gerard.

“I’ll be ready in one minute. Maybe if I speed, we won’t be late.”

“You’re gonna speed anyway.”

“Probably,” He admitted, holding up two shirts. “Red or black?” He asked Gerard.

“Hmm... Red. It’ll be nice to see a color besides black or white on you. You’re a very monochromatic person.”

“Oh, hardy har har!” Frank mocked as he unfolded the red shirt and slipped it on. The hem hung a bit above Frank’s jeans, a small sliver of pale skin showing. Gerard saw that handwriting on the front read ‘HoMoPHoBiA is GAY’.

“Homemade?” Gerard asked, raising an eyebrow.

Frank blushed. “I was 15, gimme a break.”

“Whatever. Are you ready?”

“One second,” Frank said, trying to balance putting his shoes while standing. He succeeded in putting on one shoe, but while he tried to pull the other on, he fell into his dresser. Gerard helped him up, and kept him steady as he finished putting on his shoes. Gerard threw on his black sweatshirt, Frank threw on his Thrice sweatshirt, and they left, to Gerard’s relief, through the front door. He still wasn’t a huge fan of using the ladder.

As Gerard predicted, Frank sped to school.

They were working on scratch art in Art class, which meant that Gerard couldn’t necessarily seclude himself with Frank like he preferred. Instead, he put his feet on the table, propped his sketchbook up on his knees, and started drawing Frank. But every time Frank raised his hand, Gerard jumped out of his seat to answer his question.

“Can I help you, Frank?” Gerard asked, leaning over his shoulder, their faces dangerously close.

“Yeah, why is this part not scratching off?”

“That’s what the extra paper is for,” He said, lifting Frank’s hand and sliding the paper underneath it. “If the oils in your skin come in contact with the paper, the black stuff won’t scratch off.” Gerard stealthily pressed his cheek to Frank’s, and he made sure he kept his hand on Frank’s as long as possible. He blew a light breath down the back of Frank’s neck.

Frank shivered. “Oh. Thanks.”

Gerard leaned even closer, and whispered in Frank’s ear. “Now don’t you wish we were still lying in bed together?” He turned and walked away, not giving Frank the opportunity to respond, but when he looked behind him, he saw that Frank was watching him walk away, with hungry eyes.


Before that day, Gerard had never been thankful for the weird structure of the high school. As usual, Gerard made it to Frank’s car before Frank did. But when Frank walked out of the building, the second he saw Gerard leaning against his car, he took off at a sprint, flinging himself at Gerard, and pulling him in for a long, heated, hard kiss. Gerard took half a second to notice that there were no windows in this wall, which meant nobody could accidently see them, then gave himself over to Frank’s hungry lips.

“Jesus, Frank,” Gerard chuckled between fast kisses. Frank curled his fingers in Gerard’s hair, and Gerard wrapped his arms around Frank’s waist, pulling him as close as he could go.

“You’re an asshole,” Frank breathed, as he took his lips off Gerard’s and trailed them down his neck.

Gerard gasped when Frank bit down on his neck. Thank god he was more or less pushed against the car, because Frank sucking and biting on his neck felt so amazing, his knees buckled.

“Why am I an asshole?”

Frank pulled back just enough to speak clearly. “You think you’re funny? Teasing me like that? I’ve been sitting for an hour and a half thinking about your lips, your hands, your tongue, and how amazing you feel.”

“You’re not the only one,” Gerard said. He gasped again when Frank reattached himself to his neck. “Is this really the right place to do this?”

"I honestly don’t know if I can wait.”

Gerard laughed, and pushed Frank away gently. “We have to at least make it home.”

Frank pouted and whimpered, but Gerard just kissed him once more, quickly, and got in the car. Frank crossed his arms and stood defiantly outside the passenger door.

Gerard rolled his window down. “The quicker we get home, the quicker we’ll be in your bedroom.”

Frank smiled and ran to the driver’s side, jumping in the seat and starting the car quickly. Gerard covered Frank’s hand on the steering wheel before they even left the parking spot.

“Don’t speed. I know you’re eager, but it kinda scares me.”

Frank smirked. “Fear can be a powerful aphrodisiac.”

Gerard chuckled weakly. Aphrodisiac meant sex; sex meant nakedness. Even though Gerard was sure Frank wasn’t talking about sex right now, the thought still made Gerard nervous.


Frank was kept waiting even longer when Gerard pointed out that they needed to let Sinatra out when they got home. But thankfully, Sinatra was quick, and Frank and Gerard were upstairs in less than 2 minutes.

As soon as they had their trapdoor shut, Frank ripped off his hoodie, and was once again connected to Gerard. He unzipped Gerard’s hoodie, and slid it to the floor, and then they were on the bed, kissing furiously like they had been in the parking lot not 10 minutes ago.

