‹ Prequel: Jade Gilbert

The Lucky and the Damned

Shadows In Control: Part Two: Goodbye Shadow (?)

Okay, I left Elena to bleed, snapped Stefan's neck so he wouldn't be able to save her and broke both of Haley's legs which she would be able to fully heal until a full moon. I smiled to myself evilly until I felt this piercing pain in my head. Jade was fighting back, again. She was trying to gain control. My eyesight was hazy and I lost my balance and landed on my hands and knees breathing in air trying to catch my breath. I heard footsteps walking closer to me and I looked up and had to blink a couple of times to see if I was just seeing things or not. Carter crouched down next to me and gave me a smirk.

"Carter?" I asked in disbelief.

"Don't worry Jade. I'll make it all better," he whispered. He brought his hand back and smacked me in the head. Lights out.

I woke up with a head ache. I saw Carter standing in front of me with his arms crossed. I looked down and found myself in a dentist chair much like the one I operated on to become the monster I proudly am now. I had been strapped down and I couldn't break the straps even if I was Shadow.

"What did you do to me?!" I barked at him.

"I am turning you back to the original Jade, where Shadow didn't even exist."

"You can't its impossible. Besides there is no getting rid of me. I am apart of Jade."

"If they can put you in there I can get you out of there."

"You can sure as hell try, but Shadow doesn't go without a fight!"

"I already took away your healing ability and your extra strength," he commented.

"You bastard! Let me out of here!" I screamed trying my hardest to break the straps on the chair and I couldn't. HE sighed and shook his head.

"I have to clear out your mind, Shadow possesses it too much," Cater sighed.

"You're saying it like it's such a bad thing," I mocked grinning at him. His face stayed stern and I felt like my brain was being suction cupped out of my head. I screamed so loud and long that my lungs felt like they were about to burst. My throat was on fire.

"Relax your mind Jade," Carter said pressed both of his palms against the side of my head.

"She's not here right now, leave your name number and message after the beep," I growled with a cruel laugh. I was drenched in sweat my head was throbbing so much I thought it would explode! I felt like I was being drained out of her body. I was struggling to hold onto her.

"STOP IT!" I roared thrashing in the seat to try and get out, but whatever I did was useless.

There was a flash of light and then I was gone.

Elena's POV:

I was in so much pain. I was sobbing because every move I made hurt like a bitch. Damon was off somewhere in a different town or state. I couldn't even move my hand to get my phone out of my back pocket my best chance of surviving what Jade-Shadow has done to me would be to not move at all. I let out a sob as I made the mistake to adjust my position on the ground.

I heard foots steps coming towards the room. I looked up and saw Damon. He saw me and was by my side in a less than a blink of an eye. HE gripped the knife and tugged it out of my back. I cried out.

"What happened?" he demanded me before biting his wrist and giving it to me and I drank from it. I gasped when I felt the wound healing.

"Shadow," I whispered.

"Where is she?!" He barked.

I felt tears grow in my eyes as I shook my head and said, "I don't know Damon, but whatever hurt and anger Jade felt towards us. Shadow used it. She stabbed me in the back and told me that's what it feels like. Damon, the Shadow part of Jade is has taken over completely. We couldn't reach her in time and now I don't who she's going to go after next."

HE brought me into a hug and shushed me. I know I love both the Salvatore brother, but it's selfish of me to do so. My sister loves-no she is in love with Damon. I just love him. I shouldn't have kissed him and he shouldn't have kissed me back. I was in love with Stefan. Damon pulled back and looked me in the eyes.

"I am going to find her and I will bring her home."

Jade's POV:

I gasped for air. I looked around me to find myself somewhere I would rather not be. I was back at the company. The one where I kept coming back to get the updates on the 'abilities' they were giving me.

I found Carter standing there and I desperately wanted to hug him. HE was my best friend. The one Klaus had killed before my eyes.

"Carter," I said with tears in my eyes.

