Status: can't get enough of dylan.

Classics in Summertime

“Do you mind if I call you that?”

The barn was one of my favorite places in the world, partly because I had grown up there, but mostly because I simply loved to be around the horses. There was something about those magnificent creatures that had me spending nearly every spare moment I had taking care of them.

I was in the middle of scrubbing down a few of the saddles when I heard the distinct sound of footsteps behind me. They were too loud to be my baby brother’s, but too soft to be my father’s, so I automatically assumed they were Wyatt’s.

Even when we were on one of our breaks, he was constantly showing up at my house. I blamed it on my parents because they were always inviting him over. My mom liked to just look at him, and my dad loved to have him around to help. He really was great around the farm, even as much of an ass as he was.

“Dad’s out in the back pasture repairing some fence. You can go help him if you’d like.”

“I was actually just looking for –”

I shot up and around the moment I realized the voice wasn’t Wyatt, which clearly startled him into not speaking.

“Oh, Dylan, I didn’t realize it was you.”

He chuckled, holding his hands up a bit as he smiled. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.”

“No, it’s okay,” I said quickly, rubbing off my dusty hands on the front of my jeans. “What did you need?”

“I just cleaned up the fireplace and wanted to give it a try tonight, but alas, I have no wood. Your mom said you guys just finished chopping down a few dead trees and had some wood to spare, so I could have some. She said it was out in the barn, but I guess I’m a little lost, if you haven’t noticed.”

I paused for a moment, just watching the way his cheeky smile filled his face. He was unbelievably handsome and charming in a way that was nothing more than bad news.

“Of course,” I said quickly, stepping towards the back of the barn to the empty horse stall my dad had stashed the wood in. Dylan was following behind me, his hands tucked in his pockets as he looked at each of the horses as we passed them. When we reached the last stall, I slid the door open and stepped in, and Dylan quickly did the same. “It’s just right here. How much did you need?”

Dylan shrugged as he looked at the mountain of wood in front of him. He didn’t have a wheelbarrow or even a tote bag, so I imagined he was a bit overwhelmed. “Just an armful should be good.”

I knew for a fact that an armful would be barely enough to last through dinner, but I said nothing as he began picking up the wood, getting the dust all over his nicely groomed shirt.

“Thanks so much, Ev,” he said once he had his armful, then turned to me. “Do you mind if I call you that?”

Only my closest friends, family and Wyatt called me that, so it was a bit strange to have it coming from his lips, but I nodded my head anyway. “Yeah, that’s fine.”

His smile widened and he nodded his head back. “Hey, I was thinking about having a bonfire tonight. You know, take a look at the stars and stuff.” He paused, pressing his lips together. “But, I don’t really have any friends here – none, actually – so I don’t have anyone to come with me.” Another pause as he licked his lips. “Anyway, I was wondering if you’d like to come.”

I paused, my eyes turning into little slits as I thought the whole thing over. I could see the situation going really bad, really fast, especially since Wyatt would be livid if he ever found out.

“Dylan, I –”

“Now, before you say no,” he interrupted quickly, shifting himself as best he could with his arms still holding the wood. “Just know that if you don’t come, I’ll have to invite your mom, and I’m sure that’s something neither of us want.”

I laughed, tossing my hands on my hips as I looked at him. “We just met and you’re already blackmailing me?”

“Not blackmailing.” He shook his head as his smile deepened. “Bribing.”

I laughed, because with the way he was smiling it was impossible for me not to. “You’re not off to a very good start, you know.”

“Start to what?”

Wyatt’s voice on the outside of the stall startled both Dylan and I, with me clutching my hand tightly to my chest while I caught my breath. I hurriedly stepped out of the stall and onto the other side, where I stood face to face with Wyatt.

I could tell by the way his eyebrow was turned up that he wasn’t pleased, and his eyebrow only lifted more when Dylan walked out of the stall behind me.

“Wyatt, hey,” I said quickly, clearing my throat as I shifted on my feet nervously. “This is Dylan. He just moved into the Smith’s old place.”

Dylan was putting on a braver face than I was, smiling at Wyatt as he spoke. “It’s nice to meet you. I’d shake your hand but mine are full.”

Wyatt didn’t seem amused and simply folded his arms across his chest. “I can see that.”

He only gave Dylan a short look before he was looking back at me. “Starting what?”

“Oh, nothing. Dylan just came to get wood for his fireplace. He was just leaving. My dad’s out in the back pasture fixing up some fences, so he could probably use your help.” I was rambling – I knew that – but it was a habit I had when I was nervous. “Right, Dylan, time for you to go then.”

I grabbed onto Dylan’s elbow, spinning him around and away from Wyatt so I could walk him out of the barn and away from his impending doom. I was lucky Wyatt didn’t follow us out, but I was certain he was only a few steps behind.

“Who was that?” Dylan said quietly as I pulled him out of the barn, still holding onto his elbow tightly.

“Just Wyatt,” I said quickly, then dropped Dylan’s elbow as we stepped out of the barn. “If you need more wood, you know where it is now.”

“Thanks again,” Dylan said, turning to me to smile. His friendly grin was turning into a cheeky one. “So, is it a yes then?”

“Is what a yes?”

“Tonight,” he said with another smile. “You’ll go?”

I could hear Wyatt’s footsteps coming up behind me, so I pushed on Dylan’s shoulders gently as I nodded. “Yes, it’s a yes. Now, go!”

Dylan gave me one last bright smile before he turned around and began walking back to his place, just in time for Wyatt to come up behind me.

“That kid just reeks of the city, doesn’t he?” Wyatt said as he stepped beside me, his hands shoved in his pockets.

I nodded my head softly as I clicked my tongue against the roof of my mouth. “Yes, he does.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Lord jesus, Dylan just keeps getting cuter and cuter.
But is there tension already?
And what do you think of Wyatt?

I'd love to know your thoughts(:
Thanks for reading!

♥ Katie ♥