Forever Ends Too Soon

Revealing Secrets

Zach's POV:
"She was perfect!" I tell my mom when she calls me the next morning.
"Do you really like this girl?" Mom asks me.
"Yeah, I think I do. We're meeting on Wednesday."
"I just don't want you to get hurt. Or her. Do you know her name?"
"Laura." I tell mom. Laura's name is beautiful.
"Just don't get hurt."
"Mom, it's just a date." I remind her and she laughs.
"I guess it is." I hang up and go find the guys.
"Are you going to let her affect your band time like every other girl?" Michael asks.
"No, I won't. Well, I'll try not to. She was really perfect."
"Who did you give the other ticket to?" Cameron asks me and I try to remember.
"I'm not sure. I think I sold it online or something. Maybe to a Jennife."
"You are so weird, Zach. What if that person stalks you down now or something?”
"It was on eBay. I'm sure she won't ever contact me again."
"Says you. People are crazy, especially if she was a fan." Michael lectures me.
"Guys, calm down, I used my mom's account. You don't actually think I have an eBay account do you?" I ask them and they look at each other.
"You've had crazier." Cameron tells me.
"Man, you guys are rude." I say and we laugh.
“You aren’t much better.” Michael says.
“Well, I can’t wait for Wednesday to get here. I really want to see her again.”
“Surely there's something wrong with her. I mean, she does like you after all.” Michael says and I roll my eyes.
“Maybe there is, but I don’t mind. She could be mentally insane and I wouldn’t mind. Well, I would mind, but I would still probably date her depending on what she had.” Cameron laughs and then looks at me.
“You do need to get to know her. And we do, too.” Cameron tells me.
“I don’t want to scare her off. You guys can meet Laura if we ever get serious. She may not want to go out again after the first date. Or maybe I won’t want to go out with her again.”
“Just calm down and wait until after your date.” Cameron says and I do.
“Yeah, okay, sounds good. I hope everything works out.”
“Dude, calm down, you are starting to act like a chick.” Michael says and I laugh.
“Good. That was my goal.” I tell him sarcastically and we end up making faces at each other.
“Why do I ever trust you guys to work?” Stefanie asks and we shrug.
“Your problem, not ours.”
“I guess it is.” She shakes her head and walks away.
“Do you need us Wednesday?” I ask her and she thinks about it.
“No. You’re free.” She tells me and leaves. Finally Wednesday gets here and I show up to Starbucks early. I stand up when Laura walks in.
"How are you?" I ask her and she smiles.
"Better." She takes her jacket off and I notice something.
"You have a ring?" I ask her.
"Maybe I should explain it." She sits down and takes a deep breath.