"There's the Jade I know," he whispered.

"How?" I started, but he cut me off.

"Thank you for fighting…for not giving up," he said as he walked over with a smile on his face.

I shook my head, knowing he was about to say goodbye. I know he doesn't belong here, but I wasn't ready to give my friend up again even if it was against the laws of nature.

"Please don't go Carter, I need you," I whispered, begging my only friend who wasn't against me at the moment.

"You know I can't stay," he said with a sigh and shaking his head lightly.

"I don't want to lose you again."

A tear slid down my face. He frowned and wiped the tear off my face.

"You never will. I have always been there with you."

With that he unstrapped me and just like that he was gone. I got up slowly feeling pain in my abdomen area. I looked down and raised my shirt to see white bandages. He went through so much just to make me Jade Gilbert again. I walked out of the room to see I was in the burnt down building that I had found a few weeks prior. I wrapped an arm around my waist and I used the wall to help me keep moving toward the exit of the ruble. I walked through the woods desperate of finding a road.

I felt wet pavement underneath my feet before I knew it. I looked both ways and tried to make a decision on which way I was going to go. I turned left and thought if I didn't make the right choice I would use a payphone there and I would call Caroline, Bonnie, or even Tyler to come and pick me up. I continued walking until I heard a car behind me. I turned and looked to see it was a black SUV with tinted windows, I moved over more to the side of the road so the car could past, but it didn't. It continued at its pace following me leisurely behind. I felt my hands twitch. Something that I always did when I felt like something bad was going to happen. I quickly made the choice of running as I threw myself into the woods. I kept running and running hearing footsteps chase after me. I dove behind a tree and lifted up my shirt. The white bandage had a line stained with blood. I groaned when I felt pain shoot through my abdomen. It hurts like a bloody bitch.

"Look at what we have here," I swear my blood ran cold. Every happy thought I had in my head before went cur plunk and now it was filled with fear. I looked up at the devil himself.

"Mark," I whispered.

"Hello, sweetheart."

Any normal girl would swoon over this. I was one of them. Mark Galburg. He was English; the accent was what made my knees feel like jelly when I first met him. I swore to Damon that I had no more ex's but this one was just one I had rather forgotten than to bring up again.

Mark was a werewolf. See how I find myself attracted to danger no matter what. He was a bad boy, just like all the other guys I dated, but unlike them he was sweet and kind to me that was until I found out I was the only girl he was being sweet and kind too. I broke it off the following day after crying my eyes out and talking to Elena over the phone while devouring chocolate ice cream tub after chocolate ice cream tub. After I had broken it off with him….he-what he did scarred me for life. This was when I with the Company working for them, but hadn't seen something that gruesome in my entire life. Mark was beyond pissed at me and he went off and killed the girl that he cheated on me with tearing her limb from limb and sending me her heart in a jar. Literally.

"What do you want Mark?" I asked coldly pressing a hand to my wound.

"What's the matter, love?" he asked staring down at my wound with curiosity.

"None of your damn business."

He glared up at me.

"Answer me," he barked.

I closed my mouth and said nothing. Not a word.

"Why you litt-"he started raising his hand to strike me.

"If you hit her. I. will. End. You."

We both looked over and I felt my heart speed up at the sight of Damon. He looked over at me and I knew he could smell the blood on the bandage that rested under my shirt.

"And you would be?" Mark asked slowly. Damon looked over and glared at him.

"I am her boyfriend, Damon Salvatore," he told Mark, I could help the smile that tugged at my lips and my eyes filled with unshed tears. Damon came here to save me. Mark turned to look at me and said, "It really doesn't take you long to move on, now does it?"

"We dated two years ago, Mark!" I exclaimed.

"Still feels like yesterday to me."

"Because you don't just date, you get easily attached like some heroin addict. Besides if anyone should have been hurt. It should have been me. You cheated on me, Mark!" I growled at him.

