‹ Prequel: Jade Gilbert

The Lucky and the Damned

Back With A Surprise

Damon's POV:

I watched Jeremy hit the ground with a sickening smack and then just next to him the ground swallowed Jade. She was gone again. Jeremy sat up looking horrified.

"Where's Jade?" he immediately asked looking around. Elena raced over to him at her now human speed and cradled him in her arms, but he simply pushed her away.

"Jades gone," Elena looked at him hurt that he would care more for Jade after what jade had done to her. I simply rolled my eyes at that. She would not shut the fuck up about how jade had hurt her and had no right to turn her human. And then she had the nerve to ask Stefan and I to change her again, she even had gone to Caroline. It pissed me off. Jade had given her what she had wanted.

The many that looked identical to Stefan was in fact looking at Stefan and Stefan was staring at him.

"Who are you?" they both asked each other.

"I'm Stefan, I was turned in 1885," Stefan told him and the man grew an evil smirk. Both of them apparently clueless that Jade was once again swallowed by the ground.

"Well it seems to me as if you had a doppelganger," the man told him.

"Seems like it," was all Stefan said.

"How did you know jade?" I asked the Stefan's new found twin.

"We dated I broke her heart she looked me in that damned cave and she back and freed me today," he smirked.

"You're Silas?" Stefan asked him. Stefan's twin nodded. Stefan's twin, now known as Silas went to say something before he looked around.

"Where's Jade?" he asked suddenly. I smacked my forehead.

"She was swallowed by the ground dipshit. Both of you were too busy eyeing each other that neither of you witnessed her being swallowed by the ground again," I growled at them. Suddenly there was thunder and rain. The thunder sounded violent like cracking whips.

Elena screamed at the first sound of it as it scared her. I hid a smirk. Stupid bitch. We all took cover under the shed in what had looked like an old warehouse on the outside but was a complete safe house on the inside. Jade sure did know how to hide but live the luxury doing it.

"We won't be going anywhere in this storm, so we might as well get comfy," Silas said before plopping down on the couch.

"The fridge is stocked," Elena announced as she walked back in from the kitchen.

"Jade is always six steps ahead of everyone. She knew you would follow her, but she never knew Jeremy was going to die. She did know however something might prevent you from leaving," Silas told us while he made himself at home on the couch, but just as he finished the word leaving the whole place locked down. The door and windows wear sealed off but what looked to be metal shields.

I sighed angry and looked at Silas who said, "Oops."

"Now how will we get out," Elena whined as Jeremy glared at her.

"Be grateful that Jade even planned ahead otherwise you would be starving," he growled.

January 21, 2012

I found some paper to write thoughts down on to keep me sane….everyone was agitated that they couldn't walk out and get some air. This went on like this for I'm guessing a week because the window shields won't let us see the sun and all we had were the clocks. And by this time everyone was going crazy. The smallest noise they would snap at each other for even me. Especially when Elena has crunchy food. That shit is magnified for vampires. So I told her either to find something else to eat or suffer the consequences.

January 29, 2012

Today Stefan and I tried to break through the windows and the door. No matter how much force we used it was impenetrable. Elena has come down with some type of cold. We aren't really sure what it is. But it's gotten her to shut up. I know that sounds cruel but she hasn't stopped trying to talk things out with since we were locked in this damn safe house. Silas kept to himself. Observing us. It's starting to irritate me because I feel like he is planning something against all of us. Stefan, Silas and I haven't eaten for over a week. We are all becoming weaker.

Where are you Jade? When I need you…

February 2, 2012

I can barely write. I've become so hungry all I can think about is the blood running through Jeremy and Elena's veins. We were finally able to hear thunder outside which can only make us think how powerful the storm outside really is if we weren't able to hear it the first time we were in here.

February 6, 2012

The human food is almost gone so we all decided to ration it, give them smaller proportions to make it last. Jade how could you do this to us? You're killing us all-

A loud crack of thunder made me jump and drop the pen, I went to pick it up and continue writing before I felt shaking. It wasn't me….no it was the safe house. I looked at the water in the glass on the table next to Elena and saw it shaking as well. Another earth quake. This island been having many of them, but this one felt stronger. And just as quick as it started it had stopped. Suddenly the doors and windows shields flew open as if they were never there, we all stood up quickly. The door flung open and someone holding another person up groaned before they both fell to the ground and in the light. We all stood there astonished as the light from the safe house showed who was lying on the floor.

IT was Jade, but….Jade wasn't alone….she brought back Alaric. Silas raced over and picked up jade revealing she was actually naked with whatever cloths left that were seared and charred to her body; she had burn marks all over her body. Silas disappeared with Jades body. I raced after them only to find that, Jade was once again gone.

I raced back in and over to Alaric's body which Stefan covered because he too was nude. Jade went to hell and brought Alaric back. She had fought for survival and she was able to bring him back. It no longer thundered nor rained, no it was a clear night and you could see the stars in the sky. We hurried to the boat and found Silas standing there, Jade gone from his arms.

We ran over to him and Elena began pounding her fists on him demanding where she is and Silas simply ignore and continued to stare at the water.

We heard movement and I turned my gaze towards the water and saw Jade staring at us with amusement as she swam backwards in the water showing off her mermaids tail. Elena gasped.

I simply ran into the water and swam up to jade and grabbed her and kissed her like there was no tomorrow. She didn't refuse the kiss; no in fact she kissed me back. She had brought my brother back. I was forever grateful.