
Strange Realizations

“Oh God, will this thing get anymore worse?”

I fixed the heels of my beige shoe as I get myself ready for work. Stomping on the floor, I felt like I’m being watched. This made me stopped for a moment and looked over my shoulder. I saw my younger brother, Darren, standing by the staircase. “You’re early,” he started off with squinting eyes. I smirked and surveyed how he walks right at me with that stereotypical rock star sort of manner. “I know. Just don’t want to disappoint my boss again,” I answered as I reach for my purse at the kitchen counter. I must be right that this is going to be another typical Saturday. I didn’t expect any “Good Morning” greetings since the first time I saw his hair dyed in black. Unlike this house, he had some changes lately. I mean, does he still have a shirt or two that isn’t black in color? For almost a year now, Darren has been idle to almost anyone. His face got paler, pierced, and his wrists full of cuffs and bandages. I’m very much surprised that he’s making the most of my free time for some small talk today. We were very close, until he started listening to Iron Maiden. I figured if that will completely consume him with those jet black clothes and ear-bleeding noises, I might not be able to lay even a finger on him. I might not be able to pat his head, or nudge him to kid around. Well, he’s not a kid anymore and not yet fully a man he wanted to become. At least, that’s too much for me to wish away.

Going to where the door is, I quickly get the doorknob and held it firmly. “Got any plans today? Maybe, go out or something with your friends?” I simply asked to the one I had thought to be a stranger. He pouted, revealing evidently his lip ring, hands in both pockets and just shrugged. “No, I don’t think so. I have my own time to be alone. Ha, who knows…,” He made a low and dull laugh, but still I can sense that he’s feeling a little pissed. He motioned his head downwards, covering a bruise right next to his lower lip. Perhaps that was it. He got beaten up again last night.

I was at the loss of words at that point. I found our conversation kind of dead-aired. Instead of carrying on, I dropped the idea of saying another word. I turned the doorknob open in the attempt of leaving quickly. But I got hold back by his resounding voice. “Are you coming home early tonight?” I paused and slipped my fingers off the knob. I never thought he would ask me such. A smile suddenly crossed my face as I face him once more. I raised my forearm and pat his head, caressing his long fringe and sliding my fingers to the tips. “Of course I’ll come home early. I always do on weekends, right? So do me a favor and just pick me up later,”

Walking backwards, I realized that this isn’t going to be an ordinary weekend. I threw the car keys at him and he eventually caught it with one hand effortlessly. He lifted an eyebrow as he stared blankly at it. “Hey! What time will I pick you up then?” he shouted, shaking the keys. I opened my umbrella and replied, “Around five or six, anyway it’s your call. Jeez, let me leave already…” It was a heartfelt when I saw Darren smiled at me and I felt safe. I head out after another look at my watch.

He might think I’m crazy for walking outside fighting the rain with only an old crappy umbrella but it’s just my thing to clear my head. I wanted to at least have some time to think over stuffs. Finally, the rain became very considerate. My arms outstretched, feeling the light rain drops. This rain, I wonder if it changes like emotions. It’s unpredictable rather perceivable like feelings.

I disappeared from the foggy sidewalks of our street, yet I can still feel Darren watching over me.