Damon took this time to appear at my side with his vampire speed. HE lifted up my shirt to see the bandages and say that I hadn't healed so that meant to him I was normal Jade.

"She's gone," I told Damon, "This time for good."

Damon looked at me and gave me small smile. At least it was something.

"A vampire?" Mark hissed at us.

"Would you expect any less?" I ask him giving Damon a grin. He returned it making my heart speed up.

"I was hoping," Mark whispered softly, but I glared at him and his gaze hardened again.

"I am happy! Don't make this hard on me Mark, Damon is my everything. To be honest I'd die if anything happened to him," I told Mark, but my gaze was on Damon and I saw a small twinkle in his eyes.

Mark nodded his head and said, "No I can't."

Damon raced towards me and lifted me up before we raced away, we appeared inside the Salvatore boarding house and I saw Elena there. I hopped out of Damon's arms ignoring the pain I felt in my abdomen and I raced over towards her and hugged her. She jumped out of her skin as I did so, but after a few minutes she wrapped her arms around me. I felt her tears hit my shirt and I hugged her tighter, "I'm so sorry Elena."

She let out a sob and grabbed onto me for dear life. We sunk onto the couch and Damon left the room leaving us be. We sat there for hours and she seemed to drift off to sleep. I got up swiftly off the couch making sure not to disturb her and I laid her on the couch all the way. I pulled the blanket off the back of the couch and laid it over her. I looked at her and grazed my finger down her cheek before I turned off the lights and walked out of the room. I headed up the stairs using the railing as best as I could feel a small jolt of pain every step I took. I headed towards Damon's room when I heard voices.

"She said that Shadows gone," his voice rose from inside the room.

"Can you trust her word?" Stefan growled, "I mean she didn't even hesitate to snap my neck or break her closest friend's legs."

I placed a hand over my mouth. Haley. Damn! I was going to have to make up for a lot of stuff.

"You didn't see her, I knew it wasn't Shadow! I could even feel it, Stefan!" Damon yelled. I heard Stefan sigh. I opened the door and both of them looked at me.

"Elena fell asleep down stairs," I simply told them as I walked in the room and headed towards the bathroom.

"Jade," I heard Stefan call. I stopped and turned around with a sigh, "Look, Stefan, I know you don't trust me right now, in fact a lot of people don't so, no I don't expect you to trust me right away. In fact if I were you I would be making the same choice. I just want to take a hot shower and go to bed. I haven't been able to sleep for almost a month and ever since I felt the freedom to do what I want I felt like I could sleep forever."

He gave me a small smile and nod before I turned back around and walked into the bathroom. I shut the door behind me and started peeling the clothes off of me. I was left in my bra and underwear before I looked at the super large gauze over my abdomen. I pulled it off slowly and winced a little bit along the way. I looked down at the stitching and winced again. There had to be at least fifty stiches. I looked up in the mirror and I saw a fully clothed me with folded arms.

"You may have gained control over your body and your mind, but I am not gone. I will make you miserable," my voice, but it wasn't me. Shadow. She glared at me through the mirror. The door opened and Damon came in without knocking. HE had a black button up shirt and a pair of boxers in his hand.

"Hey I-"he paused when he say the stiches, "I-I brought you some clothes for tonight. How is it?"

He motioned to my abdomen. I sighed and said, "It hurts, but it's nothing I can't handle and nothing a hot shower can't solve."

HE smirked and said, "Listen what I said, all of those weeks ago-"

I cut him off with a kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck. I felt him wrap his arms around my waist. His lips moved against mine as my fingers ran through his hair that was so soft. I pulled back with a smile.

"I forgive, you don't even need to apologize, because whatever you do, no matter what you do, I still love you," I whispered against his lips searching his eyes.

"I missed you, so much."

I pulled him in and tightly squeezed him and saw our reflection in the mirror, until Shadow came into view and placed a finger over her mouth.