‹ Prequel: Jade Gilbert

The Lucky and the Damned

One Fatal Bite: Part Two

I woke up in a cell. I groaned at the pain my arm gave me. My whole body was sore.

"She needs to stay here, Damon," I heard Sheriff Forbes say. I looked through the bars of the cell and saw Damon and Sheriff Forbes standing outside the jail cell. Their eyes would flicker to me every now and then.

"She needs to come home with me," Damon growled.

"She killed five girls out in the open Damon, she showed no signs of remorse and on top of that when we found her she was talking to herself.

"She was bitten by a werewolf!" Damon yelled at her. The Sheriffs natural reaction was to reach for her gun. Damon sighed and said, "She got bitten by Klaus."

"Klaus-"she started.

"Klaus, the Klaus who turned your son into a hybrid, yeah that Klaus. HE bit her and to be honest I doubt she will last through the end of this week. What she needs now is to be with the people she loves. So she can be with them one last time before she dies," Damon told the Sheriff but his eyes looked with my half lidded ones.

Forbes sighed and said, "Fine, just make sure she stays away from the towns people."

She nodded her head to some other cop who unlocked the door. He opened the door and before any of them could react I zipped out of there. I walked into the cemetery to say my final goodbye and found Jenna's grave. I sunk down to my knees and let out a sob.

"I'm so sorry Jenna! I was there! I was there with you! I should have told you that it was me! I am so sorry! You are supposed to be alive and you're supposed to be happy! This was not the way it was supposed to be Jenna! You were supposed to be the one to stay alive and take care of Jeremy and Elena. I am sorry Jenna…I'm so sorry!" I sobbed into my hands. I shook my head and said, "But you know what Jenna, they are going to be protected. They will have Ric and Damon and even Stefan, because even though Stefan is compelled to have his emotions shut off. HE still loves Elena and he will get that love back for her. I know he will protect her not matter what. And my team the one I never told you about they will protect everyone too Jenna."

"I wish you were here," I whispered running my finger on the tombstone tracing her name.

"The only way to protect everyone is to leave. I have to leave Mystic Falls. I came to say my final goodbye Jenna. I hope you are happy now. Finally out of this crazy world," I whispered I bent forward and kissed the tombstone before I got up of the ground and raced out of Mystic Falls.

I didn't want anyone to see me dying. That is what I wished for. I stood in front of the mansion and walked inside the house was oddly quiet. I arched an eye brow and tried listening in for any weird. There was nothing but silence. The furniture was gone as well. Now that is just weird. I raced up the stairs and into Carters office the floor was moved and the safe had been opened.

My eyes widened. I raced down stairs and into the garage the cars were gone. Everyone was gone. I raced out of the garage and back into the house. I punched the secret panel and the door opened and before I could react there was an explosion I felt my skin burn I screamed and raced back up the stair and raced into one of the room and into a shower. I turned on the water and let it hit my sizzling skin.

Once I was soaked and I felt that the vervain was off my skin I got out of the shower and raced into the secret room. There I saw papers everywhere. The bikes were gone. Everything and everyone was gone.

"Dammit Hale," I growled as I sunk to my knees.

"Run into a little trouble love?" I heard that cocky English accent from behind me.

"What do you want from me?! You have already given me my death sentence can't you just leave everyone including me alone?!" I roared at him.

He smirked and said, "Now why would I want to leave you alone."

"Because I have no interest in seeing you," I growled.

"Oh come on now love, that werewolf bight just put a little bump in our road. I am surprised you haven't come to beg me to give you the cure," Klaus said with a questioning look on his face.

"Because I am not one to beg even if I was I would never ever beg you for anything even if it was something that could save my life," I said every word through gritted teeth taking a stride closer to him until I was all up in his face.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that, love," he said which made my face scrunch up in confusion. He started walking circles around me and said, "I know you won't be able to resist asking for the cure because it would mean that Elena and Jeremy would still have family left."

I glared at him as he continued, "Didn't you visit your sweet Aunt Jenna today? You even admitted that to Aunt Jenna in your whole sob speech about how you wish she was here for Elena and Jeremy. "

"You followed me?" I asked him with tears in my eye. He was mocking over me mourning my aunt. Wouldn't you start to tear up too?

"I wanted to make sure you wouldn't do anything stupid, like try to take the easy way out and take off your ring," he told me.

I shook my head and said, "Well I am trying to stay alive as long as I can even if it was painful. I am trying to protect everyone I love from you and if you can here to get an apology from me you can just leave because you're not going to get one from me."

