Forever Ends Too Soon


Laura’s POV:
“Zach, let’s go!” I yell. I am definitely pregnant, and somehow survived tour. Today we find out if it’s a boy or a girl.
“I’ll be right there. You should be worrying about your paper right now.” I just started my last year of college.
“No, that’s not due for three more weeks. We have an appointment about our child in thirty minutes and it’s a twenty minute drive. Let’s go!” I yell at him.
“Getting moodier each day.” He sighs and I put my hand on my hip.
“Sorry.” I say and he reaches for me.
“No, it’s okay.” He says and I go to the car and wait for him. “Don’t act like this.” Zach begs me and I look at the window.
“Just drive.” I say. When we get there I reach for his hand. “Sorry, Zach.” I say and he kisses me on the cheek.
“It’s okay, Laurie. I’ll try not to say stupid things.” I laugh.
“Not possible for you.”
“But I’ll try for you.” He says and we walk inside. They take me back to the room and I look at the screen.
“Look at our little baby.” I say and he smiles.
“Are you two ready to find out the gender?” The nurse asks.
“Yes.” Zach and I say at the same time.
“Don’t be shy, little baby.” The nurse moves, trying to find a clear picture. Then she points at the screen.
“Zach, it’s a little boy.” I say and he smiles.
“Are you happy about that?” He asks me.
“I couldn’t care less! As long as he’s happy and healthy. But I would like a girl eventually.” I tell him and he laughs.
“Okay, but let’s wait a while.”
“Well if we must.” I can’t believe we’re having a boy.
“I’ll get these pictures in an envelope for you and they’ll be at the desk.” The nurse tells me and leaves the room.
“Can we name him Matthew?” I ask Zach and he looks at me.
“Have you thought about it?” He asks me.
“That was James’ middle name and my dad’s middle name.”
“Alright, Laurie. Matthew Porter, yeah, I like it.”
“Sounds like a heartbreaker already.” I laugh. We walk out to get the pictures.
“But we’ll teach him how to treat girls right.”
“Oh, of course! He’s gonna have a good role model.” I tell Zach.
“He’s got two.” Zach tells me.
“Come on, guys look up to their father more.” I say and Zach takes my hand.
“But he’s also going to learn that women don’t take a bunch of crap.” He tells me and I laugh. I get a kick.
“Zach, feel.” I say and put his hand on my stomach.
“Does it hurt?” He asks me.
“No, it’s not the most comfortable, but it doesn’t hurt.”
“Good.” He tells me and then I get a punch.
“Oh, but fist in the rib does hurt.” I say and I have to sit for a second.
“Are you hurt?” He asks me, worried.
“No, just shocked. Give me a second.” I tell him and then I get up, ready to tell everyone.