We Are Broken

part thirteen

(Gerard's POV)

I paced back and forth in the back alley, waiting for the girl to get off of work. I couldn't help but feel like every second that went by was a second waisted. I hated not having my daughter in my arms. I hated knowing that I let them get to her. I hated knowing that this was all my fault. Mikey sat on a crate, his knee bouncing with nerves. Frank leaned against the wall, trying to look cool and failing miserably. Ray and Bob stood in the shadows being Ray and Bob. When the back door opened revealing Tanya, I went to her.

"How do we get a hold of Xavier?"

She shook her head, "I can't tell you here."

"God dammit, he has my daughter! I can't wait to move this to a different location."

Tanya looked at me, then sighed, "Do you have a pen on you?"

I preached in my pocket and pulled out the sharpie I had. Giving it to her, she took my hand and wrote down a number, "What is this for?"

"Call that number, and you'll get Xavier."

"Thank you."

"Don't tell him how you got it."

"I won't."

Tanya nodded, "I hope your girl is okay. She's too cute to have to go through this."

(Normal POV)

I coward in the corner as Job watched me, a gleam in his eye that could only be from the thoughts he was having. Crawling onto the mattress, he came over to me and said, "You're cute. A perfect canvas for my artwork."

I buried my head in my arms, "Leave me a lone!"

"Leave you alone," Job laughed, "I'll leave you alone once I'm done."

I shuddered.

He moved so his mouth was right by my ear, "I like hearing people scream." His tongue left his mouth and shoved itself into my ear canal and I back handed him. He looked at me with wild fire in his eyes and said, "You little cunt! Don't you fucking hit me!"

Grabbing a hold of my arm, he jerked me out of my curl and stood me up. He growled at me, and then pushed me into the wall. His hand wrapped around my slender throat as he held me in place, my feet barely touching the ground. Behind him I could hear people running down the stairs and soon we were joined by Xavier and Marco. They watched as I kicked at Job, but not making much progress. It was only when I started to get light headed did Xavier cut in.

"Hey man, her dad has five more hours to contact us, then if he doesn't you can kill her."

Job turned to me and growled, "You're safe this time, bitch." He moved away and used his hand on my throat to throw me onto the mattress. I laid there, trying to get a hold on my breathing. Job looked down at me in disgust, and walked away. Marco was the one left down in the basement with me.

Circling the mattress, he smiled to himself, then he came down next to me, "You make me hard."

I cringed, but didn't move. Rolling me over, he made sure my hair was out of my face before sliding his hand down my cheek, down my neck, over my breast - but not before giving it a good feel - then down over my clothed vagina. He rubbed me, trying to get a reaction, but I was too scared to feel any form of attraction to him. He frowned, "I'm going to fuck you so hard, your grandchildren won't know what virginity is."

I gasped.

"Oh the things, I'll do to you.... You'll be screaming my name by the time we're through," leaning down, he kissed my neck and licked his way up to my ear, "I'm going to shove my cock in all your holes, and you're going to feel what a real man feels like."

I whimpered, and his hand slid up by shirt, but was cut short by the phone ringing. Job came down the stairs, "Marco, the bitch's father is on the line."

"Should I make her scream?"

"Xavier says to keep her quiet."

"My pleasure." Placing his hand over my mouth, I watched in horror as he unzipped his pants and took out his member which was erected. Removing his hand, he shoved himself in my mouth saying, "If you bite me, I won't care what Xavier wants, I'll slit your little throat."

He filled my mouth and I gagged. I tried not to picture myself throwing up. For some reason, I felt that if I puked on Marco, he wouldn't be happy about it. Not happy with my lack of response to him in my mouth, he moved his hips forward and backwards, sliding his penis in and out of my mouth. I cried, not knowing what else to do. His hands held mine, pinning me to the mattress. I squirmed, trying to kick at him, but he was out of my reach. When he came, I choked on his semen and turned away to spit it out. I cried as I curled back up. He petted me for a moment, then left the basement.

Xavier came down, telling me that my dad had managed to call him, and that they had set up a date to meet. I was to stay down here until further information was settled. I cried in response.

What more could he want?
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry that this is kind of short.
And I'm sorry that I haven't updated in a while... I've been busy with my batman (yeah... batman) story and I'll try to pay more attention to this one. :D

Comment please!