Manage Me, I'm a Mess

I would kiss you even if you were dead

(next day)

'Defendant calls Peter Gaskarth to the stand.' my lawyer says and my dad walks over to the stand,
'Please stand. Raise your right hand. Do you promise that the testimony you shall give in the case before this court shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?' the clerk says,
'I do.' my dad mutters and sits down,
'Only sit when asked to please mr Gaskarth.' the judge says and he nods,
'Sorry your honour.' he says, 
'Okay, Peter, why do you believe you should have custody of Alex?' my lawyer, Dave, asks,
'Because I am his father and the only relation he has remaining.' my dad says calmly,
'Have you ever signed off custody to his mother or any foster homes?' he asks and my so called father shakes his head,
'Could you explain your relation ship with Alexander's mother.'' Dave asks him and he sighs,
'we dated for about 5 months before she got pregnant. We lived together once Alex was born for 3 years but I just wasn't ready to be looking after a child so I left.' he says,
'And when during this time did you rape Isobel Gaskarth?' Dave queries and Jack squeezes my knee,
'I-I thought Isobel was out of this case?' he stutters,
'Her death is being disclosed from the court.' the judge says, 'Continue Defendant.' he asks and Dave nods,
'So, did you, or did you not rape Ms Isobel Gaskarth, which lead to the birth of dear Alexander?' Dave says, edging closer to Peter,
'I did not.' Peter says shakily and Dave turns and gets a piece of paper out of his brief case and hands it to the judge, who reads it carefully before turning to my dad,
'Are you positive you are the father of Alexander?' he asks,
'That I am your honour.' he nods and the judge coughs and starts talking again,
'This is a statement from Alexander's foster records, "Alexander was born to Isobel Gaskarth on the 14th of December, Isobel was raped and Alexander was conceived. The child is to be kept unknowing of this information." when did you find out about this Alexander?' the judge asks, 
'Only yesterday your honour. I do not wish to live with my mothers rapist.' I say shakily and he nods,
'Officers, please contain mr Gaskarth.' the judge says and the police standing by quickly grab hold of him,
'Peter Gaskarth, you are under arrest for the rape and potential manslaughter of Isobel Gaskarth. Custody denied. You will sign over all custody you have of Alexander to mr and mrs Barakat. Court dismissed.' 
And that's that. He's out of my life.
Jacks arms wrap around me tightly and he kisses my forehead,
'Are you okay?' he whispers and I nod, smiling,
'Thank you.' I whisper.

(later on)

'I'm so proud of you.' Jack whispers, he's sat behind me, rubbing my back and shoulders,
'How long have you known?' I ask,
'I knew before you arrived Lex.' he sighs,
'And you still love me?' I say, confused,
'Of course. Lex, I'd love you if you were found in a cardboard box on the side of the road, or if you were born to the poshest, most homophobic couple ever, I'd still fucking love you.' he whispers, kissing my neck softly as his hands massage my lower back,
'I love you.' I whisper, leaning back, he wraps his arms around my waist and presses my back against his chest, I put my hands over his and play with the ring on his finger, 
'Thats gonna be a wedding ring one day, yeah?' he chuckles and I nod,
'Yeah, it is.' I smile, pressing the side of my head against his, 'Love you.' I chuckle,
'I love you too baby boy.' he whispers.