‹ Prequel: More Than This

Over Again


I opened the door to our house, and immediately couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

Harry stood in our living room, grinning a dimpled smile at me, a present bow stuck on his head.

I stood there for a moment, my brain not really processing that Harry was really there in front of me, until he wordlessly opened his arms.

My brain signaled my legs to move and I leaped in his arms. He caught me easily and I locked my legs around his waist.

“Happy birthday, Bailey.” He whispered in my ear.

I wrapped my arms tighter around him, making sure that this was actually happening. I could actually feel him. My best friends gave me my boyfriend for my birthday, and it was the best present I could have asked for. My eyes brimmed with happy tears. One of the reasons that I was so bitter about my birthday is that Harry was going to be so far away, and here he was, standing in my living room.

“I love you.” I said, my voice thick with emotion.

Harry gently put me down on the ground and looked me in the eyes, brushing the tears away with his thumbs.

“Are you surprised? Because there are even more plans for this weekend.” He said softly.

“More surprises?” Part of me was excited, and part of me just wanted to lay in bed with Harry all weekend and never leave the house.

He nodded once, but then bent down so our faces were close to touching.

“But first, I want to properly kiss my girlfriend.” He said lowly, connecting his lips to mine.

Once we parted, I looked up at him.

“But really, what are you planning for this weekend because-“ Harry cut me off with a kiss to my lips again, but when we parted, I noticed that he looked a little nervous.

“Nothing that you need to concern yourself with right now.” He said, shrugging.

I sighed in defeat, wanting to know why he was so nervous, but realizing that he wasn’t going to tell me right away. I knew that. So, I stood on my tip toes and kissed my boyfriend passionately.

He groaned when we pulled apart and I raised an eyebrow in confusion.

“I want nothing more than you right now.” He growled. “But we have somewhere to be.”

He reached up to pull the bow out of his hair, but I stopped him and took my phone out, taking a picture of him with it on. He then took it off as I instagrammed the picture, writing a quick caption:

Best. Birthday. Ever.

Harry smiled happily at me, and kissed me quickly.

“Okay, where are we off to now?” I asked. “Is that a surprise too?”

Harry chuckled and grabbed my hand in his, intertwining our fingers. I smiled at the way our hands fit together.

“Nope.” He replied, pulling my toward the door. “We’re going back to Liam’s.”

“But that’s where I just came from.” I whined.

“Yeah, well, the girls wanted us to reunite in private.” Harry chuckled again and I blushed. “But there’s another surprise waiting at Liam’s.”

“Okay.” I sighed, and Harry kissed my temple as we walked up the steps to Liam’s house.

“Close your eyes.” Harry instructed.

I laughed, but closed my eyes anyway as we opened the door.

“Okay, open them.” He instructed.

I opened my eyes, and instantly started to cry all over again.

The house was now decorated with a banner that had “Happy Birthday, Bailey!” scrawled on it, and balloons decorated the room, but I was just grinning because my best friends all stood in the room.
Liam, Zayn, Niall, Louis, Alanna, Perrie, and El all grinned in my direction.

“SURPRISE!” They all shouted.

I grinned as Harry tightened his grip on me.

“I love you all.” I announced as they pulled me into a group hug.

Once they all greeted me, Harry pulled me back into him. I smiled and looked up at him as our friends all moved about the house and talked and laughed.

“So, is this the last surprise, Styles? Because honestly this has been the best birthday ever so far, I’m not sure how you could top it.”

Harry laughed, but I immediately picked up on the nervousness in him again as he kissed my nose.

“There’s going to be one more surprise tonight.” He informed me. “And I hope you’ll like it.”

Curiosity overtook me, and I wanted to ask him about it, but El pulled me away from him, dragging me toward the kitchen to settle a lighthearted argument between her, Louis, and Zayn.

Niall and Alanna had been missing for quite a while, and I wanted to know what was happening there, hoping that they were both okay.

I looked back at Harry quickly, and saw him looking down at his phone screen, biting his lip.

I shook my head and talked to my friends, wondering what else tonight would bring.