‹ Prequel: Jade Gilbert

The Lucky and the Damned

Sick of this Drama

I took a few seconds to inhale deeply before I began running again. Elena 'jogged' I ran. There is a difference. Hers was slower and less work, mine was hard core! I had tossed my shirt off a while back somewhere in the woods. I was running and hopping and climbing, hardcore! I am still in my sports bra! Pervs!

"I see you are having fun," a voice interrupted me causing my head to turn in the direction of their voice. I saw Klaus standing there crossing his arms and leaning against a tree. I just looked at him before I continued working out. He appeared in front of me causing me to come to an immediate stop. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Why haven't you returned my calls?"

Yes, Klaus has been continually calling me for the past several days. Why? I don't know? I am not Klaus! Ask him yourself!

"I don't have to," I told him simply before trying to walk around him but his hand came up and grabbed my arm making a slapping sound.

"I have been patient enough. You and the Salvatore had your fun, now it's my turn," he growled and before I knew it my back was slammed against the back of the tree. The breath knocked out of me. His face came closer to mine and his lips ghosted mine, I kicked where the sun doesn't shine. He growled and crumpled to the ground.

"That wasn't very nice, love."

"Neither is demanding a relationship out of woman, especially one you had tried to kill several times."

"Not kill, take," he hissed.

"Well keep it in mind, this isn't the third century this is the twenty first. I am not someone you can buy to keep and have your sick twisted ways with. In this century women are showed that men actually have a heart and so far, you haven't gotten one. It must have died when you turned," I yelled at him before kicking him in the face. With that I ran off and at top speed to the boarding house. Once I got there I was greeted by Damon who had a smile on his face.

"Well don't you look sweaty and sexy," he commented causing me to smirk. I walked over to him and hugged him.

"Eww!" he said like a girl. He pulled away and did a dance to show he was grossed out. I laughed at him and pouted, "You don't like my hugs?!"

He turned up his nose and said, "Not if they are sweaty."

"You lost your kissing privileges along with your hugging privileges!" I declared crossing my arms. His eyes widened and he pouted.

"Please no not the kisses!" he said in an old accent like he was begging for food. It reminded me of Oliver Twist for some reason.

"You have to earn them back!" I said stomping my foot.

"You suck!"

"Not as much as you do!" I exclaimed, the nerve of this man.

"We-well you still smell!" he argued. I stuck my tongue at him and said, "Well now so do you."

I smiled in victory and headed up the stairs. I gave him a wicked smirk before racing all the way up.

"Oh no you don't!" I heard Damon yell he knew I was up to something no good, didn't he have to change his shirt? I giggled; I was in an evil mood! I raced into Damon's room locking the door and racing to his closet. I took all of his shirts and carried them into the bathroom I turned on the shower and dropped all of his shirts on the floor to get them soaked. Shirtless for a day oh yeah!

I raced back out and went into his dresser to grab those shirts too. I turned on the tub and threw those shirts in too. All the while Damon was banging on the door. Should I do his pants? Na that would be too evil!

I unlocked the door and let him in I was laughing like crazy. He gave me a playful glare that was filled with curiosity. He then realized his draws were open and two were empty.

"Babe, where are my shirts?"

I slowly inched my way to the bed room door, but I found myself being tossed on the bed. I giggled as I bounced up and down.

"Whatever you do don't look in the bath room."

He was gone in seconds and all I heard was a stream of colorful words. I got off the bed and slowly walked towards the bathroom door.

"What the hell!"

I bit my bottom lip and peeked into the bathroom. Damon had turned off both the shower and the bath tub water. Was he mad, mad, or will he laughs at this with me? I mean it was a really good prank.

"Babe?" I called softly to him. His head looked snapped at me. I was only showing half myself in case he might blow up on me and I can duck.

"All of my shirts?! Really?!" he exclaimed. Mad, mad. I hid behind the wall all of the way and sighed inwardly before I became dizzy. I held my head in my hands for a little bit, and in that time Damon came out of the bathroom.

"Jade? Are you okay, baby?" he was in front of me in seconds. I nodded my head slowly.

