Status: Active

A New Life


As we walked to the aquarium, Willa wanted to be swung up by the arms. It was something me and my friend Madison always did while walking with her, so I could see why she wanted to do it. She giggled and screamed, not having a care in the world, just having fun. I am sure to anyone around us, we looked like a proper family, other than the obvious, big, body guard trailing not to far behind us. I tried not to think about it and just let whatever was happening, happen. I mean there could be many reason why Harry wanted to hang around us, he could feel sorry for me, he could just like kids or have a weird thing for fish but I was positive that he could actually like me, no matter how hell bent Layla was on that thought. Honestly, he had just met me this morning. Maybe he was just looking for sex, I mean he did see me practically naked this morning but whatever it was, I was no longer going to let it get to me because I loved the aquarium and I wanted to have fun with my daughter.

As we approached, I could see Willa get more excited.

“What are you most excited about, Willa?” Harry asked her.

“ The peguins!! They are my favorite animal!” she responded excitedly.

I loved to watch the way her face lit up when she talked about things she loved. She could talk all day about how much she loved Wall-E and Eve or The Little Mermaid and I would listen just to watch her get so animated and so into what she was talking about.

As we stood in line, I was glad to see that not too many people were there for a Saturday. We it got to us to pay I reached into my bag for my wallet but before I could Harry was already receiving our tickets.

“You didn’t have to do that. Let me pay you back.” I told him.

“Its not a problem, I wanted to. Plus, I couldn’t let you pay for me and my guard. ’snot right.”

“Well, you didn’t have to pay for me and Willa.”

“Willa’s was free and its not that much, honestly. Its okay.”

I just nodded my head and didn’t argue any further. I love the sea life and I was really excited to see most this just for myself.

We explored everything and anything there was to explore. I think ever the body guard was amazed at a lot of things. But we were saving the penguins for last. We found a little indoor play area and Willa wanted to go play, So I let her as Harry and I took a seat on a near by bench.

“So are you having fun?”

“I am, a lot actually. Willa is laugh and very beautiful, just like her mum.”

I blushed. “Thank you. She is the best, I couldn’t imagine life without her.” I looked towards Willa playing and smiled whole heartedly. She really was the light of my life. When I looked back towards Harry, he was staring at me.

“What?” I asked him.

“Nothing. Uh, How old are you?”

“I’m 18.” That was absolutely the worst question to me because then I got to watch people do the math in their heads about how old I was when I had Willa. But Harry didn’t have that same look on his face like most people did and it was nearly earth shattering.

“Your dad told me you live in London yeah?”

“I do. We moved there about two years ago, right after Willa turned one. I had always loved it when we visited it and so far I still love it.”

“You love London more than Miami?”

“Oh, most definitely. Miami is lovely but London is home to me for some reason.”

“So you like the rain and cold more than the sunshine and beach?” He almost laughed.

“Now, I wouldn’t say that but I am just not as fond of Miami as I used to be.”

“I see. You’re dad lives in Malibu now thought, right?”

“Yeah, and we visit but I just don’t love it. Not that great of a place to raise a kid.”

“That’s understandable.”

Harry had this was about him that when he talked to you, you knew that he was listening and taking in every word that you said. He leaned in when he was talking to you and it made you feel like no one else was in the room.
It really made me open up a little bit more about him coming with us today.

“Wait, how do you know I am from Miami?” It dawned on me that I hadn’t told him that.

“Oh, Layla told us this morning after you went upstairs to get, Uh, properly dressed.” He laughed. “That was pretty great, by the way, what you said to your dad. Me and the guys got a right laugh.”

“Well, that’s good. I am sorry though. I didn’t know you guys would be there.”

“I think that’s pretty obvious, love.” He smiled.

“Hey, who knows? Maybe I did that on purpose, Maybe I was just trying to get one of you guys attention.”

“If that was your plan, it worked.”

I couldn’t help but think that this was kind of flirting but I hadn’t flirted in so long, I had no idea what it looked like anymore.

“So, I see a sign for ice cream. Would it be okay if we got some after we go see the penguins?”

“Yeah, sure.”

We stood up and started walked to were Willa was playing.

“Willamina” I sang as we approached her.

“Yeah, Momma?”

“Harry said he would buy you so ice cream after we go see the penguins if you wanted but you have to give him a hug and say thank you okay?”

“Okay momma!” She said went barreling towards Harry’s long legs, hugging them.

