Saying Sorry

Saying Sorry 02

You walked down the hallway listening to Broken Hearted by Eighteen Visions, which made you think of one person: Sonny Moore. It had been 18 months since you lost contact with him and you still couldn’t believe your bad luck. Your hotmail account had somehow gotten locked and you had lost Sonny’s email address, which wouldn’t have been a problem had his phone number not been disconnected. You were silently cursing your past’s events when someone came up behind you and jumped on your back, scaring you half to death and almost sending you crashing to the floor.
‘Oh my fucking god!’ you screamed, swinging around to face the person after they hopped off. It was Jacoby, your mate. Standing beside him was Dani, your other good friend.
‘Hey’ you said, hitting him lightly ‘Don’t sneak up on me like that. You scared the living shit outta me’
‘Well considering that shit isn’t really living he can’t have scared you too badly’ Jacoby said grinning, knowing he was being a smartass.
‘Shut up’ you said smiling.
‘Boy oh boy do we have a surprise for you’ Dani said suddenly.
‘What the fuck is it this time?’ you asked, slightly worried thinking back to the last time he had said that. Last Christmas they had decided to give you the ‘ultimate’ gift. The only problem was that it had almost killed you. They had decided to build you your own mini roller coaster. They did a pretty good job of it too. Until the time came when they had to get someone to test dummy it. That someone being you. It had cost you 8 weeks on crutches with a broken leg.
‘Oh don’t worry it’s not like the roller coaster at all’ he said grinning.
‘I never did get to try that out. Especially considering some fat hippo over here, who won’t be named, cough, Sammy, cough, cough, broke it’ Jacoby said playfully.
‘Hey if I remember correctly you’re the one who insisted that I be the first to go on it’ you said.
‘How was I supposed to know that it would only make on trip?’ he asked.
‘Jacoby, shut up! I wanna tell her what we got her’ Dani cut in.
‘Sorry’ he said, looking embarrassed yet excited at the same time.
‘Well you know how summer break is coming up and you were looking for a job?’ he said
‘Yea’ you egged him on.
‘Well we got you the ‘ultimate’ job’ he said, putting emphasis on the word ‘ultimate’.
‘In that case I don’t want anything to do with it’ you said, getting ready to walk off.
‘No! Wait! Stop!’ he said, pulling you back ‘your gunna be a stage manager on the Warped Tour’ he blurted out quickly ‘and me and Jacoby are too’
‘WHAT?’ you screamed, causing a lot of people to jump and then send you death glares ‘oh my god, oh my god, oh my god’ you said, almost hyperventilating.
‘Knew you would be excited. But that’s not even the best part yet’
‘Oh let me tell her this part please’ Jacoby suddenly cut in.
‘Oh ok’ Dani agreed
‘Well we got told that we would each be assigned a band and a band member’ he started, grinning ‘and then we asked who we each got’
‘Awww’ you said.
‘And I got Davey Havok and AFI, Dani got Justin Pierre and Motion City Soundtrack and you got’ he said, dragging it out ‘someone who they didn’t think was gunna do Warped but decided last minute that they would’ he said before he stopped.
‘Just fucking tell me Jacoby’ you yelled. You were totally unprepared for what he said next.
‘From First To Last and Sonny Moore’
That was when you fainted.

