Status: (: Original fiction! :) -CJ


Videogames Filler

In my eyes, Katelyn Ross was incomparable. She symbolized strength and sophistication. No matter what she done, she could light up a room faster than the sun. But nobody’s perfect, and Katelyn is just the same as everyone else: not totally perfect. She had one problem that I had figured out about her. That one problem that meant the most to her.

The most important thing to remember about Katelyn Ross was that she was a diamond in a sea of pearls, not that I would openly tell her that. She was the one that stood out, and sadly, that was her problem.

Monday, we had gone out to eat . . . at the mall. The place was KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken), and we had these bite-sized nugget things. Katelyn seemed distant.

‘What are you thinking?’ she randomly asked me.
I swallowed a mouthful of nuggets. ‘About breathing.’
‘Breathing?’ she laughed.
‘Yeah. I got to breathe, ya know!’
‘It’s an involuntary act. You don’t have to think about doing it to do it.’
‘Do you even go to school?’

We finished up the nugget things and headed to the GameStop. Katelyn Ross actually agreed to go and pick out a game or two.

‘What is Battlefield?’ she asked.
‘Trust me, you do not want it. A bunch of arseholes get online and hack and are jerks!’
‘Okay, Toad.’
‘Ross, look!’

She ended up buying Mario Karts for Wii and Just Dance, also for Wii. I bought them, actually.
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Videogames Filler (chapter)-CJ