My Smile's An Open Wound Without You

My Smile's An Open Wound Without You

[c]Maddies’ Point Of View.[/c]

I woke up to a scent that definitely was not mine. It was then that I realised my face was buried in someone’s chest and that I had arms tight around me. I pulled back slightly and saw who I was in bed with. Yesterdays events replayed in my mind and a huge grin came to my face as I remembered what happened. I tipped my head back slightly and kissed his nose.
He was adorable when he slept.
I unlatched one of my arms from around his waist and ran it down his chest. Then I placed it on his cheek. I was sure I saw him smile. I replaced my arm back around him. I squeezed him slightly.
I lay there in silence for a while listening to our hearts beat in time. It dawned on me then what might happen when he woke up. I was unsure of the time but knew sunrise was inescapable.
Would he be happy? Would he be disappointed? Would he want me gone? Would he want me to stay again? Would he kick me out? Would I be disappointed? Would he just leave me?
These questions invaded my mind for some time before I finally pushed them to the back of my mind hopefully forever.
I felt him stir in my grasp and decided it was time to go back to sleep. I kissed his chest then placed my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.

[c]Patrick’s Point Of View.[/c]

I woke up and glanced at the alarm clock on my bedside table. The glowing red digits hurt my eyes in the dark room. I could just make out 1 am through blurry vision.
I felt a weight on my arms and hair against my chest. I glanced down to see Maddie with her arms clutched around me, almost as tight as my arms around her. She had a vague smile playing on her lips and her breathing was even. Her body was close and warm against mine. The sheet around her was tangled. The way she looked gave me butterflies.
I hoped when morning came we would still be this relaxed and calm and at peace. I hope she would stay here. I hope she would stay with me. I hope I don’t disappoint her. I hope I’m not disappointing. I hope the guys like her. I hope she can come on tour with us. I hope she’s not with me for the money. I hope we can walk through the park and hold hands and kiss and just be happy and satisfied with each other. I hope this because she is the kind of girl I would get up to make pancakes for. I was going to start panicking in a minute if I didn’t stop thinking. So I shall stop thinking and just watch her sleep.

As I was lying on my left and she was lying on my left arm, I lifted my right arm and gently stroked her hair. After what I guessed was half an hour I stopped stroking her hair and just watched her sleep again until I surrendered to the pink blob that is sleep land.
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Sorry I know this one is kinda confusing but it's spposed to be just before the guys walk in, as in : they guy's point of view - their point of view. mmkay? Will get others stories back up soon. - XO