‘I will not ‘just step outside’ you heard Dani yell at someone.
‘Mr Smith if you do not leave right now you will be suspended’ you heard your home room teacher say.
‘Good. You do that. I don’t care. Just let me see Sammy’ he argued. You opened your eyes to see utter chaos in front of you.
‘Sammy! You’re awake!’ Jacoby suddenly said, quite loudly.
‘Oh my god Sammy I’m so sorry’ Dani said pushing past the teacher and rushing over to you.
‘It’s ok. No ones fault. Come on lets go’ you said, standing up.
‘Uh I don’t think so. I’m calling your parents’ the nurse said.
‘No don’t. I’m fine, honestly. Just had a shock was all’ you said, walking out the door, knowing she couldn’t stop you.
‘Wait up’ Dani said, catching up.
‘What do we have?’ you asked, not slowing down.
‘Study hall’ he answered.
‘Oh’ you said, changing direction. You walked into the room 10 minutes late, with Dani and Jacoby close behind.
‘Where have you three been?’ the teacher asked.
‘Sorry sir, we had to save the penguins’ you said, taking your seat.
‘I don’t even want to know’ he said, shaking his head slightly.
‘What the hell happened?’ you whispered to the boys.
‘Well I told you that you were stage managing From First To Last and Sonny Moore and you fainted. Then we carried you to the nurse and the fucking home room teacher tried to kick us out’ Jacoby explained.
‘Oh’ you said quietly.
‘This is boring, wanna ditch?’ Dani asked, 10 minutes later.
‘I thought you’d never ask’ you replied, smiling. You stood up and walked towards the door, receiving a smile from the teacher, who was used to it.
‘Who’s house?’ Jacoby asked, after you’s had finished climbing the school fence.
‘We can go to mine. My folks are on a business trip for the next 3 days’ you replied.
‘Okay lets go then’ he said, starting to walk. It was about 7 blocks from the school to your house and by the 3rd one you were bored so you walked up just behind Dani and yanked his boxers up his ass yelling, ‘Your it!’ before running off down the street. You could hear the boys running along behind you but this didn’t stop you and you kept running until you reached your front lawn, where you collapsed onto the ground, breathing deeply and waited for the boys to arrive. About 5 minutes later Jacoby came running up the path and then ran up the driveway, bounded up the steps.
‘Gotta piss’ was all he said before he grabbed the door handle, pushed and ran straight into the door.
‘FUCK!’ he yelled, grabbing his nose.
‘It’s still locked fucker’ you said, laughing as Dani walked up, also laughing. You slowly sat up as Jacoby started to jump around again.
‘Gotta piss, gotta piss, gotta piss’ he started to chant.
‘Yea, yea’ you muttered. Apparently you weren’t fast enough because the next thing you knew he was pissing all over your mom’s roses.
‘What the fuck do you think your doing?’ you yelled, laughing.
‘Pissing’ he said slowly, looking more and more relieved.
‘On my mom’s fucking roses?’ you asked.
‘You were taking too long’ he answered simply.
‘Whatever’ you said, still laughing as a mother and her daughter walked past, sending you 3 evil glares. When Jacoby had finished pissing you went up and unlocked the door. You walked in and flopped down on the couch.
‘Dani!’ you yelled out.
‘Yea?’ he asked from the kitchen.
‘Will you please check the messages?’ you hollered back as Jacoby jumped on the couch with you.
‘Dibs on top screen’ he said.
‘Fucker’ you muttered, grabbing the second controller.
‘Message from your aunty about some party’ Dani yelled.
‘Okay doesn’t matter, that’s already been’ you yelled. He walked back in and tossed you and Jacoby a tin of Redbull each, keeping one for himself.
‘Oh I forgot to mention this morning that we leave tomorrow’ he said, after taking a mouthful.
‘For what?’ you asked, confused.
‘Warped’ he replied.
‘Fuck are you serious?’ you asked, shocked.
‘What about school?’ you asked
‘Fuck it. There’s a week and a half left’ was all he said.
‘Mmm true’ you said, thinking.
‘You’re still coming, right?’ Jacoby asked quietly.
‘Fuck yea’ you replied, excited at the thought of finally seeing Sonny again.
‘Let’s go pack ay?’ you said.
‘Mmm Okay’ they replied. Packing soon turned into one big game which didn’t end until you had gone to the boy’s houses also and told each of them what to bring.
‘Oh my god I can’t believe we leave tomorrow’ you said excitedly.
‘Me either’ Dani said, smiling. The three of you were camped out in various places around Jacoby’s room with yours and Dani’s stuff everywhere. You had both decided to stay at Jacoby’s place that night considering that you didn’t finish packing his stuff until 11. It took half an hour for you to fall asleep that night.
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So yea, I decided I would post all I've written so far in one big hit. Thanks for reading!