‹ Prequel: Long Gone
Sequel: My Darling
Status: Enjoy. Ehehehehe

Hate Me


Pulling her heels onto her feet, Cora stands from her bed and walks over to her mirror. Looking at her reflection, Cora nods her head in satiation with a small frown on her face. Thor has been home for a little over two weeks and today he is leaving to rebuild the peace in the Nine Realms that Loki destroyed. How long Thor will be gone, Cora has no idea, but she hopes it is only a few months, four at the most. There is a knock at the door and Cora walks to the main room of her chambers, “Enter,” she calls out and pushes her curly hair out of her face. The doors open and Xaven runs into the room with Thor right behind her.

Thor smiles at Cora, “You look wonderful,” Thor states and offers his hand to Cora. Cora takes hold of Thor’s hand and Xaven takes the other. “My two favorite girls, you both are breath taking.” Xaven giggles at Thor’s words and Cora smiles softly looking Thor over. He’s in his battle armor with Mjolnir in his free hand and his hair is pulled back to keep it out of his face.

“You look very handsome, Thor,” Cora admits and Thor grins widely, showing his perfect white teeth. “Will Lady Arana be joining us?”

Thor nods his head and leaves Cora’s chambers with Cora and Xaven by his side. “She is with Frigga and Odin. They are waiting in the main hall, we will all walk out together,” Thor explains and Cora glances down at Xaven. Thor reads the question in Cora’s eyes and he gives her hand a light squeeze, “It will be fine, Cora.”

“Daddy?” Xaven’s voice pulls both adult’s eyes to her and she smiles. “Can I go too?”

Cora bites her tongue and Thor bites the inside of his cheek thinking of the proper way to explains why Xaven cannot go with him, without hurting her feelings. “Xaven…” Thor is saved from having to explain when Odin’s voice calls out his name.

“Gran!” Xaven shouts excitedly and she quickly lets go of Cora’s hand before she runs right into his arms. Odin picks Xaven’s up and kisses her forehead before he hands her off to Frigga. Thro and Cora soon stand before Odin and Cora bows before she takes her leaves and moves to stand beside Frigga.

“You look beautiful, dear,” Frigga whispers to Cora after she sets Xaven down and Cora smiles.

“You are too kind, my Queen,” Cora states and Frigga waves off her words. The two talk amongst themselves and Lady Arana joins them with a shy smile on her face. “Lady Arana,” Cora greets with a bow and Lady smiles.

“Lady Cora, I must thank you again for making such a lovely gown. I could not have wished for anything better.”

“It fits you well. Red is truly your color,” Cora compliments and Lady Arana blushes deeply. Lady Arana lifts her left hand to tuck some hair behind her ear and Cora’s eyes widen at the sight of a large ruby sparkling on her ring finger. “Oh my!” Cora is quick to grab hold of Lady Arana’s hand and Frigga leans in to look at the ring.

“He proposed?” Frigga questions and Lady Arana nods her head, blushing once again. “Oh that is wonderful.”

“I am truly happy for you. I wish you the best,” Cora says and lets Lady Arana’s hand go.

“Ladies?” Thor’s voice rings out and all three women look over to see that Thor and Odin are ready to go. Frigga smiles at the two young women and leaves to stand by Odin’s side. “Lady Arana?” Thor shifts Xaven into his left arm and offers his right hand. Lady Arana looks over at Cora and Cora pushes her gently. Lady Arana nods her head in thanks and takes hold of Thor’s hand. Rolling her shoulders back, Cora stand beside Lady Arana and she hold her head high readying herself for the cheers and screams of the people.

The palace doors open and Cora nearly goes deaf from the amount of shouts and cries. Odin and Frigga lead the group to the edge of the steps and Odin holds his hands up silencing the crowd. Folding her hands in front of her, Cora listens as Odin makes his speech about Thor and the warriors’ task to cast peace throughout the Nine Realms. Near the end of Odin’s speech, Thor hands Xaven over to Cora and Xaven watches as Thor gets himself ready to make a speech of his own. Thor takes the place where Odin was standing and he look out at all the people. “I am honored to lead our warriors into battle. This war is one for peace and it will come at a great cost, but I vow to you here and now, in front of the Allfather. We will fight will pride and we will win!” Thor’s speech is short, but it is what the crowd needed to hear. They shout and cheer as Thor waves to them and starts walking down the steps to his horse.

Odin and Frigga stay at the top of the steps, while Lady Arana, Cora and Xaven follow after Thor. Cora focuses on Xaven seeing that her eyes are already full of tears, “Oh little dove,” Cora cooes. “Do not cry. Your father will come back for you,” Cora promises as she rocks from side to side.

“I don’t want him to go,” Xaven cries and Cora holds her rightly in her arms. “Why can’t he stay?”

“Xaven…” Cora sighs and looks at Thor who is comforting Lady Arana. “He’s off to save the world…again. Your father helps people who cannot help themselves. He makes sure no one gets hurt,” Cora explains and Xaven’s widen.

“R-really?” Cora laughs and nods her head.

“Really.” Xaven turns her head and she jumps into Thor’s arms wrapping her own arm around his thick neck. Thor kisses the top of her head and holds Xaven tightly in his arms. “Be good for Cora and Lady Arana. They will take care of you while I am away, understand?” Cora smiles at the two and walks over to Lady Arana, giving the family of two sometime alone.

“How are you holding up?” Cora asks Lady Arana seeing her wipe tears from her eyes.

Lady Arana laughs and shakes her head, “I hate how emotional I can be,” she states and Cora nods her head understanding what she means. “How can you be so…” Lady Arana makes a gesture with her hands unsure of what word she is looking for and Cora takes hold of Lady Arana’s hands.