His eyes flared and he growled grabbing my throat with a vice grip and lifted me up off the ground. I choked for air.

HE glared at me and I smiled and said, "I-did it- for-my-fam-ily. Some-thing-you-don't-have-left-of."

HE threw me back and I smashed into the wall. I cried out when a bolder piece of the wall fell onto my arm that was bitten. I hopped off the ground at vampire speed cradling my arm and raced out of the house.

By the time I reached Mystic Fall's woods I was out of breath. I felt the hunger again. I fell to my knees and then on my side I stared up at the sky panting. The clouds seemed to move at a faster pace and the colors of the sky seemed to change.

I felt my eyes growing heavy. Is this it? Is this the end? Am I dying now? I am happy that Elena wasn't her. She didn't deserve to see another person die in front of her. I am grateful she wasn't there to see Jenna die.

"So you're giving up," I heard a familiar voice say.

I looked to see Carter walking towards me.

"Carter," I said giving him a smile.

"Jade, you know you need to keep fighting," he told me.

"I am done hurting people Carter. I have hurt Elena, Jeremy, I practically put Jenna in her grave, I put you in your grave, I hurt innocent people-"

"And you think the only way you can get rid of that is by dying? Come on Jade be practical here. The only way you can get rid of stuff like that is if you had never done it to begin with. Even in death it will haunt you," Carter said cutting me off.

"So then, hell will welcome me with open arms," I told him with a smirk. HE shook he shook his head and said, "There is something you need to know Jade."

"There is a cure," he told me.

I rolled my eyes and said, "Of course there is a cure the only thing I have to do is ask close to let me drink his blood."

"No, Jade. Not that cure. The cure to end vampirism," he said making me look at him in disbelief.

I raised an eye brow and he said, "You can be human again. There was this spell this witch and I discussed in the mansion. You have to die in the process. The only problem is….you only have a ten percent chance that it could work."

"Carter what do I have to do?" I asked him.

"You have to sacrifice this vampire assassin from a special bloodline," he told me.

"How do I find one?" I asked him.

"He will have tattoos on his arm that no human could see," Carter continued.

I looked up at the sky and said, "It would take me years to find one of those and by that time everyone else would have grown older than me and plus I am dying Carter. I assume tomorrow or the next day."

"You're still giving up?! I just told you your way out of hell and you're still giving up?!" Carter exclaimed.

"I am not afraid of dying, I died before. It's just living that I'm afraid of. Being alive, I hurt people," I croaked. My voice felt like it was swelling and closing on me.

"What about Damon?" Carter asked me as he laid down next to me on the ground. I sighed as a silent lone tear ran down my check.

"He has Elena," I spoke up after a few minutes.

"But he doesn't love Elena, he loves you Jade. I see it the way he looks at you. HE will be torn up over your death and most likely will be in it much pain and flip the switch turning it off. The only reason he has kept it on for so long is because of you. He loves you so much," Carter said taking my hand in his as we looked up at the sky.

"I'm sorry Carter. You died because of me. You shouldn't have been the one to die. I should have reacted sooner-" I started ranting, but Carter stopped me but covering my mouth with his hand.

"What you did was the right thing Jade because if you had done something Klaus would have surely killed you. I have never felt freer in my life. Just promise me you will at least try to fight," He said giving me a smile.

"I promise," I whispered. I felt myself smile a little as well and nodded before I started coughing. I covered my mouth and pulled my hand back to see blood.

"Awesome," I groaned resting my hand on my stomach again.

"Are really here with me or is this a part of my hallucination process?" I asked him turning my head to look at him only he was no longer there. I frowned a little before I heard footsteps and looked up to see Stefan. He frowned as raced over to me.

HE looked down at my body and said, "Jade, where did you go?"

"I went back to the mansion, but everyone was gone and Klaus showed up," I mumbled and he nodded before he picked me up bridle style and I coughed into his chest and thank god he was wearing black or he would have seen the blood stain and he surely would have gone all ripper Stefan on me.

I closed my eyes and found myself inside the boarding house and lying in a bed, my whole body drenched with sweat. I turned rolled over quickly on my side and threw up blood over the side of the bed.

I felt like my body was trying to push out my insides. I yelled out in pain and looked down at my arm the bite had gotten extremely worse. I saw Damon standing next to me in a flash and pulled me into a hug. I saw Stefan blocking Elena from entering the room, she was in tears, begging for him to let her in to come and help me.

