Miss Missing You

may 7th, 2013

3:27 pm


I just got done with a counseling session. And do you know what? I can't stop thinking about our baseball game date.

Honestly, it was the perfect idea, your plan was set up wonderfully, you thought everything through. Well, except for the weather.

Of course, you had to pick the day it was gonna storm, and it was my only day off of work that week. Oh I'm not complaining, of course, because making out in the truck under the blanket (because it was freezing) while the storm raged just outside, I mean, that itself was perfect.

The CD you had playing that day was all the classic love songs you could get your hands on.

Lately, all I can listen to now is Floyd's "Wish You Were Here".

This goes without saying, but I miss you. I love you.

♠ ♠ ♠
:)(: cool cool cool!