Miss Missing You

march 24th, 2014

10:11 pm

Dear Mike,

Hey. It's been a while.

I have some pretty great news, although, i'm sure you already know. Jaime proposed tonight. We're going to get married. I was thinking of October, and Jaime suggested it be the 28th. I thought that was really, really great of him.

This isn't my last letter, but now that I've stepped back and taken a look at myself, I know I don't need to do this anymore. It's almost like it's holding me back from my new life. I shouldn't have to report to you anyways, you can already see what's going on in my life.

I'm pretty sure that's why you "saved" me, back in October. Isn't it? Maybe you knew Jaime would be good for me. Maybe you knew I would find myself in him.

Thank you, for everything you've ever done for me. I love you,

♠ ♠ ♠
eeeppp, we're almost done!