“Thank you for ice cweam, Hawy!”

“you are very welcome.” He responded and picked her up.

We all started walking toward where the penguin exhibit was. I could tell how excited Willa was by the way she jumped up and down in Harry’s arms. He set her down as we got near and she took off running, holding his hand with him hot on her heels. He laughed as she pressed her face up against the glass and watched the penguins in awe. As they watched them my mind was any where but penguins, I was watching them interact and thinking about how things could be so different, so much better than they were. Don’t get me wrong thing weren’t bad, but they could be better.

I was brought out of my thoughts as soon as I heard someone speak.

“He’s good with her.” I hadn’t ever realized the body guard was standing next to me until he said something.

“Yeah, it would seem that way.” I told him, looking at him with a smile before I walked over to where Harry and Willa were.

“Momma, did you know that penguins love each obber for life?” Willa said as I got to them.

“I didn’t know that, sweetie.”

“They do! Hawy told me!”

“Can we get cream now?”
“We sure can, babe. Lets go!” Harry said as he crouched down so Willa could get on his back for a piggy back ride. She giggle once she got on and he started to spin in circles.

Once we got to the ice cream cart I knew we needed to make this fast because Willa was starting to rub her eyes and I knew she must be tired. Plus, Layla had texted me saying that our parents were going out for dinner while everyone else had deiced to order take out and then hit a bar or two a little later.

“What’ll it be?” the man serving the ice cream said.

“I want strawberry!”

“I guess she will take strawberry, and Ill have chocolate and what do you want Sofie?”

Did he just call me Sofie.. Pretty sure he did.

“I’m good.” I shouldn’t have been as shocked as I was but no one had called me that in almost 4 years. Chris, was the only one to call me that. I didn’t mind Sof, or Sofia but I almost despised being called Sofie. It wasn’t his fault because he didn’t know, but it still sucked.

“Are you okay?” He asked me once we got sat down at a near by table. I guess he noticed the look on my face.

“Yeah, just thinking.” He didn’t say anything after so I guess my answer was enough for him not to press it.

It didn’t take them long to finish their ice cream and Willa had made a complete mess.

“Alright guys, I hate to say it but I think its about time we head back to the house.”

“Awe but Momma”

“Willamina, you heard me.”
“I think your mom is right Willa. Maybe we could watch a movie together before you go to sleep? If that’s okay with you mom.” Harry said looking right into my eyes.

“That’s sound good. But first mi hija, let go wash your hands and face. We will be right back Harry.” I said as Willa got up and followed me.

“Actually, I will meet you guys out front.” He had a huge grin on his face and I couldn’t tell why.

“Uh, okay. See you out front.”

Willa and I found the nearest bath room and we washed her up.

“Do you need to go potty, baby?”

She nodded and rubber her eyes again. She was minutes from a nap and I could tell should wouldn’t make the walk back to the car so I was going to have to carry her. As soon as she was done, we washed her hands again and left the restroom.

We found Harry out front with that same grin on his face and his hands behind his back.

“Willa, close your eyes and hold your hands out.” he said once we reach him. He crouch down to her level and place a fuzzy plush penguin is my daughters hands. As soon as he did, she opened her eyes and screamed for joy, hugging the stuff animal in her tiny arms.

“I love it! Thank you Hawy!” she told him as she hugged him around the neck.

“You are more than welcome, Willa.” he said as he hugger her back.

I couldn’t believe he had done that, it was so thoughtful and cute. He stood back up as Willa kept hugging her new found love.

“Thank you for that. She will never let that leave her side I’m sure.”

“Its no problem. I saw the gift shop earlier and I thought she would like something.” He smiled at me.

“Do you want me to carry you Willa?”

“No, momma. I want Hawy too.”

“Do you mind?” I asked looking at him but instead of answering me he just scooped her up and she laid her little head one his broad shoulders and starting walking back towards the restaurant where we left the car.

“Are you coming?” He asked once he realized I wasn’t following him. I just nodded my head and started after him.

The walk back to the car was filled with nothing but Willa’s little snores. I watched as Harry rubbed her back and hummed a tune to keep her small closed. She had her secured tightly around his neck with her new penguin hanging from one hand. It was all picture perfect and I knew it wouldn’t last.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you guys enjoy it. I will try to have the next chapter out by Saturday. Lot of fun stuff in the next one. Feed back would be lovely.
