We Are Broken

part fifteen

(Gerard's POV)

I waited.

I waited for what felt like forever.

Mikey, Frank, Ray, Bob, and I arrived at the part five minutes early. Five. I've never had five minutes go by that slow before. I walked back and forth while everyone sat. I wish I could have been that calm. Frank guarded the case of money like his life depended on it. Good. I ran my hand through my hair and I sighed.

Off in the distance, I saw two headlights and I froze. We all watched as the headlights pulled closer to us, then they went out. We waited as the car doors opened and closed, then watched as Xavier and one other guy walked to us.

"Good, ya made it," Xavier smiled, "And you brought all your faggy friends. Perfect."

"Where's my daughter."

"Don't worry, we left her in good hands," Xavier chuckled, "She's having a good time.... A very good time."

"You bastard!"

"Do you have the money?"

Frank came over with the case of money and held it up, "But we want Maura first."

"Now... how do I know that there's money in there? I'd have to drive at least an hour out of my way and back to get her and for what? Nothing."

Frank opened the case and showed Xavier the money, "It's here... a million dollar's worth. We want Maura."

"Well you can't have her."

"What," I took a step forward, "I did what you fucking wanted! I contacted you, got you the money, now where's my daughter?"

"I told you, she's in good hand. And if this were really all you had to do, then it would be too easy and I wouldn't have had any fun with anyone that I've ever kidnapped."

"Fuck you!"

"Yeah? I bet you'd enjoy that too much."

I frowned, "What do I have to do to get my daughter back?"

"Find where she is."


"Find where she is, and I'll give her back to you."

"Where is she?"

"That's what you gotta find out."

"How am I going to do that?"

"I donno, Way, figure it out."

The man that Xavier was with came up to Frank and took the money from him. We watched as they got back in the car and drove away. We stood there until we could no longer hear the car, and were quiet. From the other side of the field, three black figures walked toward us. They were wearing all black and had black masks on. The one in front took his mask off, showing us Billie's face.

"Well?" I asked.

"The trackers are on the car. The police should be able to track them down."

I nodded, "Thank you guys."

"Hey, like I said, Green Day will do anything to get your kid back."
♠ ♠ ♠
Go Green Day!

Sorry this is so short, but it's important.