Status: Hey! This actually isn't a new story...It's been everywhere, pretty much...but here. :)

Half-Blooded, Half Chosen

My name is Echo Jackson; I've lived at Camp Half-Blood my whole life. In the winter, I would occasionally visit my other home, the Institute in New York. My mother, descendant of Hecate, and a shadowhunter at birth, fell in love with Poseidon, and gave birth to me. I was too powerful though, monsters attacked her at the hospital when I was born.

Orphaned and alone, I was left at the camp for others to take care of me. Now, at age sixteen, I've been told that I was going to join my half-brother Percy Jackson and my friends on what I thought was a quest to get the Athena Parthenos back to its rightful place.

My problem is...I've been told Percy and Annabeth have fallen into Tartarus, and we have to get to the Doors of Death and to Camp Half-Blood before the Romans attack...or will our plans get delayed by another, more sinister development?

My nagging crush on Leo Valdez, son of Hephaestus, and my tie to Calypso aren't helping. Is someone taking advantage of my bond with Calypso?

A Percy Jackson/Mortal Instruments crossover you won't forget!