Saying Sorry

Saying Sorry 07

‘Hey’ you said to the chick that was behind the table.
‘Hey’ she replied.
‘Been busy?’ you asked.
‘Yea. Extremely’ she said, smiling.
‘I’m Sam by the way’ you said.
‘Megan’ she replied, sticking out a hand.
‘Pleased to meet you. So do you know the guys?’ you asked, shaking it.
‘Nah not really. Well I know them, they just don’t know me is all. I mean I know who they are. And I know all about them. They just don’t personally know me’ she answered.
‘Oh that sucks’ you said. You were about to ask her if she wanted to come with you but she asked you a question before you could.
‘What about you? Do you know them?’
‘Yea I suppose I have to say that hey. Especially since I’m going out with Sonny…again’ you laughed.
‘Oh. My. God. Are you serious?’ she asked, excitedly.
‘Yea. I’ve know him forever but lost contact with him about 18 months ago and my friends organized for me to come and be a stage manager and they made sure that I got stuck with Sonny. And well we sorta hooked straight back up’ you explained.
‘Awww that’s so sweet’ she said smiling.
'Yea' you laughed 'so did you wanna come back with me?' you asked.
'Well…it would be fun…but what will I do about the stall?' she asked, referring to the merch stall.
'Oh it's ok. Just leave it. They won't care. Besides your shift is almost over isn't it?'
'Yea. In 15 minutes' she replied.
'See? It won't matter. Come on let's go' you said excitedly, grabbing her hand and dragging her after you.
'So' you started as you kept pulling Megan along behind you 'which of the boys do you think is the hottest?' you asked, smiling widely.
'Oh easy. Matt' she replied simply.
'Yea? Why's that?' you asked.
'Cause he's so damn hot. And I love his personality…well his stage one anyway. And I always hear how nice he is…and hyper too' she trailed off, giggling a little.
'Well believe me, nothing could prepare you for how hyper he really is' you said, also laughing 'and I've only known him for today'
'Kewl' she said, still smiling. By this time you's were almost backstage. You would hear the boys fooling around in their dressing room.
'Sonny, look at your pudgy little belly' you heard Matt squeal, as if it were the first time he had ever seen it. You shot Megan an 'I told you so' look before you heard Sonny's reply.
'Leave me alone Matt. 'Sides, it's not as pudgy as yours'
This caused the other guys to all laugh. You could just imagine the 'hurt' look on Matt's face, which would soon be rivaled by Sonny's when he saw Matt's.
'Come on' you said, smiling encouragingly at Megan, who cracked a smile to match your own. You walked into the room and smiled. Then you crept up behind Sonny. You were just about to cover his eyes when he spun around.
'Hey' he grinned. You quickly dropped the smile on your face.
'Sonny what the fuck?!?!' you yelled, horrified.
'Huh?' he said, confused.
'You fucking prick. How the fuck could you? You promised us both you would never dare. How the fuck could you do that? Its fuck heads like you that are to blame for the reason Emily is fucking dead…the reason I'm fucking dying. You ass!' you yelled, before spinning around and running to the door. You were just about to go through it when Matt stepped in front of you.
'Woah, Sammy, where you going? What's up?' he questioned, looking concerned.
'No where and none of you're business' you snapped, angrier then you had ever been 'now get out of my way'
'Sorry, no can do' he said simply.
'Matt, move now' you spat through gritted teeth. You could sense Sonny starting to realize what he had done and you could tell it would be a matter of seconds before he would walk over. And you didn't even want to look at him right now let alone talk to him. You hoped for Matt's own sake he would move outta your way.
'Once again Sammy, I'm sorry but I can't until you tell me what's wrong and where you're going'
'Matt, I warned you and I'm so sorry' you said quickly before kneeing him in the balls. As soon as he hit his knees you flew past him, tears now streaming down your face. Tears of regret for what you had done to Matt and tears of anger at what Sonny had done. Been doing. But there was no way you were going back there, so you took off towards the bus.

When you got to the bus you tried to open the door only to find it locked. So you started banging as hard as you could. After 30 seconds of constant banging with no reply you started yelling.
'Dani! Jacoby! Open this fucking door right now!'
Three seconds later the door swung open and Dani's head popped out.
'Sam!' he hissed 'piss off for another hour or two'
'Dani let me on the bus' you half sobbed.
'Sam I'm busy' he said, putting emphasis on busy.
'Dani, if you don’t let me on this fucking bus right fucking now I swear to god I will sack you' you threatened.
'Dani, who is it?' a female voice suddenly called, catching you off guard. You looked up at Dani horrified, tears streaming down your face. The instant you did his face crumpled.
'Sammy what's wrong?' he asked, concerned.
'Nothing. It doesn’t matter. Just please let me on the bus so I can pack. It was a mistake for me to come find Sonny ok. I just want to go home' you said, pushing past him as he opened the door, to reveal himself roughly wrapped in a sheet. On the couch sat a girl around your own age, also wrapped in a sheet.
'Sam what's wrong, please tell me' he asked again. You just ignored him and walked up to the bunks. You started randomly throwing the few things you had unpacked back into your bag. It took you all of about 10 minutes. You threw your bags over your shoulder and walked down the stairs. Once down there you found Dani dressed, the chick gone and in her place a worried looking Jacoby.
'Sam, for the third time, whats wrong?' Dani questioned.
'Nothing. I'm going home okay guys. Sorry but I really can't stay here' you said.
'Sam at least tell us what's going on before you leave' Jacoby said softly, in a pleading voice.
'Look, go ask Sonny what's wrong. Tell him I said it's back. He'll fucking shit himself. Do some good to the stupid fuck' you said angrily, walking out the door before they could ask anymore questions, and before you started crying again. You were walking over to the managers bus to tell them you we're going when you walked past the From First To Last bus. You felt you had to leave something for Sonny to let him know just how hurt you felt, even though he didn’t deserve it at all. So you walked up to the empty bus and twisted the handle. That was the amazing thing about the Warped Tour. No one locked the buses unless they were getting laid, and even then they didn’t bother half the time. You walked quietly onto the bus, flicking the light switch on as you did so. You walked straight up to the stereo you had seen earlier and unzipped your bag and removed your CD case. You flipped through it till you came to the CD you were looking for. It was one you had burnt a variety of different songs onto. You popped it into the stereo and skipped through to track 11. Then you hit play and set it to repeat. You threw the CD case back into your bag, zipped it up and grabbed a pen and some paper and left Sonny a short message.

Yea Sonny really looks like you
love me. Hope you enjoy the song.
Make sure you listen to the lyrics.


Just before you walked out the door you turned the volume up as high as it would go and walked out to Behind Crimson Eye's, Empty Promises filling the once was silence.
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Hope you like...Thanks...