Forever Ends Too Soon

Another One

Laura’s POV:
“Zach, where is my textbook?” I yell.
“Haven’t seen it.” He yells back. I’m about to feed Matthew and I want to study, but apparently I won’t now. He just turned three months the other day.
“I have my finals tomorrow!” I whine. I hear the doorbell and put Matt in his bouncer. I run for the door and trip over a toy.
“I’ll get the door.” Zach tells me. Before I get up I see my book under the couch.
“How did it get there?” I ask aloud.
“Alright, thank you.” Zach says and comes back. He helps me up.
“Who was it?” I ask him.
“Someone selling insurance. Laurie, why don’t you go rest. I’ve got Matthew and you really need to sleep so you can think straight tomorrow.”
“Thank you, Zach, but I need to study. And Matt hasn’t eaten yet.”
“Darling, I can handle a bottle and so can he.” Zach tells me.
“But he needs me.” I complain.
“Exactly, he does. So you should go rest that way you don’t get sick.” Zach kisses me and I go upstairs. It does feel good to sleep. When I wake up it’s almost dinner. I walk downstairs to see Zach and Matt playing.
“You two are so cute.” I say, smiling. Zach look up and the grin on his face is priceless.
“Hey, feeling better?” He asks me.
“Much better. Now, hand me my book. I need to study.” Matt has a weird look on his face and I look at Zach.
“Is he okay?” Zach asks me.
“Did you burp him after you fed him?” I ask Zach and his eyes go wide.
“Crap!” He grabs Matt and I laugh.
“You’ll figure it out one day. I hope.” I sit on the couch, studying. Five minutes later I hear the burp.
“He’s my son.” Zach says and I roll my eyes, then force a burp of my own.
“Wanna bet on it?” I ask him and Zach turns around.
“Dang, Laurie.” He kisses me and Matt gurgles.
“Uh oh.” I say and run to the bathroom. I throw up and when I walk back out Zach looks at me.
“I had onions.” He tells me.
“I could tell.” We look at Matt.
“Are we ready for another one?” He asks me.
“Sure, why not. This better be my girl.” I tell Zach and he laughs.
“We’ll find out in a few months.” I look at Matt and smile.
“He’s going to be a good brother.”
“Quit thinking and go study.” Zach tells me and I look at my book.
“I really don’t want to. I understand everything.” I tell Zach.
“Play time comes after school work.”
“You’re going to be that kind of dad, huh?” I ask him and he laughs.
“No, only that kind of husband. I'll definitely be the fun dad.” He tells me. I kiss him and grab my books.
“Mommy will be back later, Matt.” I kiss him on the head and he cries as I walk away. “Zach?”
“Study.” He tells me.
“Fine.” I am going to rush through the material.