Saying Sorry

Saying Sorry 01

You pressed pause on the CD player as the song ended.
‘Sonny Moore, don’t you dare put me in the same position as the composer of this song’ you yelled up at the window, which you had been throwing rocks at 5 minutes ago.
‘Samantha James, I already told you this isn’t my fault. I tried to get permission for you to come. I really did. It’s not my fucking fault’ he said sounding close to tears.
‘Yes it is. You should have tried harder. In fact you shouldn’t even be going. Your 15 for fucks sake. That’s why I can’t go with you. I’m fif-fucking-teen. You know what my parents are like. They think I'm going to be a lawyer or a doctor and you expect them to let me go on tour with you’ you screamed as tears streamed down your face.
‘I’m sorry. I’m so, so, so sorry’ he said, leaving the window, causing you to cry even harder. You went back over to your CD player, picked it up and started to walk down the street.
‘Sammy, where are you going?’ he said as he flung the door open and ran down the path to you.
‘Home’ you sobbed ‘I can’t stop you from going and you need to sleep ‘cause it’s 3 in the morning and you leave at 10’
‘And I can’t think of anyone better to spend my last few hour’s with’ he said, cracking a tear stained smile. Then he waltzed over to you and, taking the CD player from your hands, steered you inside. When you got up to his room, you sat down on the bed wondering whether this would be the last night you ever slept in it with him.
‘Sonny?’ you said quietly.
‘Yea?’ he responded.
‘Promise me a few things, please’ you begged.
‘Mmm of course’ he said, sitting down next to you.
‘Promise me that no matter what happens you won’t forget me, that you will write and call, that you won’t get another Warped Tour buddy and most of all promise me that you will always love me’ you said, looking up into his eyes. What you needed most from him right now was to promise you all that stuff.
‘I promise’ he said, looking you in the eye. You reached up until you were level with his mouth and kissed him.
‘You’re so sweet, you know that?’ he asked when you broke apart.
‘Why’s that?’ you asked him.
‘How many girlfriends try so damn hard to go on tour with their boyfriends and then when they learn they can’t go, decide to rock up at their house at 3 in the morning to play them beautiful songs and force them to make worthwhile promises?’ he asked, smiling.
‘I dunno. How many people from this shit hole have ever got signed?’ you asked, also smiling.
‘I dunno’ he replied.
‘Then I dunno either’ you said simply.
‘I also promise there will be a bunk on that bus for you when the time is right’ he said, 10 minutes later.
‘Thanks’ you said, before yawning.
‘Come on, your tired, let’s sleep’ he said, lying down and letting you snuggle up to him.
‘I love you so much Sonny. So much my heart just about can’t cope anymore’ you said sleepily.
‘I love you too Sammy. I love you more than anyone else’ he said, but you were already asleep.

You woke up at about 8:30 the next morning and decided that it would be a lot easier on both him and you if you just left. You kissed his forehead, picked up your CD player and quietly went down the stairs. You walked out the door and started the 6 block walk to your house. You only made it 3 houses before someone ran up behind you and pulled you to a stop.
‘Where were you going?’ a hurt voice asked.
‘Home. Listen Sonny, I just thought it would be easier’ you started, looking at your shoes.
‘Thought it would be easier? Thought it would be easier? That would only make it a million times harder. Come on Sammy please don’t go. Not just yet’ he begged, slowly lowering his voice, causing you to cave in.
‘Okay, Okay I’ll come back’ you said, slowly looking up at him.
‘YAY!’ he yelled, swinging you around.
‘Sonny! Put me down! Sonny Moore!’ you squealed. Then he set you down.
‘Look at what you’re wearing!’ you said suddenly, realizing he was standing in the middle of the street in a pair of his boxers, which just happened to be bright pink and zebra striped.
‘What?’ he said, looking down before blushing. Suddenly one of the neighbors, and elderly lady, whom you didn’t get along with very well, swung open her door.
‘As if it hasn’t been enough, putting up with you two all these years! But you just keep getting worse and worse! Out playing music and yelling at each other at midnight, and now out here so early in the morning, once again yelling at each other, parading around in almost nothing. Why if I were to alert the police then you would definitely be charged’ she squawked
‘Hey Mrs White you old bat, shut up!’ he suddenly cut in ‘Firstly it was 3 in the morning not midnight and secondly it’s the 21st century so get with the program’ he finished, waving his hand at her, causing you to laugh before he kissed you, almost causing the poor old lady to have a heart attack. She stormed back inside and slammed her door shut behind her.
‘Old witch’ he muttered smiling ‘Come on lets go get some food and you can attempt to organize the un-organizable Sonny Moore’ he said. Two hours later he was all packed and ready to go when a smallish van pulled up in the driveway.
‘Well then I guess this is goodbye’ you said, trying unsuccessfully to stop the water works.
‘Mmm I guess so hey’ he said, hugging you. You kissed him for a long time before parting.
‘I'm going to let you go now, before I change my mind and chain myself to you’ you said, hugging him one last time.
‘See you Sammy’ he said, climbing into the van, tears once again streaming down his face, which matched your own. ‘I love you’
‘I love you too’ you yelled as the van drove off. Then you walked the 6 blocks home.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey to whoever decided to read. I've been writing this one for ages, and didn't want to post till I was finished, but I've lost the motivation to write, so hopefully if I'm writing for someone I'll write more often. So yea thanks for reading, and if you pick up any spelling mistakes or whatever I'd appreciate it if you let me know.