Forever Ends Too Soon

Bipolar Feelings

Zach's POV:
"You leave tomorrow! I can't believe how quickly this day came. Do you have to go?" Laurie asks me.
"Oh no, you had your chance back in April to have me cancel. We're doing this now." I tell her and she looks at the ground.
"Just come back to me."
"I will."
"Unless we get hit by another semi." Michael says and Jennifer, yes the guys are dating Laurie's friends, laughs.
"Not funny right now." I tell him.
"Yeah, don't give the girls any idea that could happen to us." Cameron sides with me and Marcella kisses him.
"So kind to always think of us." She tells him. Laurie isn't saying anything.
"Nothing will happen to us." I promise her.
"Don't make promises you can't keep." She tells me, quietly.
"Stop being a downer." Alison's boyfriend, Craig, says.
"Be nice to my sister." Ali tells him.
"Laurie, do we need to talk again?" I ask her and she doesn't answer me for a few minutes.
"No, just go on your stupid tour and I'll see you when you get back."
"Laura, geez, you are so bipolar sometimes!" I yell.
"Fine, then leave me if you can't deal with it. Sorry I care about you and don't want anything to happen." She walks off.
"Did I say something?" I ask the girls.
"You always say something wrong around that girl. She's too sensitive."
"Craig, shut up! That is my sister!" Ali yells and walks off.
"So it's just them?" I ask. Jennifer and Marcella look at each other.
"Usually, yes. Just let Laurie cool down. She'll be there tomorrow to say goodbye to you, but she'll probably call you tonight." Marcella tells me.
"And you." Jennifer points at Craig. "Shut up about Laurie! Ali is super protective of her sister and she will break up with you if you don't stop." They grab their bags and leave.
"Do you understand them?" I ask the guys.
"Not for a second." Cameron tells me.
"I've given up trying to." Michael says and we look at Craig.
"Who cares?" He asks and leaves. I don't know Alison that well, but I don't see why she puts up with him.
"I should go." I leave and drive to Laurie's.
"Zach, she doesn't need to see you right now." Ali says and starts to close the door.
"Actually, I was hoping to talk to you." I stop her and she comes outside.
"What's going on?" She asks me.
"It's about your boyfriend." She looks away.
"He's no good, I know, but I love him, Zach. It's just something you have to understand."
"Look, I don't know you, but he doesn't respect you or Laurie. Neither of those things are okay with me." I tell her and she gets angry.
"You don't know me! Zach, I love him." She tells me.
"Fine." I say and she starts to get up.
"Thanks for your concern, though." She tells me before going inside. There is something really wrong with these girls.
"Zach, wait, don't go. I'm sorry I keep overreacting." Laurie runs to me.
"It's okay, I understand. You're afraid and I promise I'll try to come home safely."