Frank found the same spot on Gerard's neck he’d been attacking earlier, and attacked it with even more fire than before. Gerard was a little embarrassed with the noises he was making, but Frank was still sucking and kissing his neck, so he didn’t care that much.

“Fuck, Frank, why are you so good at that?”

Frank smirked against Gerard’s neck.

Gerard rolled them over so that he was on top of Frank, and returned the favor, sucking and biting a large purple bruise into Frank’s neck.

“You know,” Frank moaned, “You’re not so bad at that yourself.”

“God, I can’t believe I’ve been missing out on this for 18 years.”

“You don’t have to miss out on anything anymore,” Frank whispered. But it wasn’t sexual; it sounded like he was nervous.

Slowly, he dragged his fingernails down Gerard’s chest, resting them lightly on the hem of his jeans. He gently tapped the button once.

Gerard’s mouth went dry. He swallowed and licked his lips. His eyes slipped closed, and he took a deep breath.

Frank set a slightly clammy hand on Gerard’s neck, and he opened his eyes again. Frank was chewing on his lip; he was just as nervous as Gerard was.

“You don’t have to. If you’re scared, we can just-“

“No,” Gerard cut him off. “I’m okay.”

“I’m not trying to pressure you. I don’t wanna rush you. But I can tell. When you touch me, when you kiss me. You want this, don’t you?”

Gerard smiled softly and nodded. “I do. I want you in every way you’re willing to give yourself to me."

Frank kissed Gerard once more, and softly pushed him back enough so that he could sit up. He grabbed Gerard's hands and brought them to the hem of his shirt. Together, they pulled Frank’s shirt off, and Frank tossed it on the floor. Gerard leaned forward and kissed Frank, his hands starting on Frank’s face, and then slowly tracing every available part of Frank’s body they could access. They slid over his shoulders, down his arms, up his chest and down his back. Frank shivered as Gerard left trails of goose bumps on his skin. Frank nipped gently at Gerard's bottom lip. Gerard trailed his fingers over Frank’s stomach once more, before he started unbuckling Frank’s belt. He kissed a line down Frank’s throat, before he found a spot on Frank’s collarbone that, when bitten, made Frank make the most amazing noises. He kissed and bit Frank’s collarbone as he finished unbuckling Frank’s belt, and when that was finished, he unbuttoned and unzipped Frank’s jeans.

“Are you okay?” Frank asked, and Gerard decided that a physical answer would be better than verbal, so he gently pushed Frank back down against the bed, and kissed a line from the bright red spot he was just attacking all the way down to his hipbone. Here, he attached himself to Frank again, and sucked another bruise into his soft skin. Frank threw back his head and moaned. He unconsciously pushed his hips up toward Gerard, and Gerard, inexperienced as he may have been, knew what that meant. He had felt the growing bulge in Frank’s jeans for the past 20 minutes.

Just as he went to pull Frank’s jeans down his thighs, Frank grabbed his shirt and pulled him up to where he was.

“Holy fuck, Gerard. How are you already so good at this? I already feel like” He trailed off, losing his words on Gerard’s lips. He reached down for Gerard’s fly, but Gerard swatted his hands away. Though after the fact, he tried to cover it up by grabbing his hands and placing them around his neck. He didn’t think it fooled Frank. Though every ounce of his being was begging to keep going, there was still a voice in his head reminding him that he didn’t want Frank to see him naked.

Frank pulled Gerard down on top of him, and ran his nails down Gerard's back. He stuck them up the back of his shirt, and dragged them down his bare back. He was about to stick them up the front of his shirt, but Gerard sat up, pretending to take a breath before he went back to his previous position of sucking at Frank’s hip.

Just as he hooked his fingers under the waistband of Frank’s boxers, his phone started ringing from his pocket.

“Fuck me,” He groaned, sitting up on his heels and digging in his pocket.

Frank propped himself up on his elbows. “That’s a boner killer,” He quipped.

Gerard rolled his eyes, and groaned again when he saw the picture on his screen. He hit the send button.

“What’s up, Mom?”

Frank grimaced.

“Were you planning on calling me at all? I haven’t heard from you in over 24 hours!”

“We’re 20 feet away, Ma.”

“Gerard Arthur Way…”

“I’m sorry. We made it to school fine. We didn’t stay up too late last night, and we’re doing homework right now.”

“Well, I would like you home. Now.”

“Linda’s not home yet.”

“I don’t care. Frank will be fine on his own for an hour or two. Now, Gerard.”

“All right. I’ll see you in a minute,” He said, and hung up the phone. “I gotta go,” He explained, climbing off the bed and putting his hoodie back on.

“Really? Your mom has impeccable timing,” Frank whined, rolling his eyes.

“Don’t worry,” Gerard whispered, giving Frank a long, slow kiss. “I’ll be back tomorrow."