We Are Broken

part ten

During the show, Gerard introduced me to the crowd and I came out and sand Early Sunsets Over Monroeville. They were very supportive as I sang with my dad, I let him do all of the screaming, seeing as I've never learned how. When the song was over, I gave Gerard a hug, and ran off stage. Billie Joe, Mike, and Tre were there to tell me how great I was and what not, then there was the break in between sets. Gerard, Mikey, Frank, Ray, and Bob all gave me hugs, telling me how well I've done, then we heard clapping. Looking over we saw the guys from the hamburger shop.

"You did well kid," said Xavier, "You've got a cute voice."

"What are you doing back here," demanded Gerard, he pushed me behind him as he spoke.

"We're just here to see what you mother fuckers from New Jersey do. And from what I saw, it seems like you guys got the easy life."

"It's not easy," said Frank, "Trust me."

"I won't." Xavier smiled.

"Is there anything else you want?" Bob asked.

"Yeah, fag. I want to see you guys get the hell out of my town."

"We'll be leaving before morning," said Mikey.

"Good," said Xavier, "And um... keep your belongings close. You don't leave before morning, you might find one of them missing."

"What, is that a threat?" My father was angry now.

"Yeah, that's a threat."

"Get out," Gerard pointed for the door, "You're not wanted back here anyway."

"You're kickin' me out?"

"Yes, we're kickin' you out."

This got the attention of the rest of the people back stage. Billie Joe, Mike, and Tre came over, "Is there something wrong?" Billie Joe crossed his arm.

"Yeah, your fuck buddies over here are kickin' me out."

"Well I'm sure they have good reason."

"Nah, we were just talking."

"I want you out, now," said Gerard, "No one threatens us."

"Sir, I think you should leave," said Mike.

"Can I at least say good bye to the little girl?"

"No." Both bands said it at the same time. I hid behind my father, scared to make eye contact with Xavier.

"Too bad," he said, "She's just so cute."

Two security guards came over and lead Xavier out of the building. Gerard turned around and gave me a hug, I hugged him back, scared beyond all hell, "Are you okay?"

I shook my head, I was going to cry.

"Hey, come here, it's okay."

I went back into his arms and started to cry. The other guys stood around as they watched a father comfort his daughter. After a while, Gerard let go of me, and took my hand. He lead me out of the building and to the tour bus. I went straight for my bed, wanting the comfort of my blanket. Gerard sat with me, holding me while I cried some more.

"I'm so sorry this happened," he said, "When I asked you to go on tour I wanted you to have fun, not be bullied around by jerks."

I sniffed, "It's not your fault."

"No, but I feel like I should have seen this coming."

I sniffed and wiped my tears away, "You can go and watch Green Day... I'll stay here and sleep."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I... kind of don't want to be in the building."


I gave him a hug, and snuggled down into my bed. I heard the bus door slam shut, and Gerard talking to someone. Their voices were muffled by the bus walls, but soon it was quiet. I fell asleep quickly, dreaming of nothing. When the morning came, I felt myself moving with the vehicle, and I smiled. We were leaving Detroit. No more Xavier. I rubbed my eyes, then felt something weird.

My bed was replaced by a hard metal surface. Sitting up, I rubbed my eyes and was greeted by the smiling face of Xavier. I let out a scream, but he clamped his hand over my mouth, "Shh, shh, shh, little girl. Let's not scream okay?"

I started to cry.

"You're going to hang with us for a while, okay?"

I shook my head.

"Well ya, see, that's the beauty of it. You don't have any choice in the matter." He chuckled, "Besides, it's your douche of a father you should be blaming.... He didn't keep what was his close, so I took it."

I continued to cry as we pulled into the garage of an old run down house. Everything was dark, and it didn't help that they pulled a cloth over my eyes. I was dragged out of the car and taken through the house, down a flight of stairs and then thrown onto a bouncy surface. Being relieved of my blindfold, I found I was in a basement, on an old box mattress, some of the springs were poking through. I huddled into a corner, and cried as I watched Xavier and his goonies walk away.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh no!
