The Fabulous Tales of a Real Fake


What is the problem with men these days? How come they can’t open up unless we’re undressed? I mean, I know how ridiculous that sounds coming from me, the Queen of Deception, but still. A little simple honesty would be nice every once in a while. I don’t care if I don’t deserve it, but I want it, so I should get it.
I ignore him sometimes to make him jealous, because then he’s not in control, but I can’t do that for too long. He’s got a hold on me, and I can’t explain it. Could I actually care for him? I’m trying not to, but it’s hard. He’s sweet, and reminds me of myself. Trying to be guarded by being coy.
He wants me to be his supporting role, but I don’t think he understands that if I’m not the main star, then I don’t want to be in the play. I don’t do the whole “equal relationship” thing. I don’t care if I’m selfish or mean because that’s what I want. It’s what I want, so I should get it. Just because you have a pretty face, it doesn’t mean I’m suddenly going to change my ways. Of course I’ll be there for him, and be true, but that’s only if he will comply with my rules. But if he won’t open up, then I’m out. Maybe that’s why he won’t tell me anything.... Usually these boys are easier to crack than this.
I could be wrong.... Every fairy tale relationship in all the stupid movies I watch when I’m bored have relationships where each person has an equal say, but I’m too much of a control freak for that. What if they find out how I really am because I let them have too much freedom? I’m not about to let that happen. So yeah, I may have an unhealthy relationship, but it’s better than the alternative. Besides, boys who choose me must want to get burned a little, because it’s not hard to see that I’m not that real. Someone who has long, philosophical discussions about our purpose as humans on the planet usually doesn’t wear all pink and curl their hair like it’s a religious ritual. I could be wrong- there’s always the example of Legally Blonde where Elle decides to actually use her brain while being Barbie’s twin- but that’s a one in a million possibility these days.
I’ll try to investigate some more, and see where it get’s me. I’ll give him a test- I’ll tell him a little about me- my real self- and see how he reacts. Who knows? Maybe I’ll be able to trust him. Wouldn’t that be something!