I held onto Damon and let out a sob. I was in so much pain I just couldn't do anything but cry. Carters voice was inside my head, 'Promise me you will fight'.

I passed out again and this time the pain was numb all that was left aching was the thirst. I was hungry and I knew that if I even had one drop of blood I wouldn't be able to control my thirst. My throat felt like sand paper rubbing against each other and my tongue was just as dry.

"So this is where they put you," a familiar voice spoke up. I didn't bother looking knowing it was the one person who I did not want to see.

I didn't even reply, I just couldn't I was too weak. I felt like my body was shutting down slowly. He walked towards me and my eyes followed him as he came closer to the bed. They were three quarters of the way closed; my time was coming where everything would just end. His eyes never leaving mine.

"You should have known from the start that I wouldn't have been able to let you die," Klaus said in a soft voice which had taken me aback.

"And you should know that I am not going to let anyone or anything harm you. Jade you are one remarkable girl, and I have never found it easy to find a strong emotion for a person, but somehow…you made me feel everything at once and it was so…addicting to be around you," he admitted before taking a seat next to me. He sighed and said, "It does pain me to see you with that Salvatore brother. The only thing I want in exchange from you for this…gift…is a kiss."

I went to open my mouth to say no, but my vampire hearing caught the sound of Elena and Jeremy along with all of my friends crying. It broke my heart. I closed my mouth and nodded my head looking in Klaus's eyes. Klaus bit his wrist and brought it up to my lips. I felt my fangs extract and I sunk my teeth into the bite. I drank several gulps before he pulled his arm away.

Before I could say anything as I gained my strength back he bent down and kissed my lips softly and lovingly. I kissed him back and after a few moments, I realized what was happening and I pulled back. He looked me in the eyes and said, "Wow, so that what he must have felt."

Confused I scrunched my eyebrows together. He tilted his head to the side and said, "You don't know do you?"

"Know what?" I demanded trying to keep myself intact and in control.

"Elena kissed Damon the night he was about to die," he told me. I felt a pang role through me.

I didn't even comment I just let that sink in. Well that hurt. I thought to myself. Klaus gave me a sad smile and said, "If you ever change your mind you know where to find me."

With that said he was gone and I was left there feeling like I was hit by an express train. I didn't waste any time getting dressed and racing around the room. I opened the window in Damon's room once I had on my Shadows clothes. Just as I was about to jump out the window the door opened and Damon stood there in the doorway. His eyes widened when he saw me, but he didn't have time to react as I hoped out of the window and onto the ground.

I raced into the woods and hide in tree. From where I was I saw the boarding house entrance. Everyone came running out. Elena and Damon paired together, I shook my head. I felt my eyes water and lunged towards another tree. I stood on the thin branch. They all had flashlights Damon and Elena headed the way I had gone.

"Why do you think she left?" Elena asked him as they flashed the lights all up at the trees.

"I think she is still hurt about the way we have been around each other. I told we are just friends," Damon told her.

"IS that what we are?" She questioned him as they continued to walk. Damon stopped and said, "Elena-"

"Damon, I have feeling for you. They are more than what would count towards friendship," Elena said immediately cutting off Damon.

He looked at her like he was thinking. I shook my head and hopped down with a loud thud making my presence known. Elena and Damon's heads snapped in my direction.

"I hate you!" I yelled at Elena. Her eyes widened. Damon took a step in front of her. That just made my heart sink further.

"I knew it! I knew it! 'There's nothing going on between us Jade!'" I said repeating what Damon had told me inside the mansion.

Elena had tears running down her face, but they weren't because she was sad they because she was guilty.

"I trusted you!" I yelled at the both of them.

"Jade, babe-"Damon started.

"NO! NO! Don't you dare Jade, babe me! I loved you! I trusted both of you! A-and then you fell in love with each other! I hate you!" I sobbed.

"Jade, please!" Elena begged.

"Shut up! Elena you always ruin everything! Why did you do this to me?!" I yelled at her.

"Jade!" I heard from afar. I shook my head with tears running down my face. I turned around and ran. I knew they were following me. I saw Stefan and Damon and then Caroline.

"Jade please talk to me!" Damon yelled as we all ran.

"Go to hell!" I yelled back.

"Jade, please what's wrong?!" Caroline exclaimed.

"Elena kissed Damon! He kissed her back! They love each other!" I yelled.

"I don't love Elena!" Damon exclaimed.

