


Eat, eat more, eat as much as you can, and finally just stuff your face with whatever you can find. That's what my mother's instructions to my brother Daley and I were for today. No need to do chores, no reason for work, we just had to stay full because we didn't know when the next time we'd get food again would be. Now of course this seems idiotic because we should have just savored what we have and bring it with us, but we aren't allowed to take anything unfortunately.

"Oakley, I just want you to know that whatever happens tomorrow, I'll always be with you," Daley says as he places a necklace in my hand. The charm is in the shape of a crescent. As I take a closer glance, I notice that there are indented scratches all over the back.

"Daley, what happened to it?" I ask.

"You'll know what it means when the time comes."

"That's cryptic," I reply. Daley chuckles and smiles at me. He always finds a way to lighten the mood. I don't know if it's his personality to just his bright blue eyes. Which are quite uncommon with his red hair, both of which I have. Especially rare in our zone, Cicatrix because generally, people from this region are brown eyed blondes, but we have our outcasts. I guess it's nice to be different.

Tomorrow is a day where we really don't know what to expect. The Caulae, a zone all the way on the other side of the nation, declared war on us a little over one week ago. They've been traveling over here ever since, and are predicted to arrive sometime tomorrow. Each sector has a different plan, and all zones have 87 sectors. That's a lot of plans. A zone is kind of like a state I guess, but they're are only five in the nation, and sectors are similar to towns.

For my sector, Zephyr, we are leaving everything and traveling south. If we go down, there's possibility of getting away from the Caulae. However if we were to go north, we could travel for a couple of says before reaching the ocean. But then we would be cornered, so that's not an option.

I'm unable to sleep, yet so tired at the same time. I guess I've just got to keep trying. After all, I'll need a good amount of rest for tomorrow.