Saying Sorry

Saying Sorry 05

‘We’re going to Columbia, we’re going to Columbia, we’re going to Columbia, and I get to see Sonny, Sonny, Sonny, my Sonny bear. Whoop, whoop. Are we there yet Mr Jacoby?’ you sung.
‘Fucking hell Sammy shut up before you get thrown off to walk’ Dani snapped ‘And we still have half an hour till we get there. Go amuse yourself and stop annoying us’
‘We’re going to Columbia, we’re going to Columbia, we’re going to Columbia’ you continued to sing, so hyped up you didn’t care if you did have to walk.
‘Uhhh Sam stop being a pain in the ass’ Jacoby yelled, turning the music all the way up, trying to drown you out.
‘Arrghhh I can’t wait to see Sonny. I’m sorry guys, but this is worse then when I had ribena and smores and then went on all the rides. So your just gunna have to put up with it till it either wears off or till we get there. Sorry and you can't kill me till I see Sonny, but after that feel free’ you said, smiling sweetly before continuing to sing.
‘Fuck this I’ve had enough’ Jacoby said, picking you up and swinging you over his shoulder.
‘Jacoby, put me down!’ you squealed.
‘Nut uh’ he said, walking up the stairs to the bunks. He walked past them and dumped you in the gaming room. ‘Now sit here until we arrive’ he commanded, walking off. You sang for 5 minutes before deciding it was pointless unless someone could hear you so you picked up a game controller and started to play a Finding Nemo game. The next 15 minutes flew by before Jacoby yelled up that you were entering Columbia.
‘Jacoby you fool what did you tell her that for’ Dani suddenly yelled.
‘I dunno, I didn’t really think about it’ Jacoby said. You walked down the stairs once more singing to see them wrestling on the floor.
‘Fools’ you muttered, stepping over them and walking to the couch where you sat down. About 10 minutes later you could see the HUGE stadium full of busses.
‘Will you guys help me find Sonny when we get there, 'cause I just know I’m going to get lost in there’ you asked.
‘Nut you're on your own, I’m going to look for hot chicks’ Dani said.
‘I’ll start singing and won't stop all tour’ you threatened.
‘Oh ok fine, be that way, I’ll help till we find him, then I’m leaving’ he said.
‘Yay’ you squealed, not only because he agreed to help you but because the bus stopped. You jumped up and ran off the bus.
‘How long do you think it’ll take for her to realize shes still in her pj’s with bed hair?’ Jacoby asked Dani.
‘Not long’ Dani replied as you screamed.
‘Shit guys you could of warned me’ you said, pushing them both. You ran up to the bunks yelling for the guys not to come up as you changed, you quickly did your hair but decided not to worry about make up as you were too excited.
‘Come on. Hurry up before I burst!’ you said, running down the stairs and grabbing each of their hands, running off the bus once again.

‘How the fuck are we supposed to know which bus belongs to who?’ you asked 5 minutes later after having walked around the lot aimlessly.
‘Fuct if I know’ Dani answered.
‘I can tell you who each one belongs to’ a voice said, from behind you. You spun around and came face to face with Jade Puget of AFI.
‘Omg, omg, omg’ you quietly muttered. He just chuckled.
‘So who you looking for?’ he asked.
‘Uh…ummm…er…’ you stuttered.
‘Sonny Moore’ Dani answered. You just went bright red and looked at your feet. This caused Jade to laugh.
‘Don’t worry about it. I’m used to it. We all are. And im sure that within a day you’ll be used to all of us too’ he said, smiling. You smiled back at him.
‘Thanks’ you said, before he led you over to a bus.
‘This is From First To Last’s bus. They should be in there, they only got here about an hour ago and they aren’t due on till 7 tonight’ he said ‘So I guess I’ll see you guys later then’ he smiled before walking off in the direction he had just come.
‘Ohh’ you groaned.
‘Um Sam can we please stay focused on the target. Which was Sonny not Jade’ Jacoby said, interrupting you thoughts about how you wish you could marry Jade.
‘Oh yea right’ you said, suddenly becoming extremely nervous. ‘Guys what if he doesn’t like me anymore?’ you asked.
‘Sam you fool. Of course he will still like you. Just go up there and knock’ Dani demanded.
‘You know he’s right. For once’ Jacoby laughed.
‘Yea ok’ you said, walking up to the door. As you knocked you decided that you didn’t really want to do this. Only problem was that you had just knocked. And someone was walking to the door.
‘Hello’ that someone said, opening the door. That someone being just the person you were after. Sonny Moore. You threw yourself on him, not caring if he knew who it was or not, just glad to be able to see him again, alive and ok. You started sobbing into his shirt and it took about 15 seconds for him to collect himself and work out who was sobbing all over him.
‘Sammy?’ he asked.
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