"Just dizzy," I said giving him a reassuring smile. He brought me over to the bed and had me lay down on it.

"I'll go get you some water. That work out must have done a number on you," he said getting off the edge of the bed and disappearing before reappearing with a bottle of water.

"I only did that to your shirts so can go shirtless for a day," I admitted to him. He grinned and said, "All you had to do was ask baby."

He tore his shirt off, literally. I giggled and opened the bottle water and took a sip out of it. Damon grinned even wider.

"What?" I asked him curiously as I ran my hand through his hair and down the side of his face to lay it on his cheek. He leaned into my hand and turned his head to kiss my palm.

"I was thinking back to the first time that we met."

I smiled, "I was afraid of you."

"I want to drink you," he said grinning even wider. I laughed and shook my head.

"And look at where we are now."

He pressed his lips lightly onto mine.

"I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too."

I returned his kiss. I have to tell him about Klaus.

"Klaus appeared today," I spoke quickly. He stopped and pulled back.

"He what?!" Damon snapped.

"When I was out working out he appeared out of nowhere and demanded that I leave you and be with him."

"And?!" he growled.

Why was he being like this? I immediately sat up on the bed and glared at him.

"Why are you acting like it was my fault he showed up?" I hissed at him. He sighed and got off the bed.

"I'm going to the grill," he snapped before grabbing his jacket.

"You can't always find the answers to everything at the end of a bottle of bourbon, Damon," I told pointedly, getting off the bed. He glared at me.

"It's not like I'm going to find answers here," he barked before leaving the room. I stood there dumbfounded. Damon has been weird lately. It's like whatever I did wasn't good enough for him…I'm tempted to leave for a few days…stay at the lake house for a few days so I can just have time to myself. So that's what I'm doing, I walked into the closet and pulled out a duffel bag before stuffing in clothes. A few days' worth and back up clothes in case I want to work out in the woods over there. I went into my school bag and ripped a page from my note book. I grabbed a pen out of there as well before scribbling a small note on it telling Damon where I would be and to back off until I came back.

First it was the fact I was doing nothing that made him upset and that I was just lying in bed all day. Now it's the fact that this hybrid monster has a crush on me and try's to take my affections. I never wanted a drama filled life before but that's what it's like whenever I'm here. I walked out of the room leaving the note folded on his bed, with the bag in my hand. I raced down the steps, grabbing both my leather jacket and car keys on the way out. I slammed the door behind me before racing to my car in the pouring rain and opened the back door to the car tossing my bag in before slamming that shut as well.

I ran around the side of my car only to be shoved to the ground by a heavy force. I felt my arm get cut up by the gravel on the driveway. I looked up to see a werewolf standing in front of me.

"Shit," I breathed out. I looked up at the wolf as it growled barring its fangs. I grabbed my keys and threw them as hard as I could at the wolfs face. I got up and ran for dear life. I couldn't race back inside the house because the wolf would go after Stefan. I raced into the woods and hopped over the dead limbs with ease. I raced as fast as possible. My heart rate was accelerating feeling like it might burst out of my chest. I ran for my life.

I kept jumping and running. I looked to my left and right to see if the wolf was running along with me. I didn't see it but when I turned forwards again it stood dead center in front of me. I went to jump over it, but it saw my intentions and jumped with my and snatched me in the air with his teeth causing me to cry out in pain. I fell roughly to the ground, the wolf didn't let go he bit down harder causing me to howl out in pain. No pun intended.

I looked around me and saw a branch. I grabbed it frantically and swung heavily at the wolfs head smashing it. I heard a sickening crunch the dog's neck snapped. It was dead. It fell lifelessly onto the ground. Its hold on me loosened immensely. I bit back a whimper as I pulled my leg out of the dog's mouth. My heart beat rang through my ears. Why did that wolf attack me? It makes no sense….

My vision began to blur as I got up stumbling, and found myself falling against a tree scrapping up my back. I felt a blanket of darkness engulf me and I dropped forwards face first onto the ground. Out like a light. I felt something stir inside me while I was out though. Something cold and dark. Darker than hell. I need to fight Shadow. It still lurks inside me. I just have to find a way to get rid of it. I need to.