My Nightmare

My Nightmare

My Nightmare

Written by: Jordan McHenry

The dark flames wrapped themselves around the house engulfing it into a mass of blue and red. The shutters on the house falling to pieces and turning to ash once devoured by the horrible fire. I gasped trying to take a breath full of air and I choked on the smoke. I coughed. I started to shake, and screamed for someone to help me. I got pulled out of the house. I coughed sitting on the grass, while watching my house burn. I lunged toward the house suddenly. “Billy!!!” I screamed. The firefighter grabbed me and said, “No! We sent people in there to get him!.”

Through the haze of the smoke and ashes, I saw a firefighter practically drag my husband out of the fire. I screamed and ran to him. I cradled his face in my blackened hands. The firefighter who had gotten my husband, Billy, of the burning house, looked at me and said, “Ma’am...He’s...He’s not alive anymore. I’m so sorry. I checked his pulse myself.” I froze and then whispered, “No…” I rocked back and forth not believing the man. It couldn’t be real. I started to cry. I shook with fear and sobs racked my body causing me to looked down at Billy. My sweet Billy. I kissed his face, tears streaming onto his face from my crying. I held him like that sobbing.

The next few days were horrid. I had to tell the family, while crying every single night just praying it wasn’t real. It was, though. I had to plan his funeral and visitation. The fourth day would be his funeral. Days passed and soon enough I was in the funeral home waiting for other family to come to the visitation. Soon, after everyone had said their goodbyes to him, they buried him. I kissed his forehead one last time, then exited the area. I went to the hotel. I didn’t go to the after party to see family. I went to sleep and awoke the next morning to my mother calling with even more bad news. I sucked in a breath as she told me. She was crying, so I knew it would be bad news.

It was my dad, he had a heart attack. I couldn’t take this. I stayed in bed crying into my pillow. I rocked myself back and forth. I suddenly had a thought. One that scared myself as cold sweat went down my back. Could I possibly? I went to the roof and looked down. I then closed my eyes, and jumped. I could hear the traffic horns, and sounds coming from below me. I opened my eyes to look down at the ground as I fell.

I opened my eyes, screaming. I looked around frantically. I saw Billy in the bed with me. I hugged him tightly and cried into his chest. He eventually calmed me down. We both fell asleep. This had been my nightmare.