Status: I'm writing a story this is my first time so you I would like for everyone to give me some feedback, ideas. Please comment and Thanks again.

More Than Hate, Brotherly Love

Tom & Bill are twins brother who loved each other at the begin, but things change when they were 14 going into their freshman year in High School. They stop playing , talking with each other. They only talk to each other when their parents are around , otherwise nothing more nothing less . Later , did they know something would change their life completely and won't be able to leave without each other ever for a second.

Tom Kaulitz , 14 years old in High School. Living with my parents Simone & Jörg Kaulitz, and my twin brother Bill Kaulitz. Used to love my little brother not anymore. We were best friends , but now I can't stand him , but that doesn't mean I won't help if he is in danger. My best friend is George by the way .

Bill Kaulitz , 14 yeears old in High School. Living with my parents Simone & Jörg Kaulitz, and my twin brother Tom Kaulitz. Used to be close with my big brother not anymore. Since he keep giving me cold shoulder. I still care about my brother but don't show it. I have a best friend name Gustav.
  1. Big News
    Their father got promoted in his job but have to move.Meaning new school, new house, new friends , new everything.
  2. Graduation
    Two days to leave our hometown, sell our house , leave everything behind.
  3. New neighborhood & Friends
    They finally move in their new neighborhood , loving their new houses so far
  4. School Day
    It's been 2 months since we move in our new house , vacation over , today the twins first day of school.
  5. "Beauty and the beast" girls keep following us
    The girls keep stalking the guys around the school . They trying to date each one of the guys . Are the guys interred ? Read to find out.
  6. Drunk And Regret
    The twins got invited to a party but guess what happened
  7. Avoiding And Dating
    The brothers are worse then before. They keep avoiding each other, but Tom as other plan.
  8. Jealousy And Kiss
    Bill trying his best to forget his feeling for his baby brother by dating another guy.