
There's No Saving Me This Time

I don’t want to go back.

No more pills left.

I want to stay here.

I was slowly being brought back to reality as the clouds began to disappear.

Please! Let me stay! I can’t go back! Please, I can’t go back!

The clouds were gone. I was lying on my bed, staring up at the ceiling.
I closed my eyes and touched the bruise on my cheek, letting a couple of tears fall.

It still hurts.
Everything still hurts.

It was clear that I fucked everything up. It was clear that as of now, I’m alone.
Well…not completely alone.

I grabbed my phone and unlocked it, pulling up Austin’s number.

I shouldn’t do this.

It’s not like I have anyone else.

It’ll be trouble.

I’m already fucked anyway.

I pressed CALL and waited for an answer.

“Hey, man. What’s up?”
I hesitated before answering.

“I…I need some more pills…”
“You’re gonna have to wait a week—”

“I can’t wait that long…”
There was a moment of silence before he spoke up again.

“I’ll send you the address of the guy who makes them. I’m warning you now: get a small bag, and get out. Be careful and don’t do anything stupid. Alright?”


He hung up, only to send a text a few minutes later.
The guy’s name and his address were there. It also advised that I went around six at night and that I should ask for some “red”.

It was 3:56 now.

I sighed and lie back onto the bed.

Only two hours…

/ / /

I stood in front of the house, – which was nicer than I expected – fear slowly pooling up in my stomach as I inched closer and closer to the door.
I knocked on it and waited for an answer.

Soon, the door opened and a tall, built guy with short, shaggy blonde hair appeared.

“May I help you?” His voice was rough and tired.

“A-Are you Ethan?”
He nodded.

“I…I’m here for some red.”
His expression lightened as he motioned for me to come inside.

I did so as he closed the door behind him, walking past me.

“Wait here.”
I nodded as he disappeared down nearby stairs.

I’ll be okay.
I just have to get a small bag, pay for it, and get out.

I’ll be okay.

Two minutes passed and he came back up with a box in his hand.
He placed it on a table near a couch and opened it, revealing a large number of bags containing the red pills.

“What size?”

He pulled it out and turned to me.

“First time?”
I shook my head.

“My friend gave me some, and I ran out. So I came for more.”
“That friend wouldn’t happen to be Austin, would it?”

I tensed up.


He placed the bag down and walked over to me.

“He still hasn’t paid me back for giving one of his friends this stuff.”
He placed a hand on my shoulder, gripping it tight.

“And I assume that you only brought money for one bag. Is that correct?”
I stood there, paralyzed in fear, unable to answer.

“Of course…”
He moved his hand from my shoulder and placed it on the small of my back.

“You can always pay me in another way.”

I shook my head and tried to move away, but he already had a grip on my hips.
We were now chest to chest and I couldn’t get away.

“No…! Please…!”
His lips made their way to my neck, kissing and biting roughly without remorse.

I struggled as much as I could before I kicked him in the shin, causing him to let go of me.
I dashed towards the door, but it was useless as he grabbed me by the arm and threw me to the ground.

A punch to the face. A kick to the stomach.

He sighed as he picked me up from the ground and threw me over his shoulder, carrying me upstairs.

“I was going to be nice and gentle with you, but guess what? You fucked up.”

We entered what I assumed was his bedroom and he threw me onto the bed.
He quickly rummaged through a nearby drawer and pulled out a pair of handcuffs, walking back over to me and handcuffing one of my wrists to the bed post.

His hands made their way to the belt on my jeans.

“No! Please, no!”
He struck me across the face again before he went back to undo the belt and the button of my jeans.

I’m not in control.

I panicked and struggled against the handcuffs and his touch, only to be hit again.

I’m not in control.

He yanked my jeans off and proceeded to take off his, revealing the large hard-on showing through his boxers.
He forced my legs apart positioned himself between them.


I shut my eyes and prepared for the worst.

But when I opened them, I was floating in the night sky.

The sun had set and I was surrounded by the stars in comfortable silence.

I didn’t question it. I was just glad to be back.

However, the silent atmosphere was broken by a voice screaming and crying in the distance.
I ignored it, and soon it became more and more muffled with time.

I didn’t take into account that the voice was my own.
♠ ♠ ♠
Annnnnd cue the rage/feelz comments. :x (Sorrynotsorry, lovelies.)
heroes., GreenZombieIce <3
'Til the next chapter!
Title credit: "Captain Tyin' Knots VS Mr. Walkway (No Way!)" -- Sleeping With Sirens