‹ Prequel: Jade Gilbert

The Lucky and the Damned

Goodbye Jade Gilbert. Hello Shadow.

Katherine never did come back and I wouldn't blame her I was already here for a few hours and I was going crazy.

"Jade!" I heard Klaus call for me. I groaned and got up from the couch that sat in the middle of a storage loft where we were at.

I walked over to where he called me and saw a frightened teenage girl around my age. I felt face scrunch up in confusion.

"What's up?" I asked popping the 'p'. He looked over at me and said, "I want you to kill this girl."

I chuckled and said, "Sorry I don't kill people anymore."

Klaus looked angered and slammed my back against the wall looking me in the eyes saying, "You and I both know you haven't forgotten the way you loved to kill. The way you would fight. You love to kill Jade."

"Stop it," I begged feeling the familiar burning sensation running through me.

"You thrive to kill and you would do anything to make a quick kill," Klaus continued. Are we really going to do this again? This is the second time in a row he is antagonizing me.

"STOP!" I yelled at him covering my ears.

"All it takes in one quick call and Damon is dead. Jade who are you going to save?" He moved me holding me by the back of my neck so I was staring at the girl, "Her? Or you're precious Salvatore?"

I looked at the girl and said, "I'm sorry."

The girl let out a sob and I felt Klaus release me so I could kill the girl. I walked over to the girl and whispered, "Run."

The girl frantically turned and that's when I raced into the shadows and hunted my pray, even though I wasn't really going to eat her.

I jumped on her a second later and snapped her neck. Her head was turned so it was staring at me and I saw her expression and I swear it will haunt me forever. Fear was forever inscribed on the girls face and I was the one who put that fear there.

I heard clapping behind me and I turned around and saw that Klaus was smiling saying, "Bravo love."

"You make me sick. Does it really make you happy to see people run in terror from you?! No wonder you're all alone! You have back stabbed and installed fear in everyone you knew until they finally left you!" I yelled at him and found myself being thrown at the wall.

"I wouldn't say such harsh words love. You'll get into a lot of trouble with a mouth like that," he said in a threatening tone, but I didn't even whimper from the coldness in his tone.

I got up off the floor and limped over to the couch my ankle hurt like a bitch. I heard Klaus sigh before saying, "Why don't you go say goodbye to your love while I get us packed up for the journey. Don't even think about going to run off and hide either, because know I am always one step ahead."

Again without replying I got up and limped out the storage door. I walked over to the bike that I drove here which was my fathers and raced off down the street. It would take me a decent half hour till I got to Mystic Falls again.

I loved how the breeze whipped my hair wildly behind me. It felt nice to ride again. I loved feeling the sun's rays warm my skin. It always made me feel calmer when I ride.

To soon had the sign 'Welcome to Mystic Falls' come into view that I felt my heart squeeze. What I was about to do to Damon would hurt him more than me dying. I raced down the streets ignoring honking and stop sign along with stop lights and went deeper into Mystic Falls until I found myself zipping down the familiar path. I pulled the brake hard and came to a sliding stop.

I turned off the bike and kicked down the stand gazing up at the house. I sighed and got off the bike and walked up to the door and went to open it only to have Stefan open it and look at me and froze.

"Hi Stefan," I said with a weak smile.

"Jade what are you doing here?" he asked me in a rude matter.

I looked at him confused and said, "I'm here to see Damon."

He rolled his eyes and said, "Well that sucks I thought you would have into me by now."

I felt my face again scrunch up confused for the second time today, "Stefan last time I checked you weren't an asshole."

"And the last time I checked you were appealing," he retorted I growled shoved past him well tried to shove past him, but he didn't move.

"DAMON!" I yell to my full capacity. He was in front of us in seconds and was surprised to see me.

"Jade what are you doing here?" he asked me shoving Stefan out of the way.

"We need to talk," I told him a serious tone.

HE nodded and moved aside silently letting me know 'enter'. So I stormed in and went into the parlor where I started pacing. I had tears in my eyes, but I refused to cry.

"What's up?" he asked me as he walked in and poured himself a glass of bourbon.

"Are you healed? Did Katherine bring you the blood? Did you hurt anyone? Is Elena okay?" I rambled on and he stopped me from moving back and forth.

"How did you know about the cure?" he asked me with curiosity.

"I was searching for it for two days before I got the answer and…it came with a price," I told him starting down at our linked hands.

"You sent the cure," Damon stated the obvious, but only half of it.

I nodded and said, "Kind of. Klaus sent Katherine to you so you would be cured. His blood can cure werewolf bites."

"Jade what have you done?" Damon asked me.

"I wouldn't let you sit back and allow yourself to die Damon! You hadn't even told me you were bitten! Stefan had to tell me!" I yelled at him pulling away from him.

"What did you give him Jade?!" Damon yelled pushing me up against the book case. His eyes contained the same fear that I felt.

"I'm sorry Damon," I told him and he shook his head saying, "No. You didn't. Tell me you did not give yourself over for me! God damn it Jade don't lie to me!"

HE slammed his fist next my head causing the book case to tremble harshly under the blow. I let out a sob and said, "I'm sorry Damon. I couldn't let you die."

He pulled me into after he calmed down a little and ran his hand through my hair while his other hand kept me close and I cried into his shoulder.

"Aw how touching," I heard from the other side of the room.

"Klaus," I heard Damon say as I felt the rumble of his chest.

"Can I have my hunter back now?" Klaus said more than questioned.

"Humans aren't slaves and they aren't owned," Damon growled at him. I heard a rush of wind but got in between Damon and Klaus before they could even blink and said, "Give me a minute please Klaus. I won't see him again. And if you were ever madly in love with someone you would understand that."

"One minute," Klaus hissed at me before he disappeared. I turned to Damon and saw he was about to say something, but I cut him off by crashing my lips to his. We both pulled back for air and I said, "I love you Damon. I will come back to you even if I have to turn into a vampire at this age."

I pulled away slowly and whispered, "Close your eyes."

When he didn't I said, "Damon, close your eyes."

He finally did as he was told and before he could open his eyes again I was gone. I was out the front door and on my bike. Klaus was next to me in seconds and said, "Go back to the storage unit and wait for me there."

I didn't wait another second and zipped out of the driveway down the dirt path and out of Mystic Falls. My home behind me. My love behind me. My Family behind me. The normal me behind me. I am Night Shadow.