
Running and Staying

“So this is it.” Shannon sighed as she pulled in front of a nice white house and put her car in park. Thank goodness Catherine had made internet stalking a hobby of hers and that she was able to find things out for Shannon. This time, it wasn’t creepy at all. Shannon took a deep breath. What she was about to do could either be the best decision of her life, or the most embarrassing thing shes ever done, and she had fallen on her face in front of millions at the Golden Globes last year. She took another deep breath and leaned on her horn of her car, and up and blasted the radio, Summertime Sadness by Lana Del Rey playing as loud as it could go. She stood up and sat on top of the roll bar and waited. She didn’t have to wait very long. The door of the house opened within ten seconds.

Her heart fluttered as the man at the door’s frown turned into a smile. He walked towards Shannon as she jumped down from the car and turned the radio music down and the car off. She jumped out out of the Jeep. “To what do I owe the pleasure of being woken up from my nap by a movie star?” Shannon looked at his wrinkly white t shirt and black sweat pants and smiled.

“I ran away from you before, Sidney, I had to run back, because running away was a mistake. I miss you. I love you.” Shannon sighed. Sidney grabbed her arms and pulled her into his chest and kissed her.

“I don’t think I knew it then, but I loved you from the day I met you.” He smiled. “Who couldn’t fall in love with someone as amazing as you, Ms. Burns?” He took Shannon’s hand. “Will you come in?”

“No. I came all the way here to sit outside your house in my car.” She grinned.

“Alright, sassy.” He smiled as they headed into this house. “So I can play again in two weeks.” They sat down on his couch. “And, well since you’re talking to me again, I was thinking you should stay here and come to the game.” Shannon smiled at the thought. “If you’re not filming anything.”

“I am not.” She smiled. “My Nashville thing ended up only being one episode for now, but I’m not going to reveal too much because you will be watching it when it comes out.”

“Alright then.” He grinned. “So you’ll stay?”

“I’d love too!”

Shannon sot on the bed she shared with Sidney and talked on the phone while he was at practice. “So are you becoming all domestic now that you’re living with a man?” Brittany laughed.

“Actually, Sidney does all the cooking. He’s used to making all of his special meals for himself so now he just doubles the recipes. It works out really well, but I will cook some next week.”

“Wow.” Brittany replied. “I’m actually so happy for you, but it sounds like I’m losing my drinking buddy.”

“Just for a little while.” Shannon smiled and crossed her legs on the bed. “I’ll be around LA to work.”

“Okay then.” She replied. “And you wont have Chelsea micro managing your life.”

“I pay her an obscene amount of money to do that.” Shannon laughed. “Just so I don’t have to.”