We Are Broken

part nine

For the next few weeks I didn't want to go out on the stage. I felt like it wasn't fair to the other people in the crowd if I got to sing with my favorite band and they didn't. My father kept wanting to introduce me to the crowd, but I didn't feel comfortable. I would go out every once in a while, but I never felt like it was fair. Billie Joe asked if I wanted to come out and sing a song with them and my dad, but I was too scared that I would mess something up for them. They kept pushing for it, but I continued to say no.

As the tour progressed, the venues kept getting bigger, and the crowds more insane. I would hide behind the bands as they walked to and from the buildings, slightly scared of the screaming girls being held back by the guards or the fences. My dad would go over and sign autographs and I would sneak onto the bus, to sit and wait for them to finish. They would gt on the bus and party, kind of. They would sit around and drink soda and what not, talk about what happened, what they liked about the venue and the crowd. They would ask me what I thought and I would give my opinion usually with a yawn. They would laugh and let me slink off to bed. They would quietly talk and occasionally laugh until they felt tired enough to go to bed as well.

We were in Detroit today, and we were walking around trying to find a burger joint to eat at. I was walking with Frank, our arms were linked and we had a slight skip to our step. We found a place, and walked in. Sitting in a booth, we all looked at a menu and we were greeted by a waitress. She asked us what we wanted to drink and we all placed our orders, and then she left to fill them. Several of the people in the room were looking at us, probably wondering who the fuck we were and why the boys were all dressed in black and what not. A couple of the kids in the room knew who we were, and some of the college looking kids did as well. They all turned to look at us with wide eyes, once again eying me and wondering who the hell I was to be able to sit with the members of My Chemical Romance. Several of them tried to come over, but they chickened out.

The waitress came back and gave us our drinks. As she was taking orders from the boys, Frank playfully flirted with her. She smiled and flirted back, both aware that this wasn't going to go anywhere. While we ate our food, a couple of guys from the other side of the room came over to our table. They were all in nice suits, almost mafia like, but a little more sophisticated. The leaned over the side of the booth and smiled at us.

"Hey boys," said one of them, the leader, "How's your food?"

"Great man," said Frank, "Thanks."

"Hey, I'm not a fuckin' waiter," leaning closer he said, "You mess with my girl, I mess with you, got that, bud?"

"What are you talking about?" Frank was confused.

"I'm talking about your fuckin' waitress... my girlfriend, ya dip shit."

"Oh, hey, sorry man, I didn't know she was your girlfriend."

The man laughed, "She ain't my girlfriend. She's just my bitch. Got that?"

"Wow, do you think that's any way to treat a lady," asked my father, "Calling her a bitch?"

"Who the fuck are you to tell me how the fuck I treat my women?"

"Gerard-fucking-Way, who the fuck are you?"

"Xavier, remember it, asshole."

Gerard's jaw dropped and I shied into him, "Well, Xavier, why don't you go sit down and enjoy the rest of your food-"

"Or what, you piece of shit? What the fuck are you going to do?"

"Man, we're from fuckin' New Jersey. We shoot mother fuckers like you."

"Is that a threat bitch?"

"You can take it what ever way you want, Xavier."

Xavier looked from him to me and smiled, "Awe, and who is this?"

"Leave her out of this."

"Why," leaning forward Xavier stroked my hair, "She's adorable."

"Hey," Frank grabbed a hold of his hand and yanked it away from me, "We said to leave her the fuck out of this."

"Is there a problem here," asked a new voice. We looked and saw the manager standing behind the three boys, "Xavier am I going to have to ask you to leave?"

"Nah, man. I'm just making new friends while I wait for Tanya to get off, ya know?"

"Well, why don't you leave your new friends and finish your food."

"Yeah, whatever dude." Turning back to us he said, "I hope I won't be seeing you guys around here anymore," turning to my father he said, "Aight, New Jersey?"

My dad didn't say anything as Xavier and his goonie friends went back to their table. We finished eating our food quietly, my eyes glued to the table. When we finished, we paid for the food and tipped Tanya. As we left we were joined by Xavier and his friends. Gerard walked next to me as we headed back to the venue location where the buses were. But we were stopped by Xavier.

"Hey, man... don't be thinkin' this isn't over just because you're leaving." He smiled, "Aw, this shit has just begun man."

"Hey, we're leaving, you're never going to see us again," Gerard said, "Just drop it. Okay?"

"Drop it?"

"Yeah, drop it."

"Man, how would you feel if the cast of Five Fags And A Baby came and hit on your woman? Huh? Would you just let them walk away?"

"If they were willing to admit they were wrong in doing so? Yeah."

"Yeah, but see, this isn't going to work that way." He came over, and placed his hand on my dad's shoulder, who shrugged it off.

"Please man. My daughter is tired. We're just going to leave and it's over."

"Oh, so this is your daughter, eh? My she's pretty."

"Leave her alone."

Xavier came over and bent down so he was at my eye level, "I bet you're daddy's little princess, aren't ya?"

"I said leave her the fuck alone."

Xavier looked up at Gerard and smiled, looking back at me, he pouted and said, "Daddy is angry isn't he."

"Dude, I'm not five," I said, "Back the fuck off."

Xavier smiled, "Feisty, isn't she? I like them feisty."

"Back the fuck away from my daughter, turn around, and walk away. We'll turn around and do the same thing."

"Yeah, fuck you Gerard Way."

"Back at ya, Xavier."

Turning me around, Gerard lead me away from the burger joint and back to the buses. Loading everyone on, he closed and locked the door. I went to the back room and got dressed for bed. I was reading some of Harry Potter when Gerard came in to check on me. Sitting on my bed, he pulled me into a hug, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I replied.

"Are you sure?"


"I'm sorry you had to be there for that."

"I'm okay, I promise. They were just assholes."

Gerard smiled, "Yeah, they were."

"But I'm okay."

"Are you sure."

"I from New Jersey. I'm golden."

Gerard laughed, "Just as long as you're okay. Will you sing with me tomorrow?"

I looked at him and I said, "Sure. What song?"

"You pick?"

"Are you guys doing Early Sunsets Over Monroeville?"

"No. But I'm sure we can change the set list a bit."



I smiled and hugged him, "Thank you."

Tucking me in a giving me a kiss he said, "I love you."

"I love you too."
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