"Then why did you hesitate you Jackass!" I yelled at him. He had his thinking face on and I ran faster. We all came to a stop at the house I had planned on going in.

"Jade stop!" Caroline yelled.

"No, I should have just died! You should have all just left me alone the first time I died! I wouldn't have to be here and deal with this!" I screamed at them. Damon raced up to me and tried to touch my face, but I punched him in the jaw and said, "You don't get that privilege anymore."

The door to the mansion opened and I knew Klaus was standing behind me.

"Love, is there a problem?" I heard him ask as he got closer. He wrapped in arm around my waist before pulling me towards him.

I pulled away from Klaus immediately and glared at him. He gave me a confused look and said, "Jade?"

"I am not your love," I growled him before looking back at Damon saying, "Or yours."

Damon shook his head saying, "I know what I did was wrong-"

"Damn right it was wrong! But you can save you're bullshit for someone who gives a shit. I am done with the lying Damon."

HE looked down and I walked over to him and said, "I want the truth right here and right now…or I will run back through those woods, out of town and never look back. Answer correctly and I might think about staying."

"What do you want to know?" he asked in sigh.

"Do you feel the same way about Elena?" I already-"

"You already lied to me. I want the truth!" I yelled.

He flinched but I didn't care I was done. I was fed up. I wanted the truth and I wanted it now.


That one word alone made me turn on my heal and run.


I shook my head.


It wouldn't stop. The yelling. The screaming. The jack hammers pounding in my head. I couldn't physically open my eyes.


That voice where have I heard it before. It sounds familiar.


I couldn't respond. It was like I was being held under water. I couldn't think I couldn't talk and I couldn't open up my eyes.

"ELENA! She's gone! ELENA!"

Another familiar voice. Wait, who's gone?

"She can't be, Stefan! She promised me!"


"She tried holding on, but Klaus never showed up!"


"It's my entire fault."


"I tried every spell in my book that would come even close to waking her up."


"Are you sure?"


"There has to be something!"


'Promise me you won't give up, Jade. You promised me! No open your eyes!'

Carter's voice shouted in my head. My slowly, but surely finally opened.

Everyone was looking at each other and not paying attention to the fact that I had just woken up. That dream sucked. I have no idea why I had it.

I lifted my arms and picked up a pillow without being noticed still. It doesn't mean that I can't mess with them for a bit.

I used my vampire speed to hit Damon with the pillow before I used my vampire speed to quickly put the pillow back and lay back down.

"What the hell?" Damon said out loud. I closed my eyes.

"Not funny Stefan," he growled.

"What are you talking about?" Ripper Stefan asked him.

"You hit me with a pillow," Damon said.

"No I didn't," Stefan said.

It was quiet and I felt everyone's gaze on my even though my eyes were closed.

"It's not polite to stare at a vampire while she's sleeping," I spoke up using Damon's words.

I opened my eyes and everyone was staring at me. I got up and hopped up and down on the bed. I lunged at Damon playfully while I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him.

He kissed me back and I unwrapped my legs and stood up. I was immediately pulled into a hug by Elena.

"I thought I lost you again," she whispered.

"I couldn't give up. I promised someone I wouldn't," I told her when I pulled back.

"Well isn't this touching," a familiar voice said.

We all turned to see Rebekah standing there.

"What are you doing here Rebekah?" I asked her stepping towards her.

"Easy there, I am only here to stay. Klaus left he ran out of town," she said giving me a taunted smirk.

"Do we still have a dagger?" I asked Damon.

"Yes," he said with a smirk already knowing what I was getting at. I smiled and said, "Good I'll hold Elena you dagger her."

"What makes you think you are stronger than me?" the Klaus sibling growled.

"Well," I said as I started walking around her, "I have been taught by two of your brothers, Klaus and Elijah, how to handle vampires, werewolves, and originals."

She charged at me but I caught her by her throat and squeezed. Her eyes widened and I said, "Like I said."

She glared at me and said, "If you kill me Klaus will kill you and everyone you love."

"Klaus can't kill someone he loves," I whispered to her knowing every vampire in that room heard.

She glared at me knowing what I said was true. I threw her out the door and said, "No if you don't mind I would like to get back to that moment I was having with my family."

She stormed down the hall and I smirked turning around to see Damon smiling at me.

"God I missed you," he said tugging me towards him by grabbing the caller of my shirt and kissed me. I giggled before I pulled back and said, "So what did I miss?"

They all looked at each other before they turned back to me and gave me a look.