Trypanophobia (Fear of Needles)

Trypanophobia (fear of needles) Rilex one shot

"Do I really have to go?" Alex asked with a frown.
"I already got mine and you need to get yours," Rian said while wrapping an arm around his boyfriend.
"Why?" Alex asked, resting his head on Rian shoulder.
"The flu is really bad this year Lex. I don't want you to get sick," Rian said as they walked into the clinic.

Alex sighed and walked with his boyfriend, knowing that he wouldn't be able to talk his way out of this. They walked over to the office where the shots are given. Alex picked up a clipboard and took a seat while Rian signed his name on the small list of people waiting to get their shots. Alex filled out his information and medical information and put the clipboard back on the small desk. The old woman sitting behind the desk gave him a kind smile and took his paperwork. Rian sat with him and they waited for his name to be called. Alex was already starting to feel his anxiety rise as list of people on the sign in sheet got smaller. Soon his name would be called and he would have to face his fears. From a very young age he's had a fear of needles. When he was younger he needed both his parents in the room with him to hold his hands. He doesn't really have a traumatic reason to his fear of needles he's just terrified of them. Rian has always done his best to calm his boyfriend down if he ever needed to get anything done that required a needle. He held Alex's hands in the ER when he needed to get stitches after a bad fall while getting off stage. Alex was in tears that night and it broke Rian's heart that he couldn't do more than just hold him and promise he would be okay.

"Alex Gaskarth?" The woman that was behind the desk called out.

Alex took a shaky breath and held on to Rian's arm as they walked into the small office. He took a seat on the small medical table and tried to keep his gaze on the floor. Rian stood by his side, holding on to his hand and promising that it would go by quickly. Alex's anxiety rose when the doctor started preparing the area on his arm for the vaccination. Rian squeezed his hand to reassure him that it would be okay. Alex closed his eyes and bit his lip when the doctor got the needle ready. He could feel the tears forming in his eyes. Of course he felt foolish for getting so worked up over a simple shot, but he couldn't help it. He gripped Rian's hand tightly and held his breath when the doctor told him he was about to do the shot. A few tears fell down his cheeks when the needle was injected. The small pinch would feel like nothing to most people, but to Alex it was like being stabbed. The doctor disposed of the needle and placed a small superhero bandage on Alex's arm. Alex let out the breath he had been holding in and rubbed his eyes. Rian kissed the top of his head and whispered in his ear that he did good. After getting a lollipop they left the clinic. Alex sat in the passenger seat of the car his lips blue from the lollipop he had in his mouth.

"You did really well Lex. I'm proud of you," Rian said with a smile, grabbing Alex's hand.
"My arm hurts," Alex mumbled with a frown.
"When we get home we can put some ice on it," he said, squeezing his hand.

The drive back to their shared apartment went by quickly. Rian left Alex in the living room while he got him some ice wrapped in a towel for his arm. Alex had started cheering up a bit since they got home thanks to Rian being by his side. If he didn't have Rian he would have gotten more upset in the clinic after getting the shot.

As the night progressed Rian did everything he could to make Alex feel better. Most people would be annoyed about having to baby someone all day after they get a shot, but Rian understands Alex's fear. They've been together for a little over two years and he's gotten used to helping him get through having shots, blood tests and stitches. He would never judge Alex for being scared. It's stupid that people would judge anyone for their fears it's not their fault if they get scared over things. Alex has always appreciated Rian's help and understanding when he got scared. Even before they officially got together Rian would help him when he had to get shots or blood work done.

"What should we do for dinner tonight?" Alex asked.
"Chinese takeout?" Rian suggested.
"If you call in the order I'll go and pick it up," Alex said, looking up at his boyfriend with a smile.

After Rian called in their order, Alex left to go pick it up. While Alex was gone Rian started to gather all the pillows and blankets he could find and brought them to the living room. Alex should be gone for about twenty to thirty minutes. That gave Rian enough time to build a blanket fort and gather their favorite movies. When Alex got home he carried their bag of food into the living room and almost dropped it when he saw the blanket fort. A huge smile spread across his face as he set the food on the coffee table and climbed into the fort. Rian grinned ear to ear when Alex sat beside him.
They spent the rest of night watching movies, eating and snuggling in the blanket fort. Alex had long forgotten about the shot that had him so upset only a few hours ago. They woke up the following morning in each others arms, tangled in the mass of blankets surrounding them.