Status: Updates every Thursday.

It Never Ends



I'm gonna try to keep this short and sweet.

I'm sure a lot of you have realized that I haven't updated in just about a month (or if you're new, now you know) and I just wanna update y'all on what''s going on.

So I know a lot of people won't care about my personal life or anything, but I'm just gonna say the reasons I haven't been updating.

So lately I've been working on getting my GED and I'll be starting college soon. That alone would take up a lot of my time, but at this point there's also custody battle battle between my parents so I've been flying from state to state to deal with that, and that should be over really soon. As if that wasn't already a shit ton on my plate, I thought I was moving too. We drove hours and hours to look at houses and that's the MAIN reason I haven't updated really, on any of my stories. I won't go too much into detail about anything but yeah.

Now the final reason is, I did kind of lose motivation for this story. This story will be completed, no matter what. I'd just rather wait until this drama is settled and then I'll hopefully have a lot more ideas for the story and then it will turn out better. Three stories is just too much for all the drama I have right now, yanno?

Just hold on a bit guys. I'd like to think I'll update within the next month, but it probably won't be until after my July 27th Warped Tour date.

Stick with it, it'll be worth it in the end loves. Thank you for being here in the first place.

In the mean time, I'll still be updating my main story and another one of mine. Ily all.
