‹ Prequel: Jade Gilbert

The Lucky and the Damned

The Promise of Torture by Shadow

I woke up not being able to open my eyes. I was drenched in something sticky and the smell of copper flooded my nostrils. I immediately shot up from where I laid on the ground. I look around and saw the dead wolf on the ground. That when I felt the pain. I leaned against the tree I was next to and let out a small whimper. Why did this wolf randomly attack me? Where the hell did it come from? I started making my way towards the ruins of fell church that was close by. How ironic. I crawled out of that pile of wood and nails with a broken leg and now I'm limping towards it with a half gnawed leg.

I heard laughter around me mocking. I looked around tensing up. I saw Katherine walk out from behind a tree laughing over something.

"What's so funny bitch?" I hissed at her as the pain stung more. She only laughed again.

"Bitch?" she scolded, "Jade, Jade, Jade, I saved your life back there."

"Oh really? Since when did you, Katherine, care about anyone other than yourself?"

She laughed at me again, "You see that where you're wrong Jade, I'm not Katherine and I'm not Elena. I'll give you a hint though. I have more power over you then anyone else will."

My eyes widened, "Shadow? How? You're inside my head! You're not real!"

She laughed again, she is mocking me, and "I am still inside your head. I can just make you think you can see me now. That's how much power I have gained."

I gulped. Please tell me this wasn't really happening now. Please tell me that Shadow is not going to make me lose myself, my body, and my mind again. She walked towards me tauntingly.

"You know how vampires are weak when they get bitten by a werewolf and they slowly sink into insanity," She started circling me, "I'm going to make you suffer from that one hundred times harder for trying to get rid of me."

I looked at her fearfully and she gave me a wicked grin, "I am going to make your life a living hell, I am going make everyone around you hate you and think you have lost it. I mean they are already starting to worry about your sanity. Isn't that right Stefan?"

I spin around and see Stefan looking at me wide eyed. I started to cry, "What's happening to me?!"

He gave me a sad look and walked over to me and engulfed me in his arms. He lifted me up bridal style. I buried my head in the crook of his neck and continued to cry as if it was the only thing that could save me from the hell I was going through. I wanted it all to end. I wanted to die. I wanted to leave this world to protect everyone I love from seeing me going insane. From turning on them even though it would really be me turning on them.

I woke up in a familiar musky smelling room. It was the cell that was in the basement of the boarding house. My leg was in a cast and I was handcuffed to the little cot that was in the room. I looked around and saw Damon and Stefan in the room.

"What's the meaning of this," I growled, with the handcuffed hand tugging viciously away from the cot.

"Stefan said he heard you talking to yourself, but it was two different parts of you Jade. Who were you talking to?" Damon asked, and Shadow was in control right now.

She laughed evilly before saying, "As if you don't already know pretty boy. I was here all along, plotting and now Jade is at her weakest."

I whimpered looking at them, "Make her stop!"

They both looked at each other, Stefan was the one to speak, "Jade we-we need to know who's doing this to you."

Shadow grinned before yanking my cuffed hand from the breaking the chain in two. My wrist was bleeding and I cried out in pain. She laughed. I didn't realize what was happening until I had Stefan against the wall. My face dangerously close to the wall.

"Hm, Stefan Salvatore, it's nice to see you again," she said with a smirk, she kissed his cheek.

"Who are you?!" he roared struggling against Shadows strength.

Shadow pouted, "Aw, Stefan I worked with you and Klaus for almost a year and you don't even remember me?"

Stefan's eyes widened slightly, "Shadow?"

Her evil grin returned and her eyes shinned, "I knew you didn't forget me."

"No it's impossible," Damon muttered, "Jade said she got rid of you."

"There is only one way to get rid of me sweet heart," Shadow taunted, Damon's eyes widened. My mind was reeling. If I died so did Shadow. No more Jade, but no more Shadow. If that's what it takes then that's what I will do.

Shadow chuckled, "Now if you excuse me I would like to torture Jade for trying to get rid of me."

With that I black out, but I knew I was still moving, Shadow was in control of my body. I needed to stop her. I had to die. I had no choice. I will not put my family at risk. I will not put my friends at risk. It was time for me to be responsible and kill Shadow myself.