Status: (: Original fiction! :) -CJ


Toad, the Crazy Badass

It's easy being a guy. We eat, sleep, poop, piss, and work. But for females, life is hell. And Katelyn Ross taught me that. The months after being saved by Katelyn were lonely and spent doing the only thing I am capable of: playing Killzone 3.

But Killzone 3's battle tactics didn't please Cousin Suzie or Aunt Molly, so I was forced to go to the local Starbucks. By myself, may I add. A thirteen year old boy going to Starbucks by himself . . . Brilliant idea, Suzie and Molly. How about a Noble Peace Prize?

Starbucks smelled like Heaven, but trwated me like hell. The customers were rude, and the service was painfully slow. And that's when I spotted my saving grace.

Katelyn Ross stood up in the crowded room and looked at me. She smiled with a knowing expression. And she made her way over to me.

In those three events, I had only seconds to ready myself for the transformation from unknowing little pervert to intelligent man. Or so as I see it.

'Todd,' Katelyn grinned.

She carried a book and a pencil. Both of which carried pleasant and dangerous secrets and thoughts.

'Hey, Katelyn,' I greeted.

Let me describe to you what Katelyn looked like. Her eyes were oceans, her hair was the beach, and she wore glasses that amplified the waves in her sea of eyes. She had a bright, welcoming smile.

'Would you be willing to show me the world?' Katelyn asked.


I didn't ask why, I just answered.

'Good. Now come on, Badass, and let's meet some friends!'

We headed to the alleyway. Six kids stood around a dumpster, looking in.

'See anything good?' One said to another.

'How would I know?' The other responded.

'Viper, I've got us a fresh fish,' Katelyn shouted at the group.

'Fresh?' A boy with a mohawk asked.

'Todd, this here is Viper. He's the only guy you need to know outta ev'ryone here. Viper, this is . . . Toad,' Katelyn responded.

Little had I known that Toad would mean so much to me from that day on. Viper continued looking me up and down, sizing me up. The other guys were starting to 'dumpster dive'.

'Welcome aboard, Toad. I believe little K here has mentioned our career choice?' Viper said to me.

'Well, no,' I said.

'K, you are no good at introductions. We are young delinquents. Little K met us, I think, a couple years back. Ever since, she's been one o' us.'


'Well, Toad, how about we have a drink?'

'Sure, I'm thirsty.'

Katelyn giggled, the ither guys laughed, and Viper stared at me in disbelief. Had I known what was actually happening, I would have ran. Viper put a hand on my shoulder.

'You're a real kidder, aren't ya?' He said.

'I don't know.'

'Come on. We gonna get you some booze.'

And I made sure that 'booze' was a hundred miles away from me at all times.
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Toad, the Crazy Badass.-CJ