“My heart is not going into battle,” Cora says simple and Lady Arana stares at her understanding her words.

“You can tell?”

“I know love when I see it,” Cora smiles softly and Lady Arana blushes.

“Don’t leave,” Xaven cries and Thor can feel his heart breaking. It’s hard to leave Xaven and he knows that it will never get any easier.


“I luve you,” Xaven whispers and Thor buries his face in her hair.

“I love you more,” Thor’s voice is low and heavy with emotion. Thor pulls away and smiles down at Xaven, “I might be far away, so far that you won’t be able to see me, but we will always be together.” Thor presses his lips to Xaven’s forehead and looks her right in her hazel eyes. “Forever and ever,” Thor promises and Xaven smiles nodding her head.

“You should go to them,” Cora says and Lady Arana walks over to Thor and Xaven. Thor smiles and hands Xaven over. Cora smiles at the family and walks up the steps to stand beside Frigga. Frigga grabs hold of Cora’s hand and gives it a squeeze and Cora smiles at her.

“Don’t get hurt too badly,” Lady Arana jokes and Thor smiles. Ducking his head down Thor pecks her lips and Xaven giggles covering her eyes. Pulling away from Lady Arana Thor smirks seeing the blush on her face.

“Fairwell,” Thor whispers and he climbs up onto his horse. He waves to Odin, Frigga and Cora and takes off towards the Rainbow Bridge with warriors marching behind him.


From his cell Loki rolls his eyes as guards bring down more prisoners. “Thor continues to bring me new friends,” Loki grumbles sacristy and Frigga shakes her head at her son.

“He is undoing the damage you have done.”

“Putting every living creature in a cell is not undoing anything,” Loki snaps.

“Would you rather they be killed?” When Loki does not answer Frigga continues. “The books I sent, do they not interest you?”

Loki raises at eyebrow at Frigga, “Is that how I'm to will away eternity, reading?” Loki’s voice is sarcastic as he speaks.

“I've done everything in my power to make you comfortable, Loki,” Frigga protests lightly.

Loki claps his hands behind his back and starts to pace back and forth in front of Frigga. “Have you? Does Odin share your concern? Does Thor? It must be so inconvenient them asking after me day and night.” Loki taunts and Frigga frowns at Loki’s words.

“You know full well that your actions have brought you here and Odin has forbid anyone to see you.”

Loki laughs without any humor, “Forbid because of my actions?” he shakes his head at the thought. “I was merely giving truth to the lie that I've been fed my entire life, that I was born to be a king.”

Frigga gives Loki a disapproving look, “A king? A true king admits his faults. What of the lives you took on Earth?” Frigga asks hopping that Loki will understand the wrong he has done.

Loki shrugs his shoulders in a dismissive manner, “A mere handful compared to the numbers Odin has taken himself.” Loki rattles off with a flick of his hand and Frigga shakes her head. “Tell me, was it Odin’s doing to keep my niece from me?” Frigga’s eyes waver at the mention of Xaven and Loki scarfs with a smirk, “Oh that’s just priceless,” Loki laughs. “Thor may not be a daft as he looks.”

“Loki,” Frigga warns and Loki smiles innocently at her.

“Will you tell me about her?” Loki questions and Frigga bites her lip, but nods her head.

“Her name is Xaven and she is two years old. After you fell, Thor and Sif married; shortly after Xaven came along. A year later there was a war and Sif was killed in battle…Xaven is too young to remember, but we all tell her stories of her mother. Xaven is a sweet girl, she is very fond of Cora.”

“And Cora of her,” Loki states and Frigga nod her head. “Has Thor taken Cora as his own?”

“No,” Frigga is quick to deny the clam and makes a face. “Cora will never see Thor in that kind of way and the same goes for Thor. She has taken on the role of Xaven’s mother figure and she has done a fantastic job so far.”

“I would like to meet her…” Loki mutters and Frigga is clearly surprised by the request. “The daughter of Sif.”

“Surely you’re father-”

“He is NOT my father!” Loki’s voice echoes around his cell and Frigga stares at him sadly.

“Then am I not your mother?” Frigga asks and Loki bites his lip at the question, he knows the answer will kill not only Frigga, but himself as well.

Hesitating, Loki whispers, “No…you are not,” and he can see the pain his words have inflicted in Frigga’s eyes as the words leave his lips.

“Oh, Loki,” Frigga sighs. “Always so perceptive about everyone but yourself.” Frigga steps towards Loki and holds out a hand. Reluctantly, Loki reaches out and his hand goes right through Frigga. Loki’s vision blurs and Frigga smiles at him sadly before she shimmers in a green glow and disappears. Loki stares at the empty space and turns his back. He sits on his cot and stares out into the dungeon seeing nothing as his thoughts consume him. He can see Cora so clearly in his mind holding Xaven in her arms. What he would not give to see Cora’s stomach swollen with his own seed while holding another one of their kids in her arms. They would have tan skin, not as dark as Cora, but nothing close to as pale as his own tone. Their eyes…one child would have Loki’s eyes and the other Cora’s. Loki smiles at the thought and lays back on his cot, crossing his ankles and lacing his fingers together before he puts them behind his head. Loki’s eyes close and he loses himself in the images of his and Cora’s children and the many possible outcomes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Last Chapter!!

Hesitating, Loki whispers, “No…you are not,” and he can see the pain his words have inflicted in Frigga’s eyes as the words leave his lips.

Cora and Xaven's dresses
Lady Arana's dress

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