Status: Completed

The Broken Ginger

Hold Me Close, Don't Let Go

*Alan's P.O.V.*
For the past few nights, I have been having horrible night terrors. It always resulted in Austin holding me while I sobbed.
*Austin's P.O.V.*
Alan has been having night terrors. He starts mumbling then screaming. He tosses and turns. I have to hold him and wake him up. I turned the lamp off and cuddled close to Alan. I woke up at about 3 in the morning because I heard him talking. I never knew what Alan was dreaming about when he had night terrors. "Don't touch me. What are you doing?" he started crying. "Daddy! Don't do this to me!" he started screaming. I gently shook him out of it. He opened his eyes. "What in the hell did he do to you?" I asked.
*Alan's P.O.V.*
I knew I would have to tell him soon. My father didn't just hit me. He raped me when I was younger. My mom never knew about it. I guess making love to Austin triggered some memories. "He didn't just hit me Austin. He...He r-raped me." I admitted. I was so disgusted with myself. I should have told him sooner. "He did what!?" he stood up. I curled into a ball. He looked at me. He was crying. He looked so pained. It hurt to see him like this. He laid down again. "I'm sorry I yelled." he gently pulled me close. I loved being in his arms. I wrapped my arms around him. We held each other. "I love you so fucking much." I looked into his beautiful eyes. "I love you too. Beyond words." he kissed me. I pulled back and wrapped the blankets around us. I fell into a peaceful sleep.
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Title credit: Bring Me The Horizon